Hey folks, it's that time of the year and as a newbie to it all I am looking for some help with private health insurance.
I rekon there are a few people out there like me who think ths sytem is a scam but are woefully fearful of medicare levy surcharge and lifetime loading in the even we go us style healthcare.
So anyways, cheapest health isurance out there please and any ozbargain with freebie fitibts or vouchers welcome. Cheapest I have found is Frank which reads liek it does nothign but resovle you of the requirement to pay medicare levy surcharge - I can't actaully conceive what incident might result in them paying for health costs in any way possible.
shoot away!
If you are in Melbourne, I'd consider Australian Unity.
Otherwise use www.hif.com.au
("TAX50" provides you with a $50 Cashback with HIF).
HIF also offer a way to claim on your Gym Membership (if you have one).