This was posted 8 years 8 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ferrero Rocher 16pk/200g Half Price $6.30 @ Woolworths

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Apologies if this has been posted in one of those Woolworths posts, but I couldn't find anything. Saw these @ QV Woolworths right next to the entrance. ~~Could be national? ~~ National.

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closed Comments

  • Whats the expiry date on these ones?

    • no idea, I didn't check sorry :(

  • +1

    I saw the same deal in Parramatta, so it might be national.

  • -6

    Mummy gives me treats if I'm good.…
    Ferrero Rocher. Not 'special' enough to avoid genetically modified ingredients. Yummy treat mummy!

    • +4

      OK, we get your view. Do you need to point it out on every food item.
      If you dont like it dont always do some poor sarcastic comment, just move to the next deal.

        • +1

          No it's a fringe opinion made by the almost always uneducated (and often unwashed) minority who usually also have strong opinions on chemtrails and vaccines which also run contrary to scientific consensus…and common sense.

        • @Rutger
          there are no clean vaccines and their are chemtrails, that's right. Even the traditionally ignorant entertainers like Prince could tell you that. That you would make these judgements about me just shows you that you love attacking the messenger more than attacking the message.

          You cannot dispute the message and you cannot read it. It simply conflicts with your ignorance and the comfort of your ignorance.

          You remind me of those denying smoking is dangerous and those that denied asbestos safety concerns and countless other ignorants whose world-view was challenged or who simply had too much money tied up in lies.

          Your ignorance just makes me work harder, thanks.

        • @cheepwun: That you use the correct "there" and the incorrect one in one sentence hardly says much about your intellectual rigour.

          I'm not attacking you as such I'm attacking people like you and we know what you're like because such people have been researched quite a bit. They're almost always either insane and just needing some medication or, more commonly, poorly educated and leading insignificant lives which is why they so strongly grasp at such theories.

          They do this to feel somewhat significant and thinking they have access to information others don't. They think that since leaving school they've gotten a lot smarter and are now smarter than people who did better than them at school.

          If you're not too far gone you'll read this, see how easily I summed you up, and do a 180. If you aren't then even if everything I've said is correct you'll still think it doesn't apply to you.

        • @Rutger:

          If you're not too far gone you'll read this, see how easily I summed you up, and do a 180.

          Hilarious. And you still haven't read any of the links I posted, nor debated them intelligently. Attack, attack, attack. Doing a 180? Highly unlikely. I do this to get info out (and of course to say I'm better than you; that goes without saying).

          The fact that you think that these are theories speaks a lot about your mindset. Stuck in your ways. On the attack.

          That you use the correct "there" and the incorrect one in one sentence hardly says much about your intellectual rigour.

          Quite aware of the difference. I'm sure writing THEIR instead of THERE has never happened to you, Perfecto. Remember, I am better than you, so of course it has. Again, nothing useful to say. Disappointing.


        • @cheepwun: Actually I did read the first but not from that website. I went to others, that have a degree of credibility and don't just try to present it from one side, and the consensus was quite clear. Given you couldn't do that I dismissed the rest as almost certainly utter rubbish. Give it a go if you're brave enough to challenge yourself.

          If your information had any credibility it could get published and accepted. That's how science works. It's as democratic as the modern world gets. There's no great conspiracy keeping anti-GMO researchers down rather they're dismissed because they're full of shite.

          And no, not in the one sentence…

        • @Rutger:

          That's how science works. It's as democratic as the modern world gets.

          Science. Democracy.

          There's no great conspiracy keeping anti-GMO researchers down rather they're dismissed because they're full of shite.

          Lovely. We'll leave it on that high note. As all 3-year-olds know, science cannot be influenced by the biggest money on the planet. Never happened in human history before. Democracy. Science. It's all about the science. No underhand dealings with science. No sir. No shills and no profiteers. No sir. Science. That's all we need.

          The anti-gmo brigade are all anti-science hippies. Fringe elements of society. Lower than low. In other news, science says smoking is good for your health.

          PS. you didn't read anything.

  • +2
  • Why wouldn't you combine your posts?

    • was thinking of doing that, but I figured this had a chance of being national and the other was specific to the store, so figured it would be best to separate posts

      • good idea.

  • +1

    I paid $4.00 at Macquarie Centre. The expiry date is Oct 2016.

  • $4 for a packet of 16 gold balls, as found by snowymathhew at Macquarie Ctr is 25 cents per gold ball. A good deal. $6.30 is nearly 40 cents per gold ball. No, doesn't meet the "3 gold balls per dollar" threshold of being a good deal on gold balls, IMHO.

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