This was posted 8 years 7 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One Console 1TB (Standalone) with Halo Master Chief Collection and Forza 5 $349 C&C @ Big W

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Give a round of applause for the amazing Earth from Buckscoop for finding this amazing gem!…

Bundle includes:

  • Xbox One Console 1TB (Standalone)
  • XB1 Halo Master Chief Collection
  • XB1 Forza 5 (Download Code)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Good deal but keep in mind that the Master Chief Collection is worth about $11 and Forza 5 you can get for $30 (both keys for digital copies).

    • +4

      If you can find Forza 5 at EB, they go for $28 new or $23 second-hand.

      • Ah but is it really "new" or is it someone else's ex-rental? Can't tell with EB!

    • +2

      ….and I got Forza 6 (digital code) for about $40 off eBay. But yes, good price now that the $299 bundles seem to have gone, and even better if you can buy this using discounted 'wish' vouchers…..

    • +1

      Forza 5 was $10 at Target games clearance 2 months back. Master Chief was $25 at that time though. So the console alone is around $320 or so combined with 5% off wish gift card makes it about $300.

      • so is $320 for the console a good deal?

  • +1

    I saw this yesterday on Gamesmen but thought it wasn't a good deal because it is Forza 5 not 6.. Oops.

    • +2

      5 cents cheaper too. Every cent counts.

      • Those who live outside the state their store is in will have to pay for postage

      • Buy discount wish vouchers

  • +7

    Costco at Auburn had this bundle on the weekend for $329.99. (For those who are members)

  • +1

    thanks bought!

  • does standalone mean no controller is included ?

    • +3

      no, it just means the console is separate from the games

      • how can you have it not separate?

        • +1

          buy it in a bundle?

        • +3

          Many console bundles have the game included in the console box, or even pre-installed, and so the box art includes the game - these are official manufacturer console bundles. This package is the Xbox1 box + separate games, and is generally a point of sale arranged bundle rather than a manufacturer bundle.

  • Decent price although not ground breaking.

  • Following the link it says $349.00

    • +4

      My apologies, to us OzBargainers, $1 is goes a loonnnnnnnnnnnnggg way

  • -3

    FYI to people with decent PC's - Xbox is now a service not a platform. Any future games will be on Win10, making a $300+ console potentially redundant for you.

    • +6

      FYI to people who didn't hear the news, not all games are coming to PC, just the stuff they announced at E3.…

      • -1

        Wow, they changed their stance again? Did they literally not learn a single thing?

        • It's a good thing they didn't call it the Xbox 180, there'd be even more jokes than there already is for Xboner.

          That being said, I think they've done a great job turning it around from the god awful situation they were in when they announced the thing back in 2013.

    • Unless you actually want to play the games on a console. Not everyone wants to game on PC.

      • +2

        You can use the Xbox controller on the pc though…

  • Do all the Xbox discounts mean PS4 is doing much better??

    • +3

      PS4 has always been doing much better sales wise. The sales are because of the One S release next month.

      • +1

        Hopefully PS4 goes sub-$300 when the new model is pending…

  • is this becasue they new xbox is coming out?

    • most likely, otherwise it's because they're losing sales because of how well Sony is doing

  • Doing a bit of research on the whole Xbone vs PS4 issue, I find that there is no reason to buy the Xbone over PS4 except if you are a fan to the Xbone's exclusives or controllers. In almost all games, you are sure that a PS4 will deliver a same, if not better, result than Xbone and everything Xbone does, a PS4 can do, if not better. Some will argue that you wont notice the difference but why settle on a second best when the best is not out of reach.

    As in a previous comment, MS is kind of giving up on Xbone by shifting all of Xbone games to PC via their play anywhere initiative in a hope that they will increase sales of the xbone games to PC gamers to make up for the loss on Xbone sales.

    As posted in the forum, I impulsively purchased the Xbone for $299 when I already have a PS4 and a Wiiu and even though I can afford it, I found little reasons to keep it.

    • Yeah for sure. I'm a PC gamer primarily but I bought the Xbone for the exclusives. I'm pretty happy that now I can stop buying expensive console games!
      Well, Xbox games. With that said, I'm happy to keep my Xbox One around to play my old 360 games.

    • -2


    • The exclusives just aren't there, either. Forza 5, 6, Sunset Overdrive, and Halo5. That's pretty much it.

      Backwards combat is <10% of the library.

      Though the XBL Games with Gold is now arguably better on the Xbone.

    • There's more functionality in the x1,better live system, better free games every month, backwards compatible games are being added all the time, Sony constantly leaks customers account details (I've had 4 friends who's accounts have been fraudulently used as recently as last week), far better controller (not to mention the mighty elite controller) .

      True, the hardware isn't as powerful as the PS4 but as far as exclusives, xbox all the way. In addition to those already pointed out, there's state of decay, Forza horizon, crackdown, dead rising, gears of war, sea of thieves, quantum break, titanfall but to name a few.

      Ultimately, the decision is going to be based on games, the performance difference is negligible.

    • I bought a $299 XB1 2 weeks ago. I enjoy the fact that after I plugged in a 2TB USB HDD I had lying around, the storage capacity of the XB1 is now 3TB. What a great feature it is. For that reason alone, I think the XB1 is better than a PS4. But then, of course, there is the far superior XB1 controller. I tried using a PS4 controller with my PC and, yep, it doesn't work. The XB1 controller does. The performance difference between my housemate's PS4 and my XB1 isn't even noticeable. The massive storage capacity of my XB1 compared to his PS4 is VERY noticeable! I'm surprised the PS4 is beating the XB1 in sales.

        • Controller differences are purely personal. From technical standpoint the XBone fit is worse than 360 (angles are bad).
        • Using on Windows - well, MS owns Xbox and Windows, what do you expect?
        • PS4 can change the internal drive. Xbone with external PSU and external drive, vs small PS4 and everything internal. Yeah, Xbone is easier to add.
        • Performance difference not noticeable - that's problem with your eyes. There's a difference between 720/900p and 1080p, and between 30 and 60fps.

        The PS4 is beating Xbone because: exclusives list is bigger, better performance, and there's been not much flip flopping on business direction with it. Simple.

        • there's been not much flip flopping on business direction with it.

          Yeah Xbox are adding more features and simply giving more back to the gamers. But that's too confusing for people I guess.

        • @theguyrules: Backwards compat? <10% of library? Awesome feature. And it only exists because it's selling poorly in comparison. PS4 started by giving to the gamers, that's why it has such a following.

        • @StickMan: Backwards compat IS an awesome feature, sounds like jealousy to me.
          PS4 gives it back to the gamers by deciding, "hey, why don't we charge people for online!".
          you have to have your head in the sand to not realize that the Xbox team are constantly adding the most requested features to the platform.
          PS4? nada.

        • @theguyrules: Sony don't need to do anything. That's why there's no price drops. PS4 is selling like hotcakes due to the reasons I've said before.

          MS is desperately trying anything to recoup market share.

        • @StickMan: Sure, and if the way Microsoft are doing that is by making a superior platform with more features, more games and more reason to pay for the subscription service, than so be it.

        • @theguyrules: care to elaborate? what are the features games and reasons you are talking about? If they are only providing it in order to catch up with what PS4 already has in the first place, then these may not be fair to be counted as improvements.

  • +2

    untill the NBN comes along games that are 50gb downloads are painfull ;-(

    not long now right? like 12 months, end of 2017 most should have it?

    • +1

      50gb isn't that bad these days and I was impressed to discover I could have started playing rise of the tomb raider last night (only just got around to setting up the Xbox) when it had only reached a quarter of the download. So - you can get playing pretty quickly if you're in a hurry.

      • Yep, I was surprised that one of the Battlefields (4/HL???) was gonna let me start playing at something stupid like ~4-8% downloaded…pleasant surprise, but a dafuq moment nonetheless! ;)

    • Xbox Live being down all the time is also "painfull". Red Dead killed XBL over the weekend. Well done MS, can't even handle the server load for your own product.

      • Xbox Live was the reason I returned the Xbox

        I'm not very fond of paying 300 bucks, and then paying another 60 ish' a year!, to play online

        • +2

          No different on the PS4 though - you get reamed either way

        • @buckster:

          If you ask me Nintendo is the best

        • @Bearosaurus: If you're twelve, hell yeah! ;)

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