Hi All. My macbook air battery has degraded over the years, but I'm not keen on shelling out the the exhorbitant amount apple wants for a new battery.
Has anyone has any experience with third party batteries? There are a heap on eBay, but obviously don't want a dodgy one that will be at half charge at end of the year.
This is the most legit looking one I have seen http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Replacement-Battery-for-Apple-A13…
Thanks in advance for the help.
I got a Floureon battery for my 11 inch MacBook Air off Ebay recently. Can't say how it'll be after a year but so far it's going great. Considering my original lasted 3 years and that an apple replacement would be 3 times the price then if i get more than a year out of it I'll be happy enough. Changeover was simple enough, (Floureon includes tools with the battery) so didn't have the bother of taking it in and waiting for it at an apple store.