I've ordered from them twice both male and female. Great quality and prices. They do male and female business shirts, mens suits, ties, cufflinks etc. Good fits.
Often have quite good deals and receive it all nicely packed in 2 weeks. UK outfit.
Last time I ordered 4 mens business shirts, 2 female shirts and 3 ties for 152.91 pounds including 15 pounds of postage. That worked out at less than $28 aussie each. (basically got discount on discount)
Current offers are 4 mens shirts for 100 pounds, they have even cheaper clearance ones, 3 womens for 75, 199 for suits and 50% off everything else. (a few weeks ago it was 90 for 4 mens or womens shirts)
If anyone is interested, they've sent me a "we'll give your friends 12% off their first online order" paper. I have to do is email them your email address for you to get further 12% off….so if anyone is in the market for shirts, email me your name and address via PM. You do have to be a new customer.
i'm not sure whether you get a code or what for the discount…but if is reusable you can post it!