Housing Cleaning for $5/ Hr

Hi there,

If a homeless person turns up on your door offering to clean your house for $5 per hour, would you take him up on his offer? Would it matter if it was a woman instead of a man?


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  • 92
    There's no way I would allow a hobo into my house! It wouldn't matter if it was a man or a woman.
  • 3
    Yes but only if its a woman.
  • 2
    Yes. I'll be an Equal Opportunity hobo employer. Too good a bargain to pass. Worth the risks.
  • 9


  • +5

    I would prefer clean it by myself to avoid any hassle.

  • +6

    I might hand over a fiver to help him but there's no way I would let him inside the house,especially not if the kids are home.

  • +5

    $5 an hour to roam your house pretending to clean, but intentions are to look for small items of value to steal & get out

  • +12

    I would consider giving someone money to clean the front garden but I wouldn't let them into the house.

    • +4


      I wouldn't mind getting him to clean my front garden too.

  • +8
    1. Pay $5 an hour and risk losing stuff
    2. Pay a once-off $20 — no risk at all, you just lose $20.

    I'd pick option 2, offer him a $20 dollar note and send him on his way.

    Why would I invite a random stranger into my home and bear the risks of burglary? Besides, he might not even have cleaning experience, nor does he own any equipment, and he has no insurance — if he gets hurt the risks are all on the houseowner.

    • +2

      If you give them money they will only be back next week for more.

  • -2

    Homeless people are usually pretty dirty, so hard to imagine "cleaning" would be their forte. Definitely would let them mow the lawn at that price though.

    • +5

      Incorrect. Most homeless people are not people you can identify as homeless if you pass them in the street.

  • +4

    JJB, did someone like this turn up at your doorstep? You'd normally get references or a recommendation for house cleaner so why would you let a random person clean your house? Besides whether they are trustworthy would they do a decent job that wouldn't cost more to fix up? And $5/hr is exploitation wages. In your place I'd donate some money or if this seems too demeaning, ask them to do one short outside job for form.

    • +2

      Someone made this comment on a different thread :

      lolbbq on 06/07/2016 - 13:41
      In the worst case scenario? I have full use of my 2 hands and 2 legs. I would go door to door offering cleaning services for $5 an hour. This is Australia. Not everybody will say no to that.

      I was wondering how many people would actually give him a job and whether that would be enough for him to make ends meet.

      It's not looking good for him at all.

      • +2

        As I wrote below, it helps to ask face to face rather than beg on a busy city street. However the cost and time for going from door to door in the suburbs may be too high.

      • +1

        I stand corrected then.

        I will go around and ask nicely for a chance to help around the place for anything above $5 an hour. Looks feasible and i'll walk away with some money to put a shelter over my head. Do I pass your muster now?

        One can also try asking for a job at any restaurant. I'm sure any one of them will pay more than $5 per hour.
        The key is tempering expectations.

        Well, unless you're saying its better to give up and just go be homeless then?

        • +1

          Neg voter care to say why what I'm saying is wrong?

  • +6

    No, but I'd give them the keys to my Porsche SUV and ask them to wash it.

  • +2

    Nice post in response to my comment

    What if you couldn't tell the person was a hobo?

    Would $10 sound less dodgy?

    I already see a few comments where people give $5 just to move on (even $20 wow) or $5 for yard work.
    Some think $5 is demeaning and one could get that wage for a "short outside job".
    Looks like it is easier to earn money than I thought.

    There, feasibility. Just needs effort. No excuse.

    Still, drug taking seems way easier.

    • +3

      The psychology of it is if you are a mendicant on a busy city street, you're easy to ignore, related to the bystander effect. But if you make an effort and front up, chances improve.

  • Bikies?

  • +2

    I am house proud and like things done my own way. I don't even allow relatives to clean my house for free.

    • +2

      You are allowed to clean my house for free anytime.

  • You sound like a:

    Relatively Priveleged, Filthy Capitalist


  • +1

    I'd be more interested in garden work than indoor work where they could possibly swipe stuff or get into mischief. But I'd probably feel infinitely guilty and serve them lunch and dinner, feel guilty some more, and offer them the spare bed. So on second thoughts…..no, it wouldn't work out well, actually.

  • At $5 hour I would let them know they have 1/2 an hour to clean my house

    • +1

      So $2.50 to clean your whole house? You drive a mean bargain;)

      • +1

        Better to contract them out doing hard labour whilst making profit

  • +2

    I live in a tent so I think $5 to clean it is a bit on the high side.

  • +1

    If he was certified sure

    • +3

      Lol. Let's not forget police-checked.

  • +1

    Sort of similar situation - a friend of mine has a retired couple who cleans their house for $10 an hour. The couple don't need the money but enjoy doing the cleaning and like to stay active, etc.

    • She probably likes stickybeaking inside other peoples' houses, go through their stuff, try on their clothes, do unmentionables with their toothbrush.

  • +4

    i wouln't pay only $5 an hour because that is exploiting a vulnerable person and is not going to help them out of homelessness. i wouldn't show the prejudgment many people are showing here though. i would probably give them a job. if someone is offering to do jobs like that they might find themselves accommodation like that too.

    i know working families that are homeless and living in the car with their children because they can't get a rental.



    You should be using: lack of references, no police checks, no formal training etc etc

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