This was posted 8 years 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Pack of Act of Kindness Cards (Delivered) @ Wakeup Project


Here's a feel-good deal. We can all do with a little more of this in our lives :)

"We’ll post you a beautiful pack of Kindness Cards at no cost. We just ask that you pay-it-forward with anonymous acts of kindness. To date, 350,000+ have been sent. Thanks for making the world a little kinder." How it works…

Order your cards by clicking here…

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closed Comments

  • -8

    A lot of trees got chopped down to make 350,000+ cards, and you feel good about this ? Why can't you send a ecard ?

    • +5

      Trees can be planted… renewable resource.

    • +12

      Do you know how much coal is burnt to send an ecard? Do you feel good about that? Why can't you send a prayer?

      • +26

        username checks out

      • +5

        Do you know how much blood is shed, lives wasted, to create/sustain a religion?

        These 'points' can go on forever.

        Realllly counter-productive.

        • Point was to take the lesser evil, use a renewable resource and spread positivity.


        • @Kill Joy: Oh, the irony…

    • +2

      Stop using toilet paper

      • I have.

        • +1

          Stop using flushable wipes.

        • Half the world has, we just cling to our dirty habits here in the west

    • Missing the point, it seems.

      "you're worth it, but not that much"

  • what exactly is a kindness card?

    • +1

      A card with a suggestion to someone to pay it forward when something kind has been done for them - to be kind to another person.

      • +13

        kind of like how serial killers leave mementos near their victims, but in reverse? like zorro's signature Z?

  • +1

    No way man, how is this a bargain? You need to do something nice like pay FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S petrol, coffee etc. and leave this card

    • +1

      like the barrista or petrol station attendant doesnt just pocket the cash

  • +50

    Really good idea, pity there's too many people that are self centered assholes.

    Today I paid for for 3 peoples parking so they wouldn't get a fine (parking inspector was up the road)

    last guy saw me as i was putting money in his meter only to abuse me for being "a goodie two shoes" and to get a life

    • +31

      What a loser

      • +17

        thanks, I always keep my change in the car encase this happens.

        Been stung a few times from meeting clients and going over time… hopefully one day someone can do that for me!

        • +7

          It'll happen, even if just once. Keep your chin up! He's probably 'in a bad place', so you weren't to know.

          Some places have a real comradery, with leavers even waiting for a newcomer to pass-on a parking receipt (still got time left on it) etc.

          I get a real kick out of helping others, strangers-even. Funnily-enough, i might get more out of that than the person I'm helping. Win-Win.

    • +15

      What? would he rather have received a fine?!

    • +21

      Today I paid for 3 peoples parking so they wouldn't get a fine… last guy [abused] me for being "a goodie two shoes" and to get a life

      On behalf of the 2 people who weren't a complete a$$hole, THANKYOU!! 👍

    • +2

      A genuine meter maid

    • +2

      Good on you Sir.

  • -7

    Tell us how you intend to use the cards?

    I'm going to use them as kindling in my fireplace.

    • +1

      I'll write daily behaviour lessons on their back, and send them to you.

      Day 1 - don't be condescending

  • What a lot of people need on this site is "GET OUT OF JAIL" cards

  • How many cards in the pack?

  • how many cards?

  • Thank u for sharing this

  • +3

    I think this would be a great pick up ploy.

    • Especially if you're handing out chocolates :)

    • Read this and ordered

  • You don't need cards to do something nice.

    • +1

      True. However a formalised platform, one which encourages & fosters the spirit of kindness/sharing will increase the chances of this momentum sustaining in society.

  • I'm still waiting for the pack I ordered 3 years ago. :/

  • Charity only ever benefits the giver!
    Last time i tried to do something "nice" for people it went all pear shaped. Apparently you are not supposed to park filler-tube opposite to the petrol bowser, even if not doing so will leave people cued into the street. The next time I was in a position to do something nice i didnt. Not only did cars que into the street but pedestrians too. I didn't feel good doing it but alas, there was no drama and everyone went on with thier day.

    • +2

      Charity only ever benefits the giver!

      Apparently you are not supposed to park filler-tube opposite to the petrol bowser, even if not doing so will leave people cued into the street

      Your sentence makes very little sense, but I think I can work out what happened.

      No wonder people were unhappy… you should have parked somewhere else. It's inconsiderate to park at the petrol browser, as that inconveniences the people who wish to refuel, plus it blocks the "flow" of traffic through the area.

      Not sure why you think that was being "nice", or what relevance it has to "charity" LOL

      • -3

        nope, you still didn't get it right, but i don't think you wanted to! - define a word, commonly used, for vehicles parked at a petrol bowser to be filled with fuel.

        llana, are you usually so shallow? Do you usually criticise something you can't understand? Do you normally "not think" before you post something?

        pffttt, free pack of kindness card, spare me. A free pack of advertising I say!

        • -1

          llana, are you usually so shallow? Do you usually criticise something you can't understand? Do you normally "not think" before you post something?

          Never, Never and Never :-)

        • @llama: did too! did too! did too! pants on fire!…lol…

          just like esklikker and utopia who confuse re-enforcing offending behavior with charity!

          Charity only makes people feel good because of the curry-effect, ie, the flow of endorphins after we have done something that we knew was going to put us into some sort of disclosure…

          These blokes, running this card scam, don't let me even start on them!

  • +3

    Where can I get some Broden cards? I want to leave one next time I clean a shelf out on a bargain.

  • +7

    I used one of mine a few weeks back - It was a Friday & went to my local coffee shop. I asked the owners (who I know well) to pick someone who they felt needed a little pick me up.
    I prepaid the next drink & also gave them a slab of Pana chocolate to go accompany it (Best chocolate!).

    I was told her reaction was utter shock & joy & had made her week, whereby she said she would now sign up too…
    The owners (cute couple) were intrigued by the concept & chipped in to pay for the coffee…

    It's all about the ripples…

  • Brilliant.

    Ordered mine. Can't wait to get started.

  • +1

    Mindful leadership & living


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