• expired

[NSW/VIC/WA/QLD] Free Krispy Kreme for Customers Who Show Passports or VISA Stamps from Italy, Argentina, Mexico or England


We will be giving away free doughnuts from the new range to customers who have previously visited, or hold passports from, Italy, Argentina, Mexico or England. To relive their travel memories through taste, customers can go into a Krispy Kreme store until Friday 15/07/2016, show their passport or stamp to receive an Around the World doughnut. Full Terms and Conditions here.

The new donut flavours include a tiramisu one with coffee-flavoured truffle icing, a Dulche de Leche one, a Caliente Chilli Choc featuring smooth chocolate and a kick of chilli choc crème (yum!), and a quintessential British English Raspberry Scone one.

The offer is available at any of Krispy Kreme's 18 stores in NSW, VIC, WA and QLD (not in any SA stores, 7-Elevens, BPs or Jesters).

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closed Comments

  • +1

    How will the staff identify passport stamps is the real question.
    Does a stamp of the UK count as England? How will they identify an Italian EU stamp, most EU stamps look the same.

    • +3

      Does a stamp of the UK count as England?

      UK stamps will have the name of the airport you arrived at (eg. Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, etc) so any airport in England will presumably suffice. Stamps from non-English UK airports (e.g. Edinburgh, Belfast) would be another matter.

      How will they identify an Italian EU stamp

      EU stamps have a country indicator in the top left (e.g. Italy will have an "I") as well as the name of the airport/train station which you arrive at.

      • +5

        I know this, you know this. Will the staff be trained on this?

        • +3

          probably not so if you show any stamp and then say "nah its in XX country" they probably won't care enough to fight you.

        • +8

          The potential loss due to scammers (with EU passport stamps that falsely claim them to be IT or EN) is very likely less than the cost of training staff in the intricacies of passport stamps…

        • @abb:
          yes but this means the deal is essentially open to everyone.

        • +1

          @dasher86: Not everyone is gonna bother… you and me both know that. Whether you and me want to try (with or without a stamp though) is up to us, but can you seriously imagine telling someone who doesn't have a stamp from those countries trying to get a free Krispy Kreme?

      • +1

        Sucks if you got a European passport and been to Italy and the UK many times but never got a stamp %)

    • +3

      How will you trade info? They are not recording your passport or visa stamps.

      • +19

        Ummm, with their retina implanted cameras to photograph your passport and then steal the information from the hidden chip using the card reader inserted in their hand.

        Then using facial recognition software they'll search their central memory core to find the last time you went there and will then take your CC details and add it to the extensive database file they are creating on you.

        Then, when you hand over your passport they will extract any of your dead skin or bodily fluid from the outside of the passport (when excited by the thought of free donuts we will sweat more , especially in our palms). The sample will be taken and our DNA sequence will be worked out.

        Next, they'll copy your fingerprints from the passport as well.

        With all that information they will create an exact clone of you and then theyll have that clone rack up 1000's of $$$$ in donut purchases.


        • Luckily I have an old passport without RFID.

        • +1

          10/10 would read again

        • Do Krispy Kremes come wrapped in aluminium foil?

  • +18

    We want to give our customers a new type of food and travel experience, so they can taste the world in their day-to-day lives, without having to leave Australia

    By limiting the promo to people who have travelled to these countries how are they giving a new experience? Also I'm not going to take my passport out just for a free doughnut…

    • +5

      Also I'm not going to take my passport out just for a free doughnut…

      I am :)

  • +9


    • +19

      Definitely. Contact the Donut Ombudsman to complain.

      • -5

        ACCCC! I shall

    • +1

      Travellerist, to be specific

      • And only with proof, so stampist.

  • +1

    nek minnit identity fraud

    • -1

      Why, they aren't taking a copy of the passport.

  • +2

    I'm just going to wait for the Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Macau and Thailand flavoured ones come out. I have stamps for those.

    But basically it's a stupid marketing stunt. So I need to have spent a few thousand dollars going overseas to a designated country and some gawd awful yeast ring dispensary is going to give me a consolation prize bastardisation of some countries national desert and in turn pushing obesity levels even higher…

    • +6

      Oh yeah, durian flavoured krispy kremes will be awesome!

      • +1

        ill buy that for a dollar!

    • +1

      Why would the thought of spending a few thousand dollars to get a stamp cross my mind? Not very Ozbargain of you.. your net profit would be like -$2000 (maybe -$1000 if you get lucky during a sale). And no point deducting the cost of the donut, because by the time you return, the deal would've expired already.

  • Oh I thought free sweets to make British happy after their euro lost soccer game to Iceland.

    Go Leicester!

  • So in Sydney, it's only available at the airport and Parramatta since the one in Central Station is temporarily closed?

    • and Auburn.

      Shame, I actually have 3 out of 4 stamps but I'm not going to travel for this.

  • +2

    Not sure a pod of sugar and fat is worth risking my passport being taken out of the house and potentially lost.

  • +3

    This deal is full of holes.

    • +21

      "Oh how dare Krispy Kreme not give me something for free"

    • +7

      Do you feel you're entitled to a free donut? Wow.

    • +11

      lol what a ridiculous rant

      It's almost as if Krispy Kreme is your husband and you're so hangry that hubby krispy didn't think of you, but is now busy sleeping with all these hot latinas

    • +7

      if you want it SO MUCH it says you can BUY it in the article. Jesus no one owes you shit

    • +3

      The entitlement is strong in this one

    • +3

      Just draw one in with a pen mate!

  • I'm pretty sure a VISA stamp is different to an ARRIVAL stamp… Italy and England do not require visas for tourist visits (on Australian passports), only for longer stays or business. Not so sure about Mexico and Argentina. And if they do need visas, often electronic and no longer stamped…

    • It says 'VISA' stamp in this deal but the terms and conditions and KK website only states 'stamps'. Not 'visa stamp'.

  • +2

    I don't think I even got stamped when travelling within the EU..

    • You wouldn't get stamped within Schengen no. Though an EU stamp + explanation will surely suffice? It's just a free donut, I'm sure the staff aren't that concerned!


  • -1

    kinda racist.

    • +5

      Yes….because each Airport is a race of people.

  • -1

    Never been so happy to be a UK passport holder, this is the happiest day of my life!

    • +2

      Where does it say that you get free doughnuts?

      • Pretty sure they aren't going go say 'no sorry only for Aussies with UK stamps' are they. UK passport would be fine.

        • +1

          Its for ppl with uk passport stamp… so unless your uk passport has a passport stamp from uk you not getting dougnut

        • @suicine94:
          Nope, you're wrong, I still get to be fat for free :-)

          We will be giving away free doughnuts from the new range to customers who have previously visited, or hold passports from, Italy, Argentina, Mexico or England

      • Good point - I can't actually see any mention of the free doughnut anywhere on KK's site, email or FB. Only the Nova post which I don't believe.

  • -4

    "mum, how do they make Krispy Kreme donuts?"
    "they only use the finest gmo ingredients, hun."

  • -1

    Oh no, not GMO.

  • Flavours sound wicked

  • +1

    The KK site says valid until July 15th, not 8th.

  • -2
  • "But dat's wasist"

  • +1

    I've been to all those countries - but over two passports - wonder if they accept expired passports?

    • +5

      The government confiscated my damaged one despite me requesting it's return as a souvenir (incompetent staff). Now I'll sue them for loss of donut privileges.

  • +1

    Just grabbed my free donut from KK in Swanston St, Melbourne. The staff didn't even know how to put it through the system, but they're aware of the promo and just bagged the donut and handed it to me.
    They didn't take a close look at the stamp in my passport either - I think if you had anything from Europe you could probably say it's from so and so airport in Italy.
    For the record, I had the English donut (went through Heathrow airport a few years back). Delicious.

  • Visa stamps? most have chips now.

  • +4

    Just booked a trip to Italy to get my free donut. Thanks OP.

  • goddamn..haven't seen so much entitled whinging since the officeworks $10 coupon farce.

    • does that still work, it was technically valid all year?

  • +2

    Can I just go in and show a photo of me in front of Big Ben? I didn't bring my passport to work today and I feel like a free donut!

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