Went past Cash Converters today and noticed they were selling Braun electric toothbrushes and thought "ew, who would buy one of those secondhand?" I realise it was probably a gut reaction as this is just the base not the brushes themselves, but it got me wondering what I would definitely not buy secondhand. In my case it is underwear, intimate appliances, food stuffs, bedding, toys for my cats, medicines, etc; basically anything that has a possibility of contamination that would have very close contact with me or my kitties. What are other people's "no go" areas and why?
What Wouldn't You Buy Secondhand?

They're sold secondhand? How do you know this?
Your mum tried…
Nah, I won't go there :P
Nah, I won't go there :P
That's what she said.
TP, eneloops, shoes
Tampons/Pads =D
Make up, nail polish, chewing gum, socks, underwear, toothbrush, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, razors. Any personal care items/toiletries at all really.
It what World would you be able to buy second hand chewing gum?
Passin' up on those moccasins someone else's been walkin' in. Bummy and grungy….
How about bulk second hand needles?
Hard drives or power supplies.
Sex toys?
You needed a question mark on that?
Yep. This is ozbargain after all ;)
I reckon there is a market that would pay extra for secondhand
Probably the same crowd who offers to pay extra for used underwear. Lookup burusera shops.
.. and no, I'm not one of them. I'm just married to someone who used to be a paraphiliac therapist.
Found a bandaid on the ground the other day. Cut myself just to use it …
may not be true
Found a pair of crutches, broke the wife's leg.
Underwear. Yuk!
Oh and a mattress. Bad enough staying on beds in hotels.
I bought a second hand Kapok mattress once. My dad was appalled but my mum loved it because she could turn it into a whole bunch of pillows. The cover was clean and we washed the kapok filling before reusing it. However, I do tend to agree with you.
Underwear and worn out shoes
Split system air conditioners
I'm more worried about the items being possessed by some sort of spirit.
Mobile phones, tablets and ultrabooks with non-removable batteries.
1 Electric blankets, toss 'em in the bin after cutting the cord off, use the cord on something else if you can do it.
2 Crash helmets - has it been used in an accident? (or dropped)
3 Car tyres - been in an accident?
4 Seat belts - as in #2 & #3
And along that thread I wouldn't buy a used 'commonwhore' or actually a new one for that matter…rented one once and it was a shit of a car…probably prefer a Hyundai. Sorry all you GMH workers but obviously the Liberal govt thought the same about your crap cars, and decided not to continue subsidizing them.
Very shouty
Antiques. Only brand new ones for me…
I never buy old whiskey. Its always 10+ years old so it must have been used. I demand that it is freshly made.
Dental floss and razor blades, friends of mine said that when their stepdad got to bossie they would use his face razor on their armpits.
Well this post has been severely disappointing.
So you know how tampons comes in pack of 10 or 12, what if the pack had only one tampon used from the pack and the rest looks normal? As the tampon is covers with plastic and you pull it off when you use it.
Would you still buy it to save a few dollar?
I would.
I mean, I don't use tampons, but I wouldn't be able to pass up the bargain.
But never buy second hand sanitary napkin/pads as stuff can get in them easily
Haunted house anyone?
Couple of years ago, a mate bought a nice 3-bedroom house, in a highly-sought after bayside suburb of melbourne, for 32k under the bank's appraisal. How did he get that lucky? Rumour had it at the time that the previous owner had been murdered by his young,beautiful wife and her lover, and that his soul would not find peace until both his wife and said lover were dead.
Until then, it was said, he would haunt the corridor of his house. Some people claimed they heard screams in the middle of the night; others that windows were violently flung open even when there was no one home. The only verifiable event was that the lover was involved in a motorbike accident shortly after moving in with the bereaved wife. He escaped with a broken arm , bruised ribs and cuts.
I was told that there was a big turnout on auction day but no bids. My friend made a low-ball offer afterwards, thinking they will counter-offer but instead, much to his delight, they accepted it.
Fast-forward a couple of years, he meets and fall in love with a much younger woman while on holiday in Thailand.They get married and she moves in with him. They both came to Wiki and the kids' farewell party. He was on crutches. I overhead him jokingly(?) telling someone that he tripped and fell down the same staircase as the previous owner, except that he survived to tell the tale.
ever thought about going on a year long vacation and writing a book of short stories?
I was made the offer but I was too stupid to take it :(
I've bought or been given a bunch of things that appear on this list.
A secondhand mattress is good value from a friend or family if it is in good condition. The one I am thinking about came out of a guest room and was barely used.
I've also had secondhand boots without any drama. A friend had worn them once or twice and decided he didn't like the fit.
And I've bought numerous devices with integral batteries. Most of the time it is quite possible to replace the battery, and itf the saving is worth it, I wouldn't hesitate.second hand homes.