Lowest price + FREE SHIPPING.
Apple Mac compitable.
Model: Crucial CT2K8G3S1339M
Limited quantity available.
Deal expires on 08/07/16, unless sold prior.
The DISCOUNT CODE can also be used multiple times STORE-WIDE.
Lowest price + FREE SHIPPING.
Apple Mac compitable.
Model: Crucial CT2K8G3S1339M
Limited quantity available.
Deal expires on 08/07/16, unless sold prior.
The DISCOUNT CODE can also be used multiple times STORE-WIDE.
It is different model. This is CT2K8G3S1339M.
Cheapest elsewhere is on Kogan and the price is $119 + shipping. Not sure if they have free shipping.
What's the difference between the models?? Yours appears to have a slower clock speed, anything else?
The expired deal was also dofferent model. This one is CT2K8G3S1339M.
Cheapest elsewhere is on Kogan and the price is $119 + shipping. Not sure if they have free shipping.
AU$88.50 posted from Amazon
Don't know much about low voltage RAM, but I'm sensing this is still expensive.
I found some 1600 for $106 + shipping
Amazon appears to have some far cheaper than yours as well at around $55USD