Best Time to Buy a New TV?

Hi everyone,

I am just looking for some help in deciding on a new TV. I would also appreciate it if someone could tell me which time of year is best. Are there new models coming out soon? Should I look at last years good models or stick to the 2016 stuff?

I have about ~$3K to spend. 4K is everywhere and unless there is some amazing 1080P TV I think getting a 4K TV is likely (I know all about the lack of content arguments). 60in or greater would be preferable. I have a 47in now and it is a bit small for the place it is in. 3D is irrelevant and obviously so considering fewer and fewer tvs seem to have it. I don't really care about the TVs OS because I have a HTPC. Speaker quality is irrelevant; I have a proper Home Theatre package. I think that is about it.

Perhaps something like this:…

Although, I am struggling to find any good review sites for a lot of models I find so if you know of any I would appreciate links to them too.

Anyway, sorry for the longish post. thanks if you've read this far.


  • I have no idea about specs but generally speaking if you want a good price wait until the next ebay sale as there is usually a good smattering of tv deals then

  • +1

    Best time - Post Xmas Sales
    2nd best time - eBay sales

    That said, get an idea of market prices for what you want, and be ready to go when a deal comes up. If a deal comes up for a TV in that size range, click the product tag to compare prices from previous deals, to know how good of a bargain it is.

    But main thing, know what you want and be ready to go :) It sounds like you're not in a rush, so no doubt you'll find a good deal between now and the end of the year anyway :)

    For example, the LG you linked to, has been posted here (and at $2296!)

    Only the 55" Samsung has been posted:
    So hard to get a price comparison on that

    • @tassieeagle thanks for the reply :)

      Hi Spackbace, thanks for replying.

      It is true to say I am in no rush, but anxious to get something new :p. Although, having said that do we have any idea when the next ebay deals/sales might roll around again? Have they recently had one, so it is unlikely that they will be having one again soon or has it been awhile since the last one which might indicated another one is close.

  • +1

    When there is an OzBargain post. Subscribe to the TV thread and let fate decide.

  • +3

    There is never a good time, just a good deal

  • I don't think you need to rush, won't be seeing West Coast or Carlton in the finals any time soon.

  • There will be lots of deals and competition leading up to the Olympics.

    • Wise advice. I didn't consider that. I couldn't give a rat's furry backside about the Olympics but if it creates deals then I should keep my eyes peeled. Thanks, mskeggs.

  • +2

    Best time to buy a new tv?

    Is when the one you are currently using actually breaks down……..

    • I have an old black and white CRT from the 70s kicking around somewhere that still works. I guess I should have stuck with that.

      • Oh gosh…. the olden days.

        Where they built stuff to last a life time.

        Unlike the rubbish we get served up in stores today.

        Hold on to it…. seriously - some of the early stuff is actually starting to be worth something.


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