Copied and pasted from Water Corp website
"If you live in the Perth Metro area, you're able to swap up to two of your old showerheads for new WELS 3 star rated models, absolutely free!
By switching to a water efficient showerhead, you can reduce the amount of water used in your shower by 25% – which will result in even bigger savings over time. And don’t forget – a 4 minute shower is the ideal time for a waterwise shower.
How to claim your free showerheads
Residential Water Corporation customers in Perth can exchange up to 2 of their old showerheads, absolutely free.
You will receive a flyer with your 2-monthly bill, which will include unique barcodes. All you need to do is take this flyer, along with your old showerheads to your nearest Bunnings Warehouse. This offer is available until 30 November 2016, or while stocks last.
If you receive your Water Corporation bill electronically, you will receive your flyer and unique barcodes via your nominated email address"
Cool.. Wonder what type of shower head do they give out