There is only a $4 difference between the two and im not sure which one to get. Which phone is better value overall considering you get the watch? Can someone with a nexus give their opinion on its performance.
Huawei P9 or Nexus 6P

The difference is $4 per month or $96 for 24 months. My opinion wise Nexus 6P will run better than P9 due to less bloatware. My wife has Nexus 5 and even after 2.5 years, it is as smooth as new.
My preference is Nexus 6P due to guaranteed updates for 2 years. Not sure about Huawei in future.
P9 has free watch if you really need it as a bonus.Oneplus 3
Nexus 6p will most likely end up getting Android 7 (Nougat) and that will be it's last major update. Good phone but is now nearly 1 year old. I'de go for the P9 only if it was the P9 Plus version. The P9 will be getting a new major update & GUI towards the end of this year (if through Optus maybe never).
I dont think that would be a problem since you can download the latest os for previous models from Huaweis site
6P, go the vanilla Android.
I have a hand full of Huawei phones I use when travelling (dual sim) and I miss my 6P every single time.
6p.Huawei would forget of P9 ,updates talking,very soon,as usual.
P9 has no NFC (only model:EVA-L09 has it) but deals included a smart watch worth around $400
6P has best update but has no SD card slot
and $4 over 24 months = $96 is it worth the difference?
Comparison:…I was at the Huawei popup store at Chatswood Westfield today.
The P9 is impressively light compared to the 6P.
The salesman asserted the P9 did have NFC, but maybe thats only the display model's demo firmware showing it.
Just my opinion, I have an original Motorola Nexus 6, was also thinking about pros and cons of these two, personally I would go for the P9, purely based on the reviews I've read so far on the camera, also curious what other people think, has anyone had experience with the P9?