This was posted 8 years 8 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS4 and XBOX One Doom $39 @ Target Starts Friday


Doom will be $39 at Target starting tomorrow, 1st July. Available in store and online. Console versions only, no PC unfortunately.

PS4 Doom

XB1 Doom

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Price of doom has dropped quickly.

    • +2

      Yep. It started as a full priced game (still $100 on PSN store). Yet it's now at $40 or there abouts everywhere. I'm confused as to why.

      • -2

        Pretty crazy pricing. Doubt any shops will price match this one.

      • Not enough people are buying it at the higher price is why.

      • +4

        The sales figures tanked hard. The multiplayer is worthless and the singleplayer campaign is about 7hrs long. It's a great quality game for what is there, but there's just no content in it, unfortunately.

        • +7

          7hrs is the perfect length for a game. Can't stand long dragged out games.

        • +1

          @PainToad: I wouldn't even consider 7 hours long for a mobile phone game.

        • You might as well buy halo5

        • hmm perhaps I'll wait then 2nd hand at EB is already $42 if thats anything to go off it'll get a bit cheaper yet.

        • @PainToad: couldnt agree more

        • @PainToad: 7hrs is fine if the game has decent multi player or was cheaper, but 7 hours for what is essentially a single player game (as the multi player is crap) is pretty poor. Halo 5 was bad for this too but at least it has great multi player.

        • -1


          I'm nearly 30, I'm an adult, I struggle to find time to play games. When I do get a chance to play them, I don't want it to be work. Give me nothing but the good bits, not a padded out grind to keep people busy or give them "value".

          Say a 7 hour game cost $70, that's only $10 an hour. About the same as going to the movies.

    • You could say it's doomed.

      Actually not, it got great reviews.

    • Single player is not bad, multiplayer absolutely sucks.
      Still too expensive for the single player campaign imo.

    • I'm a single player kind of guy. Doom single player is amazing. Most fun I've had with a shooter in a decade.

    • All games drop pretty quickly.

  • +8

    You have got to love the recent price wars

  • Bought on steam for 39usd this morning, damn it

    • +3

      The offer is for console only not including pc. Cheapest PC is on Big W or ebgames.

      • Ah yeah, meant on psn

        • +2

          how long have you played it?

          Valve will, upon request via, issue a refund for any reason, if the request is made within fourteen days of purchase, and the title has been played for less than two hours. There are more details below, but even if you fall outside of the refund rules we’ve described, you can ask for a refund anyway and we’ll take a look.

          Hopefully you didn't play it for too long.

        • +1

          @Scaregdearimasu: thanks but misspoke: bought on psn

        • +1

          oh bummer then.

  • Is the game good? thought the beta was a bit lacking

    • +1

      I think the consensus is multiplayer beta and actuall multiplayer is lacking but campaign is excellent. This game has gotten so many 9/10 ratings.

      • +1

        Might get it for the campaign then. I just watched the IGN review and the campaign does look pretty awesome.

      • Metacritic is 8.2

  • +5

    The campaign is brutal and fantastic!

    • I remember getting owned in the second shootout on Hurt Me Plenty and thinking "WTF - that was unexpected"

      After a couple health upgrades and some experience at it I'm thinking about whether I need to increase the difficulty a notch

      • I played it on Ultra Violence the first play through and it was challenging yet rewarding, died a ton on certain fights but that feeling you get when you win said fight? Nothing like it :D

  • +1

    What is going on? Lol got this a month ago for $69 now it's $39, really crazy. Amazing game alot of fun go for it

  • Crazy price. Anyone know why it starts on Friday, usually deals start Thursday? Any other deals for friday?

    • SOFYS!

  • Good price.

    I've been keeping an eye on Doom and Fallout 4. Both are pretty cheap now but this one might be the better option given my limited gaming time and huge backlog.

  • Nice. Will pick it up. No idea how I will conquer my backlog thanks to Target lately!

  • Going to buy just for the campaign

  • Awesome price for the single player game of the year! Pick it up if you haven't already. I've replayed the campaign twice and will probably do a run or two every year so I'm keeping it in my collection. It's so much fun.

  • just bought one!! cheers

  • Yay

  • Awesome, i think I can spend flybuy dollars at target as well

  • +1

    And I just bought it last thursday at EB :(

    It's really good though. I even bought it on PS4 and enjoying it like heck. Usually I think these games have to be played on PC but not the case with this one.

  • I really wish idiots wouldn't rate games from genres they don't even enjoy.

    "Its just like the original Doom30 May 2016
    I was a little disappointed, I was hoping for more of a story line and theme like Doom 3. But its simply a modern version of the old game. Just shoot, run, upgrade and shoot some more. The boss battles are particularly annoying. Though this is just not my favourite type of game. If you liked the original Doom, you'll like this one. Just remember, the gameplay is the same."

    2 Stars out of 5….

    • +2

      Who would review games on Target in general? Housewives? 12 year olds?

  • Is it just me or everyone seeing the XB1 1TB Tomb Raider bundle back to $379? As well as the AC Syndicate at $89 (previously $29?)

    • Halo 5 is back to $89 there, up from $29 - ouch!

  • No stock in target melbourne cbd. Have to do click and collect

  • PS4 and endure a FPS with a controller but TV convenience or PC on and have the option playing in the future at 4K and high settings but stuck in office?

    • +1

      Ps4 version looks really good, the controls are so well optimized ull love it. I generally hate FPS on consoles as u can barely aim but ID soft did a good job with doom.

  • Just bought it. Guy was surprised and put one aside to buy for himself. Hope i well get my $39 worth from it

  • None left @ deer park

    • +1

      Did all the deers get them first?

      Oh dear, that was a terrible joke.

  • got one at orion springfield QLD :)

    Plenty of copies available

  • should i get this for ps4 or XB1 i have both systems, are the graphics and frame rates much better on the ps4 ?

  • runs smooth and fast on PS4

  • played for first time today amazing! PS4 :)

  • I bought this at the Big W big toy sale..Now I wish I had of waited longer..Oh well.

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