This was posted 8 years 7 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Fallout 4 XB1/PS4/PC $28, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 XB1/PS4 $36 @ EB Games

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +8

    The fallout 4 nuke pack edition for PC, PS4 and XB1 is also 28 dollars but available instore only. Seems like limited stock though but some people might be lucky to find one in their area. Includes the game, bobblehead, lunch box, print and steelbook.…

    • +1

      Crikey that's nuts I paid $120 for that

      • Worth.

      • +1

        8 months ago. At launch.

        It seems a month for a game is like a year for a car.. even then, I doubt you could get an eight year old $120k car for $28k..

        • +7

          I regret nothing :)

    • +1

      Thanks added to post :)

    • +4

      My local store had 1 xb1 nuke pack but didn't believe the price when I went back a few minutes later to show him their website on my phone the pack had 'just been sold!' I could tell he was lying probably put it aside for himself.

  • Anything else in this weeks manager specials?

  • +2

    Damn that is an excellent price for Fallout..Now no-one has an excuse not to pick it up at that price!

    • +4

      Still waiting for it to get under $20 :)

    • +3

      I do, I rented it for 3 weeks from the library, and spent hours on it, and still couldn't get into it at all. Just so dull and uninteresting.

      I love post apocalyptic settings, I love open world games with shit loads of freedom, I love customizing your guy and all that sort of stuff, I just couldn't get into Fallout though.

      Am I broken?

      • Thought Iwas the only one. I don't understand the attraction to fallout or diablo. Just slow paced grindy gameplay

        • +1

          What's so surprising if you don't enjoy the game? If everyone enjoy a game, it would be rated 100% but in reality no one game is perfect.

          I have only played Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas and I enjoyed both of them, so I can see myself enjoy this game too (unless they change the gameplay dramatically).

      • +8

        Yes. Wait, you can rent games from the library?

        • My thoughts exactly!

        • +2

          Yeah man, local library near me has shitloads of PS4 and Xbone games (PS3/360 and a few Wii U games too), they're free, and you get 3 weeks. You can renew it twice as well so you can get it for 9 weeks without ever having to walk back into the place.

          I've used it a couple of times on games I was unsure about, like Fallout and Dying Light, the latter of which turned out to be fantastic and one of the most fun platinums I've ever got.

        • @TheDukeOfNukem:

          Which library are you borrowing from?

        • +2

          @maxx: Really any of the Eastern Regional Libraries man, on their site you can pick a game (if they have it obviously) and have it sent out to your local library for pick up.

      • get mods.

      • +1

        Hmmm, try Fallout New Vegas. It has worse graphics and the FPS elements of the game is kinda iffy at best, but I personally found F:NV to be more fun for me than Fallout 4. I kinda think people's opinions on Fallout 4 were split as well, so yeah.

    • Still waiting for the Legendary Edition.

      Something like this.

  • I wish ebgames got the discounted Nintendo eshop cards on sale again. Don't have any of those systems

  • +3

    Got a Nuke Pack at my local store. I have finally completed my Fallout 4 collection!

    • +1

      Whelp, that's disappointing. I just got a cancellation email saying they couldn't find my stock…

  • -2


    • +6

      Yes, walk around the streets with my eyes fixed on my phone, and get run over and killed by a car. Way to go Pikachu :p

      • +2

        Or get your face punched in by the Hells Angels.

    • +1

      Shut up Ash. Don't tell me what to do.

      continues looking for Charmander

  • -4

    is it a bargain when there's only stock in NSW?

    • +3

      So you're saying there is stock?

    • +1

      If you bother to change the default post code (2000), you will find stock at other stores.

      • there is nothing locally for me.

  • +3

    Thanks got Nuke pack!
    You Saved $81.95!

  • +1

    The Fallout 4 season pass (PC) is also on special, for $47. Any thoughts as to whether it's worth it?

    • Was thinking about the season pass myself. I think the only real substantive, story driven DLC that's been released thus far is Far Harbor, the other three add building and customization tools for town building and weapon crafting, with mini storylines and boss battles thrown in. $47 is still a bit expensive?

    • +1

      Not worth it at that price in my opinion (unless you want to mod the game, if so then you would probably need all DLCs). All the DLCs except Far Harbor and perhaps Automatron just feels like a mod, not even a good mod. Automatron feels like a good mod at best. To quote the automated caption of the video by Bethesda, "Money has been part of who we are Bethesda going all the way back".

  • +1

    Just a heads up to anyone in SA that bought the nuka pack, apparantly many stores didnt even have stock, some people have been buying multiples to sell on and a store is claiming all of their stock was missing bits…. (sounding like the staff nicked the cool gear and just left the game).

    So many of us are being offered refunds in 3-4 days despite paying with paypal…. not cool EB

    • +3

      Just got the email. I'm in Queensland. It's a shame people buy to resell and that EB's stock management system is poor. Was really looking forward to this one.

  • -5

    How will the Duke Pack go on the resell ?

  • Wasn't going to drive to Katoomba to get the Nuke pack but very happy with the price for the standard edition - great deal!

  • +2

    I hate dealing with ebgames they make it so hard to buy something for the advertised price. The guy at my local wouldn't believe the price kept saying it was $36 finally got him to check the website and begrudgingly agreed to sell it for $28. They also had a nuke pack but wouldn't sell that for less than $55.

    • +1

      You should have just stood your ground, they can't refuse a price from their online store unless they want to be contacted by the ACCC for misleading advertising.

      • +2

        If you want to see people take screen shots of EB's page and add their own twist to it go ahead, there is always 2 sides to each story. It's primary school stuff in that group

        • You must work for EB.

        • how did you know…

        • @Tal_Shiar: The Tal_Shiar really don't like to have any fun.

        • @High Score King: you don't know my rank 😉

        • @Tal_Shiar: Head Chief Latrine Washer? Lieutenant Commander Urinal Cake Distributor? Lance Corporal Potato Peeler? Is it one of those?

        • i meant my EB rank…

        • @Tal_Shiar: Oh, well that's not important. The higher it is the more of a fool you are.

  • +1

    Shame about the nuke pack availability. I am not going to Katoomba for Fallout 4.
    Anyhow, thanks OP for this deal.
    Note: Any purchase of Fallout 4 software will be able to get free Far Harbour steelbook from today (sweet deal). Just got the standard one today.

    • I did argue it for a while but was still feeling overcome from the bo fumes from the guy that was standing in front of me😒

  • I bought Fallout last week only for $49! EB YOU BASTARD!

    • You couldn't predict the future and you lose. That's part of life.

    • They have 7 days return policy?

      • DOnt think that applies for PC game which has been played though…

        • Talk to the staff; see whether you can get the difference back in cash or credit, on ozb ~2-3weeks ago it was $29 @ BIG W instore too.

          I got my xbox one elite during the sales and ended up buying a bunch of the second hand games that went on manager's special and some were over 7 days but the staff allowed me to claim the difference which was ~$17.

  • By the way I see that they have manager's special discount on the Season Pass. Is that worth getting?

    • Man am so tempted to get that, but should really work on my PileOfShame and get it 1-2 years later for under $20…

  • Rang to shop in North Ryde (2113) and they said they don't have any in any shop now.
    I was too late :(

  • +3

    I'm still trying to work up the courage to use the lunch box to carry my lunch to work.

  • Can you install the whole game on disc or will you need to download it off Steam ? I've got pretty slow internet - which is stopping me from buying it

    • you still need to download files off steam. You need to download 19.5gb from steam as the disc install only puts in 4.5gb and the game is at 24gb

  • Thanks, purchased it yesterday. Tried to get the nuke pack but the staff member on the phone tried looking everywhere for it but reckons someone must have stolen it. Lol

  • +1

    Looks like I might be the only one interested in the Naruto part of the deal…! Thanks OP, picked up (Naruto).

    • :( I would've loved it if they had a PC version. I kinda think the game version of Night Guy genuinely looked cooler and more adequate than the anime version.

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