This was posted 8 years 8 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Woolworths Pelican Waters (QLD) Farm Pride Cage Eggs $1.60 (Save $2.40) Per Dozen


Perhaps a sign that cage eggs are on their way out, could also be at other stores!

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Oh no, you might regret posting this.

  • -6

    Cage eggs though.

  • Jesus thought i saw pelican egg

  • +2

    Cage eggs :-(

  • -8

    what's the difference? if you eat eggs, you eat away chicks, the hens are still slaves because human want to eat their off springs.
    if not cage, hens & eggs still have no hope! unless those of you stop eating eggs or any meat… what do you really care anyway!!!!

    • -1

      for those who negged, obviously you do eat eggs and pretend to be care - no difference for end results - you like the kill but dont like them be caged!
      neg all you like! it just prove my points better!!

      • +1

        I didn't neg you, but you really should educate yourself instead of regurgitating someone else's ignorant propaganda.

        • I'm well educated and those are my personal opinion. Why eat animal is not wrong but jail them is?
          I think only true vegan can argue animal rights, but they do eat plants while they're alive, at least some of them.
          You sounds like "regurgitating someone else's ignorant propaganda".

        • @Jamesx:

          plants while they're alive, at least some of them

          All plants are alive kid.

      • +11

        Everything dies, but not everything needs to suffer during life.

        Getting a bargain is great, animal welfare is better (unless you're a cheap selfish POS).

        • Death and intentional, whimsical killing are vastly different things. By your reasoning war is just dandy and natural.

        • +2


          By your reasoning war is just dandy and natural.

          War would be unnecessary suffering during ones life. So no, that's not my logic at all.

          That said, yes war is completely natural. Every animal fights over territory.

          So natural? Yes. Dandy? No.

        • @PainToad: You like mixing dissimilar terms. First killing and death, now fighting and competing.

          And apparently forced confinement and "not suffering during life."

        • @thevofa:
          You need to reread the comment you're replying to.

        • @Max Power: The comment is fundamentally flawed. All commercial laying hens are killed well short of their natural lifespan, their brothers are killed at a day old. All hens are there against their will - so much for welfare. Apart from chicken's flesh no other "food" has a higher rate of mortality (of warm blooded animals) per calorie than eggs.

        • +1


          First killing and death

          Both are natural. All animals die and all carnivores kill.

          now fighting and competing

          I didn't bring this up. Try reading.

          forced confinement and "not suffering during life."

          Forced confinement is suffering. If it isn't, why do we jail criminals as punishment?

          their brothers are killed at a day old. Apart from chicken's flesh no other "food" has a higher rate of mortality (of warm blooded animals) per calorie than eggs.

          And? Animals killing and eating other animals is completely natural. An animal being stuck in a cage from birth to death isn't.

        • +1

          @PainToad: You seem to think that forced confinement is limited to some arbitrary volume covered in some arbitrary material.

          You call people that consume cage eggs POSs. Yet you pay for animals to be bred in ways that manipulate their bodies in order to produce completely unnatural amounts of eggs with attendant chronic suffering, for animals to be separated from their mothers, to live in communities of thousands of birds that are completely unnatural and allow no scope for their psychological well-being, to starve them at certain times to get more eggs (yes, look up forced molting), that kills male chicks at birth - fully 50% of all chicks - just because they don't have ovaries, that kills hens the moment they lay less eggs than their daughters might be able to. You are very selective in not acknowledging the horrors you inflict on these birds for products that in no way are essential for human nutrition, and appealing to naturalistic fallacies does your case nothing.

          If you really care about chickens why don't you stop eating their eggs and flesh altogether? It's not as though you need them to survive - the only reason left to consume them is nonessential use. You are killing these animals for no reason apart from taste and habit and convenience. Yet you call others POS?

        • +2


          These are all valid points, except for domestication (this is an unfortunate necessity).

          In my ideal world I would like to see:
          * Male chicken given a good life, then culled for food.
          * Female chickens given a decent life while laying, then culled for food.
          * Small groups of chickens in open air farms.
          * All culling down humanely.

          But avoiding cage free eggs (and meat) is a start.

        • @PainToad: Domestication of other animals is not a necessity. A good start is stopping all these things completely, right now. Cage free eggs are good for your conscience, not for chickens. Some people pray to god before they kill in order to appease their conscience, some pay their "humane/welfare tax" - it's all the same thing: the actual victims don't care about your fancy ways of killing them, they just don't want to be used and killed at all. And they don't need to be.

        • @PainToad: BTW tell me what "humane culling" is. Please.

        • +1


          Domestication of other animals is not a necessity.

          It is for a modern society, with many many mouths to feed. Unless you're a Green that wants to send us back to the stone age.

          BTW tell me what "humane culling" is. Please.

          Minimal suffering.

        • @PainToad: "Unless you're a Green that wants to send us back to the stone age." No, you see you are advocating the stone age. The idea that we need to consume animals or their secretions is rooted in stone age thinking. Many more human mouths can be fed without feeding animals first to fatten them up so we can eat them - a whole order of magnitude more. Most celebrated futuristic outlooks - fictional and nonfictional - don't include animal consumption.

          Minimal suffering is no suffering. There is no need for any suffering, so any suffering is against your own standard - but you have already set a pattern of arbitrary standards so I understand I cannot use logical sensibilities to convince you. By your own standard nuclear weapons - which kill people very quickly - constitute humane culling. Good luck with that.

        • +1

          Are you a fruitarian (only eat what falls naturally from a plant)?
          If not, aren't you condoning the suffering of non-animal life.

        • @Max Power:

          Are you a fruitarian (only eat what falls naturally from a plant)?
          If not, aren't you condoning the suffering of non-animal life.

          Look up sentience. I try to align my thoughts with the consensus of modern science, not the knee-jerk reactions of random people on the internet trying to justify their own moral shortcomings.

        • +1

          I was trying to reflect some of the absurdity in your comments.
          You talk of war and nuclear weapons when no one brought it up.
          Please don't confuse your moral stance with science.

        • @Max Power: Please reflect harder. No-one brought up fruit either - but here we are.

          "suffering of non-animal life." <<—- NOT SCIENCE.

  • Just bought a 12 pack of cage eggs yesterday for full price bummer

  • +8

    To ensure caged eggs are actually on the way out, these are best left on the woolworths shelf (spoken by a free range hen)

  • Mmmmm. Eggs. Mmmm eating them and swallowing and entering my stomach.

  • Cagey

  • +3

    why the major hatred towards caged eggs? I thought Aussie chicks are treated very well compared to those of 3rd world country?

    Oh well..waiting for my post to be negged :s

    • +1

      How big do you think the cages are? Where do you think chickens are kept in 3rd world countries?

      • No idea. I was brought up in a farm with a few chickens.

        • +1

          I had chickens growing up too, but that's very different to battery cage farming.

    • +1

      better than 3rd world country still doesn't make it right.…

      • -3

        What's the big deal? There is plenty of room in those cages.

        • +6


          There is plenty of room in those cages.

          Username checks out.

        • +1

          Send us your dimensions and we'll build one for you to try.

          Truth be known all egg farming is cruel to some extent (chick culling) but the least we can do for the chicks which survive is give them a reasonable life in return for their eggs.

        • @Possumbly:
          so, I can keep you as a slave and give you a reasonable healthy life in return for you slavery.

        • +1

          @Jamesx: simplistic twaddle but if you are a vegan you have my admiration. We all have huge impact on the environment and its inhabitants, some of us more than others.

        • @Jamesx: I shuttle from my small unit in my metal box to my desk for a multinational corporation BUT I get to pick where I go on holiday 2 weeks a year,
          wherever my bank will let me,
          I'd hardly call that full slavery
          How do you think we got all these homeless people
          They are just the vegans who ran out of energy trying to get to work

      • +1

        That's an eye opener.

        That said, i normally buy free range believing they are healthier (lower fat content) and fresher. I always wondered however how the caged and free range being different.

  • +2

    I buy free range eggs, but will pass on judging others as my glass house is as fragile as anyone else's.

    I often wonder how we care so much about the chickens but will buy 5 dollar jeans made in a sweatshop where human beings are treated worse than animals.

    • -2

      I often wonder how we care so much about the chickens but will buy 5 dollar jeans made in a sweatshop where human beings are treated worse than animals.

      What makes you think there are a lot of people who would do both of these?

      will pass on judging others

      I think you failed ;P

      • You can get a job at the Tele misquoting like that.

        Well done.

  • +3

    I often wonder how we care so much about the chickens but will buy 5 dollar jeans made in a sweatshop where human beings are treated worse than animals.

    What makes you think there are a lot of people who would do both of these?

    Nike, Victoria's Secret, Walmart, Disney, Sears, Marks & Spencer, Nestle, Philip Morris, etc

    Google Harvest Rich factory in Bangladesh

  • They are probably on the way out given the "quality" of other stock in this store. Keep driving to Caloundra

  • Bargain: Free ethics lecture followed by debate. Just click on the secret link titled "Woolworths Pelican Waters (QLD) Farm Pride Cage Eggs $1.60 (Save $2.40) Per Dozen".

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