Japan Travel Data SIM

Hi all,

I'm looking for a data SIM I can get for Japan. My understanding is that you either rent a SIM that includes call capability, or you purchase a data sim and use Facebook / Skype.

I don't want to think about how much data I'm using, as ill be depending on it heavily throughout the whole trip (15 days). I saw Travel Sim Direct had an unlimited data sim, throttling after 200mb a day, but there's a recent forum post suggesting the throttling is excessive (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/255226).

I found this at Sim Corner which may suit as it has unlimited data for some apps like Facebook, but I'd prefer more than 2GB preloaded:

The recharges are also a bit pricey, about ~$20 for 500mb.

Any other suggestions? Thanks


  • Vodafone $50 Month to Month sim
    7GB Data
    Unlimited calls in Japan and to and from Oz

    15 Days @ $5 per day $75

    Total $125
    Headaches: 0

    $60 Sim M2M 10GB
    $80 Sim M2M 11GB

  • there's been a few posts here by other sellers that didnt seem so restrictive, maybe search for those and it might help you.

  • +3

    Buy it in Japan they're everywhere now (Convenience stores, Yodobashi, Donki), all the websites here just flip them at inflated prices.

  • +1

    Just go to yodobashi or bic camera, pick up a tourist sim eg something like B-mobile. I think I got 2 weeks, 2gb of data for about $25 (may 2016)

  • +5

    Yes it has been covered many times before. Search in the forum. b-mobile Visitor SIM seems to be recommended — 2,380¥‎ (~AUD$31) for 14 days unlimited 4G access.

  • +3

    For everyone who are visiting Japan, buying data Sim is easy in Japan. You can buy it from any 7-11 or Lawson stores.

    • Is activation easy? Do you need japanese ID to do so?

  • I'm in Japan at the moment. So much free wifi around. Mac as, hotels, department stores, etc. I didn't bother getting a sim. Saw them in bic camera for 4000¥ the other day. But Then I lived here previously for 4 years……

    Every Airbnb I've stayed in has it.

    But as pyramid said 7/11 or Lawson. Don't get it at the airport. Don't prebuy.

  • @zedman

    Late to the comments, but you might not have left yet.

    I went to Japan a year ago and got portable WiFi,

    Cheaper than the sim card option and you can use all your devices with it, plus unlimited data usage.


    I used the STANDARD WiFi (JPY) 75Mbps Model, it has a bigger battery than the 21Mbps model

    Organise on the website, they deliver it to you first destination hotel / pick up spot and then you drop it off in the mail before you leave.

  • +1 for the yokoso sim - buy it from their ebay australia store. I go tthe 7gb plan or something from memory that lasted 30 days. Alot cheaper and better than the vodafone suggestion above.

    Besides, it comes pre-activated, provided your phone is compatible (just do some googline based on their website and the bands in the country) then you just arrive in japan as I did, pop the sim in, and it started working.

    Didn't have any other issues.

    It's also alot easier havinga sim on the plane than going ot the yodobashi stores , as you have internet to google anything in the airport straight away i.e. how to get to your hotels or alternative routes.

    I also prefer the sim than the portable wifi option pplz gave, becuase your phone is always on you and if it's charged, you can use it. Whereas portable wifi you have to keep it on all day and charged to keep receiving whatsapp messages etc. That's if your like me and like to stay in touch/connected all day, as if you're back home in aus.

    • Yep. I actually contacted them after bbqwer suggested it, as all of their sims expired early September. They said they would have more sims of varying expiry periods soon, and sure enough they updated their store:


      I got a 90day sim for the 5GB data (though there is still a 'fair use' cap daily).

      • Yeah, not sure why they expire on short term basis, or when were you planning to goto Japan? Given this post is a few months old you may have gone already, if so how was it? I think your experience with yokoso sim will be fine though, i didn't notice any isssues and for internet on the go on holidays it was decent enough that i didn't notice any flaws with the limited time i was in the country to use the sim (and thereby judge its quality).

        Life saver for googling food and on the go suggestions :)

  • i have been japan few weeks ago, before my flight i did the same thing like you.
    do some research about japan sim card, ask people, or maybe like this.
    Because it was my first time.

    But after im arrived in haneda airport, i saw so many shops are selling sim card and cheaper than here.
    i just regret it buy the sim card from sydney (a japan travel agent which is quiet big in japan).

    And don't try to use vodafone in japan, the service is totally different with local sim card.
    It's freaking slow internet if u use vodafone in japan!!!

    • I may be confused but did you use vodafone as your sim in japan? if so you should have bought a japanese sim card supplied to australian address.. like yokoso sim…

      there may be some marginalyl 'cheaper' sims by buying locally in japan i.e. those ones they sell in bic cameras and some of the vending machiens throughout, but i mean if your going for 2-3weeks it may cost you $30-40 something AUD vs $25-27 there, but you pay for convenience where you literally land at haneda airport as I did and you have access to internet. I coudl straight away google things and found my bus into the city that way.

      For the $10-15 aud difference you get a sim that works on arrival which is great. Not to mention it may be a good day or two depending on your plans before you find or have the time to pop in to find a sim card. people mayt arrive at night time etc when shops are closed….

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