Telstra Cancelled My NBN & Cable Connection Phone Lines and Charged Me an Early Termination Fee without Warning or My Consent

Telstra disconnected my NBN & cable connection & phone lines & emails without my consent, so i called them an asked them what was going on, i was notified that my whole account has been deleted, and no excuse on who did it, the excuse is that it was a "SYSTEM GLITCH"
So i said okay well fix it up, they responded with you will have to order a new connection, i explained in frustration that its not my fault that it was deleted, and im pretty sure it was not a system glitch that this happened, and they stick by " SYSTEM GLITCH" they have then told me 24/48 hours before they can connect me, which was okay, not i have been told they cant reconnect me and i have to wait a week for the next appointment.

I feel very frustrated as its not my fault its down & they are not owning upto it, or doing anything to assist me? and then to charge me a cancellation fee which iv had waived now.

The problem is they don't care if you leave, there just cal centre people, and nobody gives a crap, its pass the buck at telstra.

Just seeing if anyone else has been in the same boat?

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  • Get them to fix it ASAP. Or you go to TIO.

  • Try to contact the "disconnection" team. I know it sounds ironical - you don't want disconnection, it happened because of Telstra. But at least they are based in Australia (as far as I know), and supposedly more responsive than the first-level customer support. Perhaps they will be more understanding. Apparently, they have more discretion, if nothing else, to compensate you for your inconvenience.

  • -3

    Sounds to me that they did own up to it: they said it was a system glitch. You would have automatically been charged a disconnection fee when this wrong cancellation happened, and they have refunded it like they should have. It sucks there is a delay in reconnecting but sh** does happen, and I think you are taking this a bit out of proportion.

    • You really are delusional. People use the phone for health monitoring purposes and to disconnect is a serious thing. Telcos generally do not accept disconnection without signed authority.

      If I was the OP I would get it all connected back on, get some concessions out of them, they should be offering you compensation. Use it and then switch.

  • My Telstra experience has been non other but rubbish aswell. They just Cancelled my phone line like three times. What I have noticed is, they have a call centre in Manila, Australia (Adelaide) and Live chat after 11pm is from the US.

    They have conflicting data in their databases from the different countries, it's just all up retarded. I have no clue how our largest telecommunications provider is like this. If I had a choice I would never want to deal with them again.

    Think it just sounds like you want compensation. What you can do is probably get the months extra bill waived but you'll need better excuses if you want more. I spoke a long time and was able to get $180 credit and a few hundred other credit for some other stuff too. Hopeless to deal with.

  • They have been sending me letters after letters asking me to connect to NBN or Internet and Phone services will be disconnected soon, and I will still be charged until I cancel the services. These letters, when read carefully, are for ADSL internet services and copper line phone , but I am on cable internet. Absolute Joke. They can't even filter who should or shouldn't be sent those letters.

  • give telstra one and only one chance then go straight to the telecommunications ombudsman

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