I'm curious to know what people's take is on this and how most people decide how much to spend on a gift for close family members and friends. Not the people you regard as acquaintances or those family members you see once and while but those you buy for gifts at least once or maybe twice a year. Perhaps for their birthday and Christmas, if you celebrate it. I think buying gifts for partners can vary alot among people. Some who I know that have been in long term relationships have almost stopped buying gifts whilst others in relatively new relationship spend above their means (on expensive jewellery, new car, holiday etc.)
There are obviously many variables and I'm sure most people take their own finances into account first and foremost but outside of this criteria, how do you decide and do you have certain set of rules you follow when it's your turn to buy gifts? Do you ever change those rules according to what you've previously received? Do you like to regift in order to save spending money on gifts? Do you have an agreed budget with the person on how much to spend every year?
What are your thoughts on this and what are your gift buying rules?
For a non-nuclear family gift, I buy something that looks like it's valued at $30-$50. That may mean that I got it on sale for half that.
I don't buy friends gifts. It's just not done.