When You Start Give Electronic Devices to You Kids?

Just wondering when you guys start giving electronic devices(Tablets, Phone or TV) to your kids trying to watch on their own and you as parent can do you own stuff( washing, cleaning , cooking,emailing etc)

People just saying that giving TV to kids at early stage is bad but sometime it is so hard to be with them 24/7 and get the rest of the things done around the house.

Please share you opinion.

Poll Options

  • 2
    0-3 months
  • 1
    4-6 months
  • 3
    7-12 months
  • 11
    12 months+
  • 8
    No electronic device at all


  • +1
  • +1

    Beware of subliminal messages in shows like Teletubbies… I heard Dipsy is tipsy, Laa-Laa is high, Po is a ho and Tinky Winky is a male reproductive organ. Their behaviour is kind of consistent with those things too, plus they promote eating Tubby (fattening) Custard.

    • Noo-Noo sucks all day, allegedly.

  • +1

    When they are born. Technology skills important in life for job in the future. Earlier the better. Once a week instead of talking to them in person try Skype and let them see you on the screen.

  • +1

    read an article yesterday saying over 2yrs is best because brain needs 3D interaction for best growth/development. so physical toys are better.
    screens of any description are only 2D.

    pretty sure we had our kids in front of TV before two though…….

    • So how long a day for they watching 30 mins? 1 hur? or as long as they want?

      • +1

        tv would have been on most of day, but they didn't sit glued to it.

  • +2

    I try an limit all my kids time on screens, and the eldest is 15 and basically this: http://www.theonion.com/video/brain-dead-teen-only-capable-o…

    But my 10yro is spending his holidays building a game in Unity 3D, so my desire to keep them off the screens is losing, but he is at least doing something more constructive than looking at Dat Boi memes.
    But yesterday they did spend a bunch of time running around outdoors chasing Pokemon. So it is a draw at the moment.

    My best advice is to develop interests beside electronic screens so they have valid things to do when you say 'enough'.

  • My youngest sister (16) was recently given a new(hand-down) iphone and she is spending so much time on her phone talking to friends, messaging, snapchatting already. I don't like how we are losing our precious bonding time.

    In the future I will limit my kids time on electronic devices.

  • +1

    Just hand them one when they pop out at the hospital.

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