Hey everyone, just bought my first house and getting adsl2+ connected now I just need a modem / router, was thinking of the Asus dsl-ac68u, I've had great experiences with Asus modem routers in the past so keen on Asus. My problem is my new house is a 3 story town house, been googling but can't find enough info if it will give enough coverage (wifi)
Anyone know if it will be good enough ?
3 story townhouse modem/router advice

Change the antenna orientation for one or a few of the antennae.
Vertical antenna spreads signal horizontally and
Horizontal Antenna spreads it vertically.Potentially,
depending on the location of the modem, you could even go with 45 degree angles to spread the signal diagonally.
Or on the first level and repeater on the third
Depends on what your townhouse walls are made of. I have a brick wall in the middle of my house. So I have 2 access points to cover both sides of the wall(insert GOT reference here). I would imagine in your case would be what your floor is made of since it is high rather than long.
I would put it on the bottom floor because wifi (having the same properties as hot air) rises. So signal will be strongest on the top floor.
Speaking of hot air……
(This is not good advice, if anyone is wondering)Klaw81- WiFi signals flow with the harmony of feng shui. Make sure your house is aligned.
Thank you to everyone that has replied, so speaking to one of the guys i work with who owns a townhouse thats also 3 stories, he runs a Asus RT-AC3200
so im thinking of getting that unit and a modem, any recommendations on modem only?
Buy the cheapest crappiest modem you can find… as long as it can be bridged.
If you can get your hands on an Old Speedstream, then grab it.
Modem tech hasn't changed in years (unlike router tech), so if you have an old modem, just use that.
That modem is fine. I would put the router on the second level if I was you.