Todays daily deal at iHerb is the Real Techniques Cheek and Lip Limited Edition Brush Set. The total cost including delivery is AU$19.93. You will also receive $1.46 towards your next order as a loyalty bonus credit once the item is shipped.
Price comparision to Priceline is difficult as they don't stock this set, nor any of these particular individual brushes. However, it's substantially cheaper than any of their sets which start at $36 with the current 20% off offer (normally $45).
The brushes in this set consist of:
Cheek Brush
Duo Fibre Contour Brush
Lip Brush
As usual, any new customers to iHerb can also receive an additional US$5 off their first order buy using my referral link:
Looks a lot like similar unbranded brushes you can get on aliexpress cheaper