This was posted 8 years 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

White Noise - App of The Day @ Google Play $0.20


Recommended as a miracle for better sleep! Find out why the world is sleeping better with White Noise. Features ambient sounds of the environment to help you relax during the day and sleep great at night.

Do you have trouble going to sleep? Are you traveling on a plane and need a quick power nap? Does your newborn baby wake up in the middle of the night? There are numerous benefits to using White Noise:

• Helps you sleep by blocking distractions
• Relaxes and reduces stress
• Pacifies fussy and crying babies
• Increases focus while enhancing privacy
• Soothes headaches and migraines
• Masks tinnitus (ringing of the ears)

Even when you’re asleep, your brain is constantly scanning and listening for sounds. If it’s too quiet, unwanted noises such as faucet drips or police sirens can interrupt your sleep. White Noise generates sounds over a wide range of frequencies, masking those noise interruptions, so you can not only fall asleep, but stay asleep.


40 sounds are included as part of the application (no downloading required unless you want more) including all the color noises (brown, white, pink, etc), mechanical sounds like a bedroom fan or air conditioner, light to heavy rains, rushing water sounds, beach and ocean waves, and so much more. For the entire list of sounds please visit our website. No streaming is required for playback.

• 40+ perfectly looped sounds with additional free sounds from the White Noise Market at
• Record and loop new sounds with total ease
• Background audio support so you can use other apps while listening
• Create new soundscapes by mixing multiple noises together with support for adjusting volume, balance, and pitch of each individual sound in the mix.
• Full screen digital clock with multiple colors and brightness controls makes it the perfect companion for any nightstand
• Advanced alarm and timer system that slowly fades audio in and out so you awake naturally feeling more refreshed
• On-screen media player and volume controls with swipe gesture support for navigating sound collection
• Star favorite sounds and mixes in the sound catalog for quick access using the Favorite view
• Designed to work on all Android-based phones and tablets
• Advanced Settings let you prevent interruptions such as notifications, tweak buffer size for optimal playback, adjust sound volume, balance, pitch, custom alarm snooze times, and more. All the pro tools and settings you need for better sleep.
• No Advertising


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closed Comments

  • +12


    Cheaper to tune in between stations on your AM radio…

    • +5

      JV with the old freebie-roo.

    • +2

      What's an AM radio… ?

      • +1

        What's radio?

      • +1

        Any radio playing between midnight and midday

    • There's a free version of this app I'm pretty sure

      • There is a free version and I've have that for several months but this version has a lot more sounds to chose from. I'm kinda partial to 'Cats purring'.

  • +1

    TaoMix is free and it's got a pretty good array of noises for you to play with…

    • True. Great UI too but not sure if TaoMix has the timer setting and i dont think it can play in backgroung either.

    • I use baby sleep sounds. Its great

  • +2

    Use a desk fan. Works mint.

    • My clients with tinnitus swear by desk/pedestal fans.

      • As someone with tinnitus I've never tried that, thanks!

        • No worries, glad to help…in the summer they happily direct them at themselves, but as Sleeken says below, they direct them away during the cooler months for the same audiological effect without the cooling.

  • +1

    the world is sleeping better with White Noise

    I think jv slept through that claim

    jv: I didn't know the world was asleep
    jv: any proof

  • White noise may not be all it's cracked up to be, particularly with babies. Sure, it can put them to sleep but read up on Michael Merzenich and the possible link between white noise and reduced intelligence and possibly autism. It's mentioned in the book "The Brain That Changes Itself" by Norman Doidge.

    A quick Google search found this extract / summary:…

    Just sayin'! :)

    • +10

      Yeah OK, radio static noise leads to lower intelligence and autism, that seems legit.

      BTW, in case you hadn't noticed, people turn into morons when they become new parents.

      • +5

        That explains my sister, cheers for that! :)

      • Sometimes you just need peace and quiet, babies need more rest, something something science, people wholly believe more far-fetched things (religion, politician's promises)
        You just never know ya know
        Also I heard reading tophorus' comments causes lupus though so watch out

      • +1

        Actually there's quite a bit of evidence that autistic behaviours are driven by an over-stimulated brain, including sensory over-stimulation. It's not as much of a leap as you suggest to say there could be a link between constant white noise and autism.

    • +4

      white noise and reduced intelligence and possibly autism

      everyone knows thats from vaccines and listening to Jenny McCarthy

    • +4

      and quick google searches for 'studies' should be linking to google scholar results, of which, I cant see any…

      Mums from Ryde isnt generally known as a peer reviewed scientific source

      • +1

        If anybody took my comment seriously enough to look further then it's not too hard to find the original study mentioned in the link I posted. The original study is pretty much impenetrable to plebs like me, though, so I'm not sure how useful people on OzBargain would find direct scholarly links…

        But hey, if you want to know more about Michael Merzenich's published papers, you can find a whole bunch here.

        The specific study I mentioned can be found here. It's a long and involved paper and mostly over my head but from what I read it was basically saying that in rats they found that prolonged exposure to white noise of different types disrupted the rats' auditory processing and made them less capable of differentiating subtly different sounds.

        Babies have a "critical window" for learning many skills such as language, and if they are unable to learn during that window for some reason it can cause developmental problems. I know first hand because my son has had hearing problems due to illness and it has definitely caused issues with his language and learning abilities.

        I personally have no issue with white noise apps, but I just thought people might be interested in hearing some info about some possible side effects, significant or not. Take it or leave it, it's no skin off my back.

        • +3


          • This is one study

          • They studied rats, not humans

          • They played lots of different sounds, not just white noise ("pulses of broad-spectrum noise", "brief tone pips")

          • They did it for four weeks, every minute the rats were awake

          • The noises they played were loud. Not loud enough to damage hearing, but loud enough to mask other sounds

          • It wasn't just noise. They did other things to the rats' brains

          • The noise did not make the rats less intelligent. It only delayed their development to normal intelligence. There was no lasting damage

          • The effects were reversed using the same noise in a different way. So the noise could actually cause improvements

          • etc…

          So yes, if you play loud white noise and pip tones to your baby for four week straight while messing with their brain, I'm not surprised you're going to screw them up in some way. I'm also going to question your parenting abilities.

          The link is extremely tenuous and anything more is just hype. We've got more than enough things to be concerned about on this planet. Let's not add dubious things unnecessarily

    • A lot of autistics have what is known as "Sensory Processing Disorder". It really exists. They are overly sensitive to one or more sensory modalities, and as a result experience the ordinary world as an extremely hostile environment.

      It doesn't help that the statists force us to inject our children with aluminium and mercury, both extremely toxic to mammalian physiology. If you don't believe me, look up aluminium toxicity and mercury toxicity. Fluoride is another nasty substance the government foists upon us. I briefly worked as an industrial chemist and used hydrofluoric acid. You needed to wear full body protection because HF is absorbed through the skin. If as little as 4% of your body comes in contact with the stuff, you die. The fluoride replaces Calcium in our bones, and the Calcium displaced into the bloodstream triggers a heart attack. Only reverse osmosis water purifiers can remove both aluminium and fluoride from town water.

      • What does hydrofluoric acid have to do with fluoride?

        • +3

          shhh…don't ask science questions with the 'industrial chemist'

        • @SBOB: Whomever thinks that the Government spends millions of $ to add fluoride in the water system for our healthy and strong teeth should visit their nearest childcare centre and play tea-party with the toddlers.

          I had a water filtration expert come out to my apartment to install a filter and he advised that Fluoride in our water systems is at the least used to maintain the 1000s of kms of pipework which is extremely ageing.


          This article suggests that there's no evidence that drinking water from asbestos laden pipes causes cancer. Great way to discourage public panic and chaos.
          They forgot that when people find an A4 sheet of asbestos while renovating, the council requests immediate evactuation of the reisdents until experts remove it. lol

        • @frostman:

          I had a water filtration expert come out to my apartment to install a filter and he advised that Fluoride in our water systems is at the least used to maintain the 1000s of kms of pipework which is extremely ageing.

          considering I work in the water and wastewater industry, I'll let you know the guy SELLING YOU a water filtration system was doing just that.
          Fluoride, at the heavily regulated low levels it is dosed into the filtered water outlet, of a treatment plant does NOTHING to either improve or impact the condition of the pipework

          But whatever, enjoy your new fancy water filter

        • @SBOB: OK sweet, so what you're saying is that the Government has this "White Teeth/Strong Teeth" initiative to ensure the entire public get the best teeth. It would be cheaper to subsidize toothpaste than to treat water with Fluoride. There are other reasons why our water is fluoridated.

        • @frostman:

          OK sweet, so what you're saying is the Government has a hidden conspiracy agenda to dose fluoride into our water systems to slowly poison us and prevent pipework maintenance

          It' cant be to assist pipes, because if anything, fluoride would contribute to corrosion of pipework. Concentrated fluoride is corrosive.
          Its basic chemistry

          If it was assisting, those forward thinking in Buffalo america wouldnt have removed it

          but like I said, enjoy your new fancy water filter

        • @SBOB: From your very website, I brought up a list of Countries that fluoridate their water supplies and it's a meager handful to say the least.

          What IS common however between all countries that refuse to fluoridate such as Asia, Middle East, Israel, 90% of Europe, Africa is that they all stated that the fluoride system was either dangerous to health or not helpful in fighting cavities (the apparent purpose?).

          Now, using Occams Razor; which do you think is true:

          A.) Country A spends $1,000s of dollars per year to fluoridate their water system for the sole good-will of making its citizens smile with glowing white teeth whilst pressing issues such as pollution, climate change, environmental hazards are left last on the political agenda?

          B.) Country A spends $1,000s of dollars per year to fluoridate their water system for a materialistic/strategic gain?

          BTW I am enjoying my fancy filter, thank you.

        • @frostman:

          What IS common however between all countries that refuse to fluoridate such as Asia, Middle East, Israel, 90% of Europe, Africa is that they all stated that the fluoride system was either dangerous to health or not helpful in fighting cavities (the apparent purpose?).


          many of those countries which do not add additional fluoride to their drinking water supply
          - already have higher levels of naturally occurring fluoride in their water
          - have alternate fluoride dosed products within their country such as milk and salts
          - have incredibly de-centralised water distribution systems for it to be practical

          but hey,
          THEY ALL stated its dangerous or not helpful is pretty much the same 'factual' argument.

          but don't let science or facts get in the way of some good old fashioned anti-fluoride debate though

        • @SBOB:

          • already have higher levels of naturally occurring fluoride in their water
          • have alternate fluoride dosed products within their country such as milk and salts
          • have incredibly de-centralised water distribution systems for it to be practical

          You must be on some heavy doses of fluoride, do you live close to Warragamba?

          So Canada and Israel recently banned the fluoridation of water, did their natural water supply suddenly spike up with naturally occurring fluorides by magic and they're like: "hey presto! it's high now folks, lets save some cash & withdraw our treatment process?"

          Dont understand point 2, but Australia is home of Milk and Salts

          Point 3 is up for debate via evidence.

      • Aluminium? You mean like the stuff in antiperspirants that hundreds of millions of people rub directly into their arm pits every day? So where are the billions of poisoned people? Why aren't our hospitals over run with armpit cancer patients?

        Or is it that the most toxic thing you need to cut from your life is all the anti-vaxer rhetoric you've been swallowing?

        PS. "The dose makes the poison"

        • There's a difference between rubbing a stick on your hairy pits (dermal penetration) and intravenous injection of much smaller molecules in suspension. The latter easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.

          Mercury is hugely toxic. It has been the cause of death and disease to many thousands of people. The preservative Thiomersal has been "mostly" removed from vaccines. Sure, like I could really taste it in the first place!
          There is no defence for Mercury and its well documented toxicity.

          There is also a world of difference between swallowing fluoridated water and topical use of toothpaste.
          Check your fluoride toothpaste tube — it instructs you to thoroughly rinse and spit, not swallow.

          PS: That's for a reason.

        • +1

          Why aren't our hospitals over run with armpit cancer patients?

          So you're one of these clowns that only believe things are true when you see people drop dead as an immediate effect of drinking tap water or using a deodorant. You may as well tell me there's no links between smoking a-pack-a-day and cancer because uncle joe is still alive at 75?

          Various environment factors and genetic build-up make those stupid lab-tests flawed.

          Back to basics, I mean stone-age basics:
          We humans were never provided with chemically-treated water. Water was (and has been) always available in free form from springs, and rivers.
          No amount of synthetic chemicals can make natural water "better", or healthier.

          Yes I understand with the urban life we don't have access to springs and fountains, but stop peddling the stupid 'Fluoride is safe' joke.

        • +1


          I was obviously being facetious with that statement to make a point. ({sigh} some people just need you to spell it out for them.)

          And man, you've mastered the strawman. Where do I start? I never said fluoride is safe. What I clearly said was it's the dose that matters. So let's take fluoride as an example. Did you guys know that fluoride is an essential mineral? Meaning that if we don't get any or enough, nasty things start happening to us. And yes, of course at the other extreme if we get far too much, nasty things also happen. Even pure water can be toxic because it will kill you if you drink to excess.

          So it's meaningless ideology to just say stuff like "fluoride/mercury/aluminum/<insert-substance-of-the-day> is toxic." You need to state the dose, and then you actually have to provide solid evidence of your claim - you know, like multiple independent, peer-reviewed, published epidemiological studies. The kind of studies that scientists who think you're scaremongering actually cite to show otherwise.


          Yep, for years anti-vaxers claimed that thimerosal in vaccines caused autism. It got banned… and autism rates just kept on increasing. Rather than think, "hey maybe we got this all wrong", they simply moved the goal posts on to their next favourite "toxic" substance.

        • @surethang:

          I was obviously being facetious with that statement to make a point.

          It's generally hard to tell if you're being serious or facetious in text format champ, so no it wasn't obvious

          What I clearly said was it's the dose that matters.

          Oh you mean the "PS" at the end of your comment? You must have taken a high dose of Fluoride yourself, do you also live anywhere close to Warragamba in NSW? Are you being facetious here or shall I answer you seriously? So your saying low doses of any chemical is fine as long as scientists say it doesn't kill you at the lowest doses for e.g polonium. What a a joke.
          Let's all laden our water supplies and foods with all sorts of beneficial and synthetic chemicals in low doses and forget anything called organic because HEY! low doses guys! it won't kill you yet, until the folks in the white suits find out. Though could be a little bit late like Asbestos but she'll be right!

          Even pure water can be toxic because it will kill you if you drink to excess.

          OMG, i don't have time for stupidity of this calibre, you've stated 2 points which are mutually exclusive. Pure water is not toxic in it's natural form, it's toxic to the body because of the way the body tries to rid it out of our system in large quantities.

        • @surethang:

          Nobody is claiming a three day mutation. Dose x time = accumulation.

          From this:
          "The type and degree of symptoms exhibited depend upon the individual toxin, the dose, and the method and duration of exposure."

          This contradiction makes for interesting reading. From Toxicity & Safety:
          Mercury can be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes and mercury vapors can be inhaled, so containers of mercury are securely sealed to avoid spills and evaporation.

          From Medicine:
          Mercury compounds are found in some over-the-counter drugs, including topical antiseptics, stimulant laxatives, diaper-rash ointment, eye drops, and nasal sprays. The FDA has "inadequate data to establish general recognition of the safety and effectiveness" of the mercury ingredients in these products.[51] Mercury is still used in some diuretics although substitutes now exist for most therapeutic uses.

          ^ eyes, nose and mouth contain mucous membranes!

          And here's some recent news about our FDA friends:

          Ahh the oddly influential FDA, aka money-for-rubber-stamp brigade. Big tobacco and big pharma's best friend.

          GMO - tick
          Aspartame - tick
          Mercury - ? - wtf tick
          Fluoride - tick
          e-cigs - NO! Protect BT interests and tax $. Let 'em smoke proper cigarettes and die!

          Pretty clear they're out to kill us — slowly. You don't need to be a lobbyist to see the deeply entrenched conflicts of interest, cherry-picked research & testing to achieve one thing: approval for the big end of town.

          I will admit: if I were a lobbyist, I wouldn't be posting this — too busy partying.

        • I'll ignore all the ad hominems. Your need to continually use them says far more about you.

          And again guys, so many strawmen, false comparisons, appeals to nature, flawed assumptions, and other fallacy blunders that only weaken your case.

          Nothing either of you wrote compellingly proves your claims. And for the most part all you've done is repeat them and pile a bunch of new unsupported claims on top. Appeals to emotion and fear, and trite conspiracy theories make for great stories, but they simply aren't actual proof.

          Show me the overwhelming evidence of your claims, as I mentioned, and I'll turn on a dime to support you. Until then, it's all just speculation and agenda.

          Now if you are genuinely concerned about people slowly poisoning themselves, there are far bigger things you'd be better off focusing on. Modern western diets have massively increased the amount of antinutrients we consume in our diets. Most of us eat big daily doses of phytic acid, lectins, oxalates, saponins, solanine, tannins, protease inhibitors, etc. Even the proportionally high amount of omega 6 in our now ubiquitous vegetable oils is inflammatory to the body. These have all been conclusively shown to trigger or exacerbate many common autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis, rashes, cirrhosis, ulcers, scleroderma, lupus, IBS, MS, Coeliac, Crohn's, Hashimoto's, diabetes, etc. Cutting back on these antinutrients will have far great health improvements than switching to clean water.

          And these substances are all present in natural, organic foods. So there's no big bad organisation to vent your anti-establishment gripes at. The irony is that while you're raging at the government and big-Pharma about poisoning you, you're doing orders of magnitude worse to yourself and probably don't even know it.

          Pure water is not toxic in it's natural form

          This is yet another meaningless statement. You've misunderstood what toxicity is.

          "Toxicity is the degree to which a substance can damage an organism." So if a substance has an effect that causes "damage" that substance is said to be toxic. The actual damaging process doesn't need to be direct or even be defined. Mercury, for example, doesn't directly harm the body - it just shuts off some enzymes. Water at least swells cells causing physical damage.

        • What do you gain by supporting a morally and ethically corrupt system? A system that has become less competent as it begs and grovels for anywhere near adequate funding?

          Face it mate: science has failed humanity. Commercial interests are dictating the science
          The tail is wagging the dog.

          When you exert influence on testing and research from external sources for funding, you have a corrupted system. As such, it has lost all credibility.

          Mourn it all you like, but those decisions were made for short-term gains. The legacy is a system that can't perform (or be trusted to perform) its most fundamental tasks. Therefore, careful consideration must be given by consumers, independent labs and public health advocates regarding efficacy and safety of our chemical soups.

          Most of society doesn't want to be guinea-pig-beta-testers, but this is the situation we find ourselves in.

  • -4

    What does this do? Does it replay the noise white people make? What about Asian, African, American Indian. What noise do they make?

    • Durr…

    • +1

      They use the white noise to drown their farts!

  • +1

    Very good application, full version lets you run in the background while another app runs (in my case a very dim desktop clock with amoled protection (moves around screen)

    I need thi app to sleep with moron elephant living above me.

    • +1

      I'd have trouble sleeping at the zoo as well.

  • +1

    I haven't tried this before but currently use a fan faced to the wall (free!) to drown out mild tinnitus - my own damn fault for standing right next to a speaker taller than me at a concert. My friend escape ringing free though.

    • +1

      Tinnitus is a bugger all right so anything to reduce the noise is welcome.

      • +1

        Damn you tinnitus! You're a cruel mistress.

  • Have a ceiling fan. Works a treat

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