Did I Hit a Cat with My Car?

Trigger warning- dead animal

Update: we have found Mimi's owner. He contacted me via pm. He was sad but said he knew something was wrong when Mimi didn't come back home for his dinner Sunday night. He has been leaving his kitchen window open ever since, hoping against all hopes that she'll come back.

It sucks to be the bearer of bad news :(

@mods, happy to have this thread closed. There's nothing more to add :(

My flatmate found a dead cat in our driveway this morning.He thought that I might have accidentally run over the animal last night when I came home. He moved the corpse, bowels and all, into a box and then called me. He said that it was a horrific scene and didn't want me to see it.

The thing is, I know that I didn't hit that cat. I am a careful driver. I also would have seen the animal or felt it going under my tyre. At the very least, there should have been a miaow, a thud, something. There wasn't. Last night was no different to the 100 of times I've driven up that driveway.

We checked the car, the tyres… and we could not find any blood nor any animal matter - nothing to indicate that I have hit a 6-7 kg tabby cat. My flatmate says that it was easy for him to move the tabby. It wasn't splattered on the driveway . He said he easily picked it up with his hands. There was also no blood on the driveway but then it has been raining heavily since early this morning, so that could explain why there was no blood on the driveway but not why there is no blood on my vehicle which was garaged overnight.

I feel sick to my stomach thinking about that poor animal and it's owner, who is somewhere awaiting its return. I have a cat and a dog, and I know how devastated I would be if one of them went missing and we never found out what happened to them. My flatmate and I went door-knocking trying to find the owner in vain. However the neighbour across the road said that he saw someone kneeling outside on my driveway, like he was doing his shoelaces, early this morning. He said the man was carrying a Rivers bag. He described that man as slight, effeminate and wearing a hoodie. That was the first thing he said to me when he saw me, even before I asked them if they knew anyone whose tabby cat has gone missing. This neighbour is in his early 70s and suffers from dementia. His son says that he often confuses tv shows with reality.

I don't really know what to think or do. Is it possible to hit a cat and not know about it nor have any evidence of it on your car? How do I find the owner/s of the cat? On top of door-knocking , we've also driven around the local area looking for any missing cat poster that bore some resemblance to 'our' cat. We found one but when we contacted the owner,she said her cat had returned home a couple of days ago. So we still don't know who our mystery cat belongs to.

He was completely soaked, on top of being disembowelled, and we couldn't keep it in our garage for too long. It also felt disrespectful to keep it in that state in a box outside, so we have buried it in our back garden.



  • +2

    Is it possible to hit a cat and not know about it nor have any evidence of it on your car?

    Probably not. Most likely someone hit the cat on the road and then moved it to your driveway thinking it was yours (they probably hit it near your house). If you'd hit the cat and it lived it would've sprinted away, if you'd run over the cat you would see evidence on your car/driveway. You also likely would've heard yowling when you got out of your car.

    I'd say someone hit the cat and it either hobbled to your driveway to die, or someone moved the poor dead kitty off the road out of respect / not wanting to squish it further and left it on your driveway.

    How do I find the owner/s of the cat?

    You can take the body to the vet for a microchip scan. The vet will then dispose of the body and contact the owner. Depends if you want to dig the cat up again or not.

    Otherwise a letterbox drop and a sign on a telegraph pole or two is really all you can do.

    Poor kitty. Unfortunately cats have shocking road sense. Unless you're on a property I always think it's kinder (to the kitty and to the wildlife outside) to keep them indoors.

    • +1

      Thank you. I feel better. Poor kitty :(

  • +4

    Bloody hell this sounds like one of those haunted SAW style scenarios…

    1. Dead cat found on driveway
    2. Old man who has dementia remembers seeing a man in that vicinity covering his head and holding a mysterious bag
    3. The victim realises that the cat has a symbolic meaning
    4. Victim is confronted with more gruesome discoveries
    5. After watching the tv at night, the victim goes up to his room to sleep. The victim is awoken by a squeaking noise arises as the wardrobe door is slowly opened…a man wearing a vendetta mask holding a clever attacks the victim.

    sweet dreams JJB ;)

    • Funny thing is we found a dead bird on our front lawn on Sunday. Died from natural cause from what we could tell.

      Both our outdoor sensor lights are not working tonight, of all nights. A bit strange that both would stop working / malfunction on the same night… but it can happen, right?

      • Someone's out to get you, or was the cat black?. Any ex lovers, How do you feel about rabbit stew?

        • No the cat wasn't black and I don't have enemies.

        • @Jar Jar Binks:

          No the cat wasn't black and I don't have enemies.

          Well, with the friends you have you don't really need them do you.

        • @outlander: Like they say, Hell has no fury, like a woman scorned.

          Still, I'm hoping that Cathriona has nothing to do with this.

      • Its Voodoo. The dead animals will get bigger. Next time it will be a dog, then a pony, horse, rhino, elephant

        • and finally Clive palmer hahah

    • No cleaver man to report. Pretty uneventful night actually:)

  • Check your flatmate's car.

    • He doesn't have one.

      • +1

        Did he have one yesterday?

        • Lol. Nope.

  • +1

    There are plenty of Facebook pages for lost and found pets, maybe have a search to see if there's one for you local area and make a post? Though if it didn't have a tag/collar then it's quite likely it was a stray. Good on you for making the effort, though, I always wish I knew how my cat died.

    • +1

      We've put up a couple of posters in our local area . Got a call a few minutes ago from someone who claims to be its owner. He/ she ( was hard to tell as the voice sounded muffled) wants us to pay him $300 for stealing his cat and $1000 for killing it. Refused to give his/her name, only a paypal account. Call was from a private number.

      Edit: Now that I think of it, we never mentionned on the posters that the cat was dead. I wonder how he knew that? o.O

      • +1

        Tell him you'll only pay by western union.

        • I didn't want to be rude in case he was indeed the owner of the cat I've buried in my backyard.

          I've suggested we met at a cafe in a busy shopping centre. We'll see if he turns up.

  • -1

    Don't sweat it JJ I run over pets all the time. Dogs, cats, the occasional monkey..

    I used to do the whole song and dance, find the owner and say to them 'I hit your cat, oh no, I'm so sorry, its a terrible accident' but these days I just don't have the time. It's not like it brings them back. Always plenty more where that came from.

    What you should do is dump in somebody elses drive way. That way, they'll think they did it, and do all the hard work of tracking down the owner. That's what I do. Trick is to put it just behind the left hand side back tyre, so it makes a bump when they reverse back.

    • You wouldn't happen to know where I live would you?

  • +1

    It's a really unfortunate situation to be in. I agree with one of the comments above which suggests that someone else hit the cat and put in your driveway for reasons only they understand.

    • Thank you.

  • -1

    Karma for not following your family……

  • -1

    Is there half a cat stuck to your car?
    Did you hear a loud MEOW type scream?
    Did you see +50 or +100 points score flash up on your HUD?
    Did any passenger "HIGH 5" you and yell words to the effect of "you got it mate"?

    If yes to any of the above then congratulations YOU KILLED A CAT !

  • Think I found the reason…sad! http://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/south-east/cat-busters-th…

    How can people do such things :(

    Do u happen to live close by to the above suburbs?

    • That's sick! I'm about 22km away from Frankston but on the same train line. Could have been them :(

      • they're a bunch of fn lowlives…let nature do its thing, the only reason they do this is not to "save the wildlife" but only cause they're bloodthirsty (profanity)…imagine if these people were from minority groups! the media would be all over this!

        seems like they roam around melbourne not just frankston evident from their posts on fb:
        Warning graphic
        https://www.facebook.com/catbusters/photos/a.169242621098881… These guys are the ISIS of animals

        I feel shit for an entire day if i kill an ant accidentally… these guys !!!! Im so pissed now ffs!

        • Do you "feel shit" for paying people to exploit and kill animals for your own whims? (like drinking their milk, or wearing their skin, or lying on their feathers, or seeing them perform?)

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