Can I book Syd>New York return flights and not use one leg?

Hi all,

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't remember the answer and can't think how to search.

I'm traveling to US later this year. I want to do Syd>LA, and return New York>Syd. I've found a good Syd>New York return fare (via LA).

Can I book these flights and just not use the outgoing LA>New York flight? Or can I just phone the airline to inform them I won't be using, for airport and immigration info?

I could just book Syd>LA return, then book a separate New York>LA flight, but I'd prefer connecting flights on the same ticket for this leg to cover any flight mishaps.

Thanks for your advice!


  • can't think how to search.

    It is quite simple:
    Step 1: Click on search bar.
    Step 2: Type what you would like to find.
    Step 3: Press the Enter key.
    Step 4: Wait for webpage to load.

  • +1

    Generally airlines will cancel your remaining sectors if you don't show up for one of them, so this is inadvisable. This question should be in a Wiki because it comes up everytime there is an airline sale!

  • Thanks for the comments. I will have checked luggage, and I was planning to amend the booking with the airline (Virgin), so I still have no idea if I can do this or not. Phone Virgin I guess.

  • +4

    Do a multi city booking: Syd-Lax, JFK- Syd. I did a sample one in Skyscanner using dates in September from Sydney and came up with $1084 aud flying with Virgin but codeshare Delta flights.

    • Yes. This is the best way IMO.

    • Thanks! Great minds think alike! I was thinking multi would be more expensive, but checked and it is not. Problem solved!

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