Hi guys,
what is the cheapest travel insurance for sking/snow boarding.
Visiting japan for 8 days in February next year and need to organise travel insurance.
Any help would be appreciated~
Hi guys,
what is the cheapest travel insurance for sking/snow boarding.
Visiting japan for 8 days in February next year and need to organise travel insurance.
Any help would be appreciated~
thanks $70 is cheap ! are they easy to deal with if anything were to happen?
I've used them twice including the first time I went to Japan but never had to make a claim. I book with them because they are cheap and the reviews are good http://www.productreview.com.au/p/southern-cross-travel-insu…
thanks heaps :)
@livv92: Sorry wasn't sure if you meant scti, I used NoWorries last time and didn't need to make a claim. They are less known but they also had decent reviews.
@phew: Thanks so much I think I'll stick to noworries! I'm a bit accident prone so best to get insurance just in case :)
@phew: I've had to make a claim with scti before and the process was easy and trouble free, as opposed to allianz who made us jump through hoops before they would finally pay us out (after falsely rejecting the claim twice)
Your question shouldn't be what's the cheapest insurance. It should be what's the best insurance for by travel needs. .at the cheapest rate.
If you've ever paid for surgery you'd know it's important to have good cover, especially if doing something that can really hurt you like skiing in the worst car scenario! I've had a friend crush her arm and another break a leg skiing!
I had a look around before I went this year and if you're after off-piste then I think NoWorries is the cheapest you'll find https://www.noworriesinsurance.com.au/ try code: SNOSAFE for 10% off
Otherwise if you are just staying on the runs then Southern Cross Travel Insurance is pretty cheap https://www.scti.com.au/
I'd wait for a 10% off code to pop up though before booking https://www.ozbargain.com.au/deals/scti.com.au