As my 1070 post before, get on it quick while the Americans are sleeping! They're still $1100+ locally.
Edit: Aaaand it's gone.
Looks like it's fluctuating between in stock/sold out.
As my 1070 post before, get on it quick while the Americans are sleeping! They're still $1100+ locally.
Edit: Aaaand it's gone.
Looks like it's fluctuating between in stock/sold out.
pretty sure the bad ones were recalled and its now fixed…. read it somewhere!
It's the Xtreme gaming one with the weird fan setup.
great spot. I bet theres only half a dozen in stock :(
Overkill for me, but damn that's a good price - when people are still pulling over $600 for 2nd hand 980Ti.
Because people are stupid. So many people on gumtree wanting more for a 2nd hand TI than brand new.
Indeed. It is some deal
For people who want less the gtx 1060 looks pretty nifty. And that's going to come out at $US 250…
DX12 and Vulkan show up to a 30% performance improvement on RX480 VS +1% to negative -1% performance hit on GTX 1060, 1070, 1080 and a negative -%20 performance hit on GTX 970, 980 and 980Ti
Seeing as all NEW games will be using DX12/Vulkan with backwards comparability to DX11. AMD maybe the more future proof purchase until Nvidia bring out a NEW full DX12/vulkan featured card ( Pascal is just a maxwel shrink to 16nm with a software async compute load handling program)
I would put my purchasing any of these new cards in this order from first to last.
I watched a video on YT. It showed 6-9% for nvidia and 25-30% for amd cards on vulkan.
@jiberz: i watched a video from adoreTV on YT.. shows 48% on RX 480..
lots of reviews showing big gains for AMD and small gains for Nvidia.. its clear what cards more powerful for future games..
Cheers ! Just ordered as Overclockers UK screwed up my Palit order and "apparently" DHL "lost" my package.
Here's hoping they refund without a fuss.
And if that one shows up, you can always run them in sli setup. more is better.
I had exactly the same thing with them this week, somethings fishy about that.
Interesting. They sent me a DHL tracking number that never did. Had to chase them up and only then I was told DHL lost the package and it wasn't their fault. Someone must be running a Bitcoin server farm at DHL. Or overclockers never had sufficient stock in the first place
Hmm, they never said it was DHL's fault but my number didn't work either, I'm thinking you're right in saying that Overclockers probably not having enough stock.
Well the plot thickens.
They happily refunded my money. MINUS the shipping fees.
And that was 30+ pounds ! Not happy Jan, just sent them an email to get shipping refund as well.
You better check if you got the full refund as well
@Pesty: My refund was 30 dollars down, I thought it might be due to the exchange rate but if it's because of the shipping i'll send them a message too.
It will be more than $30. My shipping was $37 pounds. They refunded everything yesterday
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience .. I ordered a Palit 1070 from them a few weeks back and it arrived within 3 business days…
Great price.
Makes me regret buying GTX1070 for $800.
Did you buy the "Founders" edition?
I'm "Founders" edition!!! the best card in the world - funny lol
makes me regret buying a Nvidia FX 5900 256mb for $799
Makes me wonder why I sold my dank Diamond's Viper V330 and got on this treadmill.
I'm hanging onto my S3 Virge until prices drop
My Tseng Labs ET4000 that i bought for $500 is still going strong!!
Don't know what this upgrade fuss is all about..
The MSRP of the 1070 and 1080 (non FE editions) are significantly cheaper than the deals of the last few weeks where the most upvoted comments are people saying "don't think and just buy".
It's $379USD for the 1070 and $599USD for the 1080.
Everyone needs to calm down and wait a few weeks for the sellers to stop gouging customers based on poor supply from Nvidia. In addition the 1070 has only a 3% performance delta over the 980ti when both are overclocked, and again the most upvoted comments in the 1070 threads are about how much that cards blows the 1070 out of the water.
Once you have no rash, good price will come. Think before you buy, it is really NEEDED now?
I have been doing that and got many good deals including my $330 Moto X Style mobile phone, $48 128GB U3 Toshiba MicroSD and some games :)
If you are hoping $599 for this kinda cards, you might just wait till next generation comes out. The $379/$599 are the cheapest built cards with poor cooling system, definitely not this! btw how long since last time you saw big brand AIB cards selling at MSRP?
Yeah that's very true. Although it doesn't cost that much more for better cooling/power delivery solutions, much less than the difference between this card and the rrp.
The last time I saw a big brand AIB cards selling at MSRP was a bit over 18 months ago when I got my Gainward Phantom 970 for $440 from MSY :)
1450mhz on the core since the day I got it, still happy enough with it for 1440p60 and HTC Vive gaming and will most likely skip the 10xx generation unless a VR game comes out that could force me to upgrade (which I highly doubt given the popularity of the 9xx cards).
If you are hoping $599 for this kinda cards, you might just wait till next generation comes out.
Just wait until demand drops and prices drop like every other generation before it. At the moment they can't make them fast enough to keep up with demand.
flagship doesn't drop price nowadays, till it stops being flagship.
I figure you must have already bought one to be so … sure you paid good money for something that isn't.
The MSRP is fantasy - pure fiction. And if there are any cards sold at that price, they will be bare-boned with rubbish stock clocks, terrible base coolers, and most likely loud.
Not to say that prices won't come down for those that wait - but it won't happen any time soon, and it won't happen for the high-end cards that people are excited about.
We will see which one of us will be correct in a few weeks time. The general vibe and agreement from major tech sources is strongly on the side that these cards are inflated heavily now, and that once Nvidia starts giving more boards/chips to 3rd parties that the prices will come down, soon.
I was one of the suckers who did buy - got the Asus OC 1070.
Happy to wait and see what happens. I actually don't mind if the end result is that I paid a premium for impatience (just finished a build and waiting for the GTX to get delivered), but I can't see a high end card (OC edition, or the FTW/SC edition for EVG) coming down anywhere close to MSRP.
Maybe the MSI one that has the blower style cooling.
I don't even see the price coming down for at least 6 months unless the RX 490 is super competitive in features and price.
If you think you are a sucker for buying a 1070, what does that make me for dropping $1500 on an HTC Vive?
If we are willing to pay a premium to have something sooner rather than later that's fine, neither of us are suckers. If you're a gamer and were without a decent gaming card, then ~4 weeks of gaming would be worth $30 per week easily, which is about the price drop I think would be reasonable to see on these cards in 2-4 weeks time.
I see these coming down because Nvidia will supply those components at that cost to all the 3rd parties. Either the 3rd parties are in a massive price fixing cartel, or they will try and undercut each other with price and features to attract customers to their card rather than another brand. We're just at a stage now where Nvidia isn't providing enough of the components to the 3rd parties, but that's changing now and will reflect soon in pricing of the cards.
@c0balt: What you are saying is very reasonable. But I think the demand is just too high, and unless AMD release a product that is competitive I can see the demand staying at these inflated levels for several months.
I have been watching GTX 1070 cards since I pre-ordered in mid June and there is not been any downward pressure on prices in the weeks between. Not saying it won't happen but I just thing we disagree on timeframes.
Also even if prices do come down I can't imagine it to be anywhere close to MSRP for the higher end custom boards.
was hoping to get one… too bad I just lost $1200
So won't settle for a 1080 unless it's $900 or under now.
another $160 to go……
but, the trickle down started a few days ago…its gonna burst soon enough.
Retailers will have to suck it up that noone is going to buy their stockpiles of 9— cards (or Titans…you poor ****) that they knew would drop in VALUE when the 10— series (and the Radeon 480's from the other end) were being released.
Aaaand it's gone.
Aaaand it's gone.
Well, I think for us it'd be better to buy EVGA, else you'll have to send it back to the US for Warranty after Amazon's Return Period is over (according to last year when I bought a GPU from Amazon, also Gigabyte), and even then the return shipping is quite costly and they would only refund up to 15USD shipping fee and no more. With EVGA's global warranty, the further you'll have to send is… I think Taiwan from last I know, and it would at least take least time. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
I had to send some faulty headphones back to Amazon a few years ago and they refunded the ~$60 it cost me to ship them back
MSI Founders, +$50 USD ($716.43 USD shipped)…
MSI Armor, +$20 USD ($688.94 USD shipped)…
Aaaand it's gone.
Wow, just how much demand is there for the newest Nvidia cards? I wonder how many were purchased in just the 2 hours it took for this deal to expire?
They're still in crazy demand atm. Most sell out within 30 minutes of showing up in stock.
Still on as I just placed an order. Upgrading from GTX 970 G1 which is struggling a bit to run 4k display.
Is it these models that have been having qc issues with the fans?