Polypro Unisex Long Sleeve Thermal Top v2 $35 for 2.
Also thermaPLUS Long Sleeve Thermal Top v3 $50 for 2. http://www.kathmandu.com.au/adults-thermaplus.html
Polypro Unisex Long Sleeve Thermal Top v2 $35 for 2.
Also thermaPLUS Long Sleeve Thermal Top v3 $50 for 2. http://www.kathmandu.com.au/adults-thermaplus.html
This happens every couple of months.
If I'm not mistaken I saw them selling 2 for 25 at the outlets.
I'm waiting for the therma plus to go to $20 each and then stack a voucher.
Last order, 6 therma plus thermals, delivered 100.
Target has thermals at $8 per top or bottom
I've bought thermals from Target, Big W and Kathmandu.
The others are adequate at best, but the ones from Kathmandu are better at doing what they're supposed to do imo.
Granted, I bought the ones from Target/Big W around 5 years back, so maybe their quality has improved in the thermals department since then?
I wouldn't pay full price for anything from Kathmandu, but in this specific scenario and at this price, imo it's worth paying that bit extra for a much more effective product.
To each their own though.
I hope they do this deal again, because that product is on a whole different level in terms of keeping you warm.
I've got their thermal plus, ultra core and the woolen ones.
Let's just say you get what you pay for.
In saying that, I heard the ones from unique are pretty good too. No personal experience though.
Do you mean UniQlo? I bought one a couple weeks ago (on special to ~$15) but didn't like it. It felt more like a compression top that wicks away heat and I felt cooler after putting it on. My Kathmandu one from 5+ years ago feels warm as soon as you put it on - I think they are the PolyPro. I bought a Macpac one a week ago (two for $40) and that feels warm.
Target ones are impossible to find small sizes. Everything on the shelf is L or bigger. Same with KMart.
@eciuj: oops autocorrect, yes uniqlo.
But I'm spoilt by the merino and ultra core. I remember they had the ultra core 3 for 79 about 2 years back…
The merino every now and then are 50% off (from about 120 to 60)…
I'll keep a look out and pop them on here next time!
I got the ultra core at 25.
They are a def better than the thermaplus, my only gripe is I find the arms too tight and a bit uncomfortable. They thumb eyelets at the end of the arms I can't wear so they are a bit longer in sleeve length.
I've got a couple merino ones from BCF,plus I hesitate to grab them on a daily basis, as the special woolen wash for just a couple items seems like a waste.
The merino ones are def much better again than the therma plus and ultra core.
I've tried all the Kathmandu thermals now (excluding Merino). Out of the Polypro, Thermaplus and Ultracore, if you can afford a little bit extra, the UltraCore ones are the best. They have more stretch and are more comfortable. These ones are 2 for $60 at the moment and a better investment imo.
If you buy Woolworths give card you'll get 10% off also.
These make me cold
Just got an email advertising this as a weekly deal, the only difference is that it's now 2 for $30 (dropped $5).
This is a much better buy at 2 for $50 though imo.
Hold out. They'll be $10ea before you know it.