Nitecore D2 Intellicharge Universal Battery Charger For RCR123A 26650 18650 AA/AAA
Great battery charger at good price
Nitecore D2 Intellicharge Universal Battery Charger For RCR123A 26650 18650 AA/AAA
Great battery charger at good price
Please make the title shorter so we can see the price in the title.
Alot cheaper here - $9.21 AUD
Note: Only 9 left.
EDIT: I've purchased the Nitecore D4 from here. Poor communication, but I received it in the end.
I would question whether it's just the sticker that's genuine for that price… considering the cheapest AliExpress listing is US$16 delivered. Not to mention only 6 feedback scores for your seller, 1 of which is a negative with 'didnt receive order'
That's why I didn't post the deal on Oz. The seller has really poor communication. But I did receive the product and checked the validation code on the Nitecore site and it appears to be genuine. I guess purchase at your own risk.
EDIT: It appears they don't stock the Nitecore D4 anymore.
I got it after less than 3 weeks, seems genuine when check the code, works great.
I bought last year and paid $35 thats why I thought it is a bargain sorry if not but its looks legit at good price to me. I have nothing to do with this seller.
Stupid question but what is the difference between i2 and d2?
Should be the screen. D2 has a screen that shows you the amount and duration of your charge.
the new i2 (version 2) also has a screen
And can do lifepo4 batteries now too.
I have the UM20 - bought it from fasttech. Only does li-ion batteries but works really well and is nice and small for travel. It uses usb charging so a fair bit more versatile i think.
I have a D4 and the La Crosse (BC-700) and they are both really good chargers and I use the D4 for the 3.7v li-ion batteries but the Lacrosse has more options and is the better charger in my opinion. But if you don't have a smart charger then either one is good.
Yes, hard to fault the D4 for the price.
actually not sure I think it's AUD, i bought the 4 battery charger for $30.63 the other day
Its AUD 25.41
+1 for fasttech. I ordered some batteries, received them within a week.
I should have ordered my charger from there too, I ended up ordering from gearbest and haven't even got a dispatch email yet! :(
has euro plug, so another $5 for an AU plug ….. wish more sellers had AU plugs.
i have quite the selection of eneloops (two kids with heaps of toys) and a crappy energizer charger. is it worth me getting one of these intelligent chargers?
if so - is this one a good one to get or is there something ozbargainers would recommend instead?
Definitely worth getting one. I have this one, but there may be better newer ones. As well as charging they can revive batteries that don't hold much charge.…
I think you might find it cheaper here:…
I bough this charger and feature wise it is great, but I had two of the slots die and stop charging. When I opened it up, two of the mosfets had actually gotten so hot they had burnt the board. For this reason, I can't recommend this model, but you might have better luck than I did.
IKEA battery charger is the cheapest smart charger that is not just a glorified timer that I know
Nitecore have had problems with other groups making counterfeits of the Nitecore chargers. Here's where to check if yours is genuine:…
There are many reports of Nitecore chargers melting on the internet, presumably they are the fake ones.
Nitecore, La Crosse or MAHA? I'm not sure which one is better.
Any suggestion guys?
I believe Maha is the best for NiMh batteries.
But La Crosse and Maha won't charge lithium batteries.
I bought Maha after hearing of all the problems with the La Crosse chargers. As luck would have it, I had two out of four slots fail on my Maha… now I use Nitecore charger, and they are great.
Feature wise they are all supposed to be excellent, but the maha/powerex have things like drain-the-battery modes. Also check out Opus and Xtar who also make excellent chargers.
Price in title.