Hi OzB Community,
Who here is playing Pokemon GO?
What have you caught so far?
Hi OzB Community,
Who here is playing Pokemon GO?
What have you caught so far?
I heard this game was loaded with Pay2Win IAP? That's a deal breaker for me.
its definitely not a Pay2Win game. It is however a move to win game without question.
Basically by moving you can get essentially unlimited items and find Pokemon pretty frequently. If you just stay on your couch, items will be near on impossible to get unless you pay, and Pokemon will appear a lot less frequently.
Yup no pay to win… You can pay but you wont get anything out of it if you don't go around and walk around.
It's an exercise / community based game, never had so much incentive before this to leave the house every day. Actually enjoy my walks to and from the station for work now and I actually take some time during my lunch break to walk around the nearby parks.
It's made by the same devs who made Ingress., which is a location-aware game that requires you to physically visit certan hotspots to claim and capture resource points.
Yes, they have a 160$ in app purchase. It's ridiculous. I'd've preferred to just pay 10$ a year for the game, but I guess that way it won't make as much money or get as many people playing.
Do i have to leave my house to play this game? I can't seem to move my character.
Sam here..
Not sure if you are joking…
Sorry, I'm just use to sitting on my ass playing Pokemon for the past 15 years.
Best so far is a CP325 Sandslash, otherwise Zubats everywhere =___="
I keep hearing about this game but have no idea about it. Can I collect a donkeytron and battle your shoe?
Wait until the next generation for Shoemon; of the currently announced pokeymans are a Battery-garbagetruck and a grandapa dragon.
My kids went absolutely nuts over this today. One kid caught 27 pokemons.
On the bright side, they were running around the neighbourhood for an hour or two, but it was bloody cold out there!
If this ends up getting kids back playing out on the street I will be delighted!
This game is amazing, it actually had me having fun during my daily jogs. I'm also considering buying the go plus thing that is a side dish to the app (not sure when it is released but I know it will be at EB games for sure).
My daily run has become less effective but more fun.
Playing at the moment and having troubles at the current gym.
Don't know how to battle
Tap the crap out of the screen - this is basic attack. Hold down (once blue meter is powered up) - this is special attack. Swipe left and right to dodge attacks. It is real time, not turn based :)
Thanks. became a leader at two gyms today. Might have spread myself too thin.
Nah, you can collect more coins this way, it's a good thing - and your pokemon AI against gym challengers anyway.
Notable catches (I think? I have no idea re: rarity in this game): Dratini, Squirtle - and there's a Bulbasaur that lurks/spawns in a carpark near my house. Also, someone let off a lure at a Pokestop close to me last night - pink petals were falling (kinda like the grass/leaves but way more obvious).
Just a horsea and bulbasaur
If you live outside a town then you may have a lot of trouble getting any Pokemon, I was in the beta and unless they have drastically changed things, anyone in rural areas will have nothing to catch.
Really hoping they change this, but despite informing them this during the beta I don't think it will, they seem to be using the same data that Ingress uses, which also tends to only have things in urban areas.
I spent a lot of time trying to get my pokeballs in various holes like the toilet until I realised they're limited.
No problem!
Just go to a poke-stop, spin the disk and watch balls come out!
I have too many that my ball-bag is full now!
my ball-bag is full
What to do when bag is full?
well curve balls take a lot of training to throw so you miss a lot.
the more you miss the more balls you use.
the more balls you use the less full your bag is.
I ran out of pokeballs yesterday, that I started using my greatballs.
I have too many other items :(
great balls become more common as you level so no need to worry.
if you have too many other items go battle or train a whiles.
revive and heal your pokemon etc.
Any recommendation on cheap data plans?
Looking to add 500MB of data for $5 or so.
There is aldi, but that is $15 for 1.5GB… Too much for Pokemon Go. I would also have to buy a simple PAYG plan with it too.
Anyway, I joined the Yellow Team because I caught a Pikachu. I haven't seen anyone place their Pikachu in a Yellow Gym yet. I don't want to put mine at risk as it is only 56 CP.
(Will also accept throwaway starter packs as an alternative if they are around $5.) I can't find many though at the moment.
" I don't want to put mine at risk as it is only 56 CP. "
Pokemon can't die… Nothing to lose!
Yeah, I did it yesterday and died instantly. lol. I still have lots of revives and potions and the pack is full. I guess there is nothing to lose.
I'm on vodafone pre-paid pay as you go plus. 365 expiry for credit with 20c texts, 20c/min calls and 2c/mb data. And there are data add-ons, $5 for 500mb 30 day expiry.
Good for me because I don't use my phone a whole lot.
Yeah I saw that. I ported over today.
I bought the $25 starter pack and got 16 GB to use in 2 months.
Can you use the existing credit to buy the data?
Nah you can't, just credit card or paypal.
No risk, if your Pikachu gets defeated it comes back to you
God I spent basically this entire weekend catching pokemon.
Chinatown Melbourne CBD was crazy.
I also found an aerodactyl on Bourke Street.
What have you caught so far?
I was at Gizmodo today and this is what the police caught.
Take care folks.
Are there any good places to get discounts for having a certain Pokemon?
I'm seeing some people in rural areas with no pokestops nearby do some enterprising stuff.
They are basically streaming on twitch and using incense to make it more interesting.
However, seems quite silly to me if you are just going to use your money to pump into the wallets of Nintendo.
Not sure whether anyone is still playing this game, but Niantic has just flipped the switch and released pokemons from Johto region (gen 2). Server lagggggs, just like last July.
squirtle, oddish, still only lv 2.