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Loch Ness Monster Soup Ladle - $1.40 USD ($1.93 AUD) Delivered @ AliExpress

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What a great idea. Stands up on its own. Good for cooling your food down before tasting it while cooking without it spilling all over your kitchen-top and looks cool too.

There is a cheaper seller listed here ($1.54 aud)- http://www.aliexpress.com/item/2016-New-Spoons-Nessie-Soup-L…
but does not meet the 500 feedback required for the posting guidelines.

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AliExpress 1773200
AliExpress 1773200

closed Comments

  • +2

    I've previously purchased one from this seller for AUD$1.51 delivered: http://s.aliexpress.com/imQbyMfM

    • +1

      yeah.. its only like one of the largest seller marketplace site on the internet outside of ebay… but what would they know

      • +1

        yeah.. its only like one of the largest seller marketplace site on the internet outside of ebay… but what would they know

        Bigger - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alibaba_Group

        • indeed, if you count all their sites

      • -5

        Maybe I forgot to tap my feet three times and wish for an account to be created.

        Just bought it on Ebay instead. Probably the same seller anyhow.

        • +11

          Maybe I forgot to tap my feet three times and wish for an account to be created.

          Some people have non stop problems with day to day tasks, to suggest they are useless because YOU are unable to open an account is beyond absurd. Not to mention you already have an account that you forgot about.

  • I bought one of these for $20, very useful and cute.
    Hopefully these are just as good.

    • +3

      The aliexpress ones are a perfect clone of the packaged retail version……


      • +2

        They have a payment installment plan… for a $20 ladle. If you can't afford a $20 ladle straight up you shouldn't buy a $20 ladle.

    • Does Nessie's stumps make it harder to scoop out the last bits from the pot?

      • If scooping the last bits you're putting the ladle at an angle - it shouldn't interfere if you take a good look at the pics.

  • +2

    These are on eBay for $1.59 delivered

    • Yes, it'll be shipped from China also.

      There is a link in the post for $1.54 anyway.

      • Yep and you can use pay pal rather than your credit card

        • -5

          Yep and you can use pay pal rather than your credit card

          So what? It's cheaper from AliExpress. Do I care if I use my credit card instead of PayPal (which is linked to my credit card anyhow)? Nope. Any benefits to using PayPal? Nope.

        • @Maverick-au:

          Maybe you never had your credit card compromised. It aint much fun.
          Less people you give your credit card details out the better.

          Paypal offers a who extra level of security. Not even remotely close to the same

        • +1


          Maybe you never had your credit card compromised. It aint much fun.

          I don't hand it out to everyone and anyone so no I have never had my card compromised in thousands of transactions online.

          Less people you give your credit card details out the better.

          It has nothing to do with the number but the type of people you give it to and how they store/use it.

          Paypal offers a who extra level of security. Not even remotely close to the same

          PayPal and Ebay have been compromised many times.

          AliExpress/AliPay work the same way as ebay/paypal but they are bigger and have more to choose from.

        • -3

          thousands of online transactions? Sounds like you hand it out a lot more than I do!!

          Of course the number of people you hand it out increases the risk. Sure you could be unlucky and hand it to 1 person and be comprised and lucky and hand it out to 1000 and no issues, but the more you hand it out the more chances you have of getting comprised. Thats just common sense. Yes the type of people you hand it to also plays a large factor.

          We were talking about the difference using Paypal to buy things from Ebay to using your credit card and buying things from AliExpress

          Yes Aliexpress has a Paypal thing called AliPay. Still this is Chinese owned, Chinese based and operates only out of China. Good luck if you have an issue with them, I would rather just keep dealing with PayPal.
          Oh and my wife is Chinese so its nothing to do with Racism, she also doesn't trust AliPay..

  • +5

    Better check what kind of plastic is made off..

    • +5

      I think I'd feel better using this for decoration rather than dipping it in soup!

    • +4

      Free BPA

      • Free BPA, but what other chemicals would they use in place of it? Could be more harmful than BPA itself!

        • Probably.
          Stainless steel utensils are good
          Silicone ok

    • +1

      Toxic Chinese plastic

      • yeah, who knows if it has lead in it. Has been known to happen.

        • +10

          yeah, who knows if it has lead in it. Has been known to happen.

          Who knows if the kitchen utensils you purchase in Australia have lead in them? No-one tests them, they all rely on statements from the suppliers and no government bodies do any proactive testing.

          You seem to be under the impression that purchasing goods locally means they are safe, this isn't true.

        • -3


          Easy, make sure any utensil purchased is not made in China. I only buy German made or French made and research manufacturer they will list all the toxic chemicals that they made sure are not included in manufacture.

        • +1


          What you say is true.

          I'm not a fan of the middle-man, but they have a lot to lose if found to be selling toxic stuff, so they put in some token effort to minimise their risk. I reckon purchasing direct from aliexpress increases the chance of being unsafe, I buy other stuff from there but direct food contact, no thanks.

  • +9

    I would of been happy to pay $3.50 for it.

    • +9

      Goddamn Lochness Monster coming around here asking for tree-fiddy!

    • +1

      Im glad someone commented this

  • Page not found

  • +5

    Take it on adventures, like Samson - https://www.instagram.com/samsontheladle/

    • +1

      That person has waayyy to much time on their hands!

    • So cute!

  • +8

    I don't trust the plastic it uses though - especially if your using it with hot soup etc.

    • +3

      it's PP plastic, which is safe for food use.

      • You trust what it says though?

        • +4

          Lets be honest, we all have a kitchen drawer full of Chinese made plastic utensils of which we know nothing about their chemistry, and for the purposes of serving, I'm sure it makes no difference. If you want to "cook" your utensil with your food, you should probably use wood.

        • +1

          yes there are enough things in life to injure/kill us, without worrying about potentially dodgy plastic…especially when there isn't even proof there is anything wrong with it.

          Why eat most things in the supermarket? Most products are covered in plastics too. Do you check each one and "trust what they say"?

          Why do anything in life? Walking down the street, you might be hit by a bus. Probably safer to stay at home all day.

          Probably an exaggeration, but i think my point on being over-coddled still stands.

        • @hahaboy:
          Not over coddled. I should've kept my somewhat melted ladle and taken a photo for you. Family is Chinese and we make soup a lot. There's a lot of dipping the ladle in to stir while it's boiling.
          Buying from supermarket because they have procurement teams doing more extensive sourcing checks than a random small discount store in the mall.
          And I avoid microwaving plastic for your information. If it's covered in plastic, no problem. Just not heating and melting it in a microwave.
          Lastly, while I love buying cheap Chinese goods, I avoid buying made in China processed food (and I'm Chinese), also kitchen utensils that may be dipped in boiling water or on a heated frypan.

          Anyway, my reply was asking if you believe what the listing says about it using safe plastic. I was focusing more on the business practice side of things and hoping people won't believe all they read on a eBay or aliexpress listing from China and making a purchase based on it.

        • @ash2000:
          Knives and fork OK. But when it comes to dipping in boiling soup or stirring on a heated frypan, need to be a bit more careful. We do use wood for the spatula on frypan.

  • +3

    How cute :D

  • The OCD in me saw this on Ali before and said once you stir and place it on the counter top you have to wipe it cause it'll leave few drops(where the legs are).
    I prefer the ladle holder that was on the site.

  • +2

    So kawaii :)

    • That's new to me, had to google that.

  • Guys, what would be the best way (safe, cheap and effective) for the payment method since PayPal is not an option?

    I am very tempting to buy from AliExpress but reluctant at the moment because of the above reason.

    Please advise.


    • +1

      Use a card that gives a decent exchange rate and store it on Alipay so you don't have to keep re-entering your details every time.

      • Would it be safe to store your credit card details on the site?

        My credit card details was stolen before and I don't know from where, which website and how it happened..

        • Who am I to say, but if you can't trust a company that is as big as or if not bigger than ebay, then who can you trust..?

          At least if they are hacked, there are probably several hundred million other sets of card details they can choose from first.

        • +3


          According to AliPay, they have 400 million users. I've had my details saved with team for a couple of years…..no issues.

          The good thing about aliexpress and AliPay is that (once you're loged-in) the product prices are displayed in AUD and that is the price you'll actually be billed on your card. Now compare this to eBay/PayPal, where when browsing foreign currencies you're given an lower price in eBay to what you actually pay in PayPal, albeit only a few percent, but it adds up.

    • Just buy it off eBay for $1.59.

      • Problem is, not everything is as closely priced as this to Ebay. It's worth having an account with them if you're ordering regularly, you'll save a fair bit by the end of the year.

        After all, this is Ozbargain.

        • +1

          I never said it did. I just gave an alternative place that blitzzbargain could purchase it from that accepted PayPal…

  • +11

    I have a wooden spoon in the shape of a giraffe, his name is Jeffery. His brother, Albert got injured to a coleslaw making incident and had to be put down. Jeffery still gets flashbacks (He was stirring gravy at the time).

    • +2

      Do you work at KFC?

      • I stopped work after Albert's sudden death. To cut a long story short Jeffery overdosed and ending up in the local A+E.
        Time is a healer.

        PS-KFC don't allow wooden utensils if their kitchen (Even animal shaped ones) as it may contaminate their fine cuisine


  • +11

    Regarding the questions of food safety, you really can't win with any plastic.

    The brand-name, "food-safe" nylon versions probably leach 4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane (http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=KR20100…), which is a known carcinogen in rats but with unknown effects in humans.

    And these AliExpress cheapies are made of polypropylene (PP), which is another "food-safe", high melting point plastic that was found to have some hormone-disrupting effects (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3222987/).

    Even when new plastic types are deemed safe upon testing, there's no guarantee that the colouring, anti-bacterial or processing additives won't have negative physiological effects. And that goes for non-plastics too.

    And to make sure you stay scared, even good ol' ceramic can be contaminated with lead (http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2011/04/several-months-ago-ger…).

    Non-stick is considered potentially unsafe at very high temperatures. Aluminium is a no-no. Copper is a no-no.

    Stainless steel is mostly considered safe. Except when you scratch it and potentially leach nickel into your food.

    Cast-iron is considered safe for now (since at least any lead should be boiled away well before iron melts) unless you have excess iron in your system already or haemochromatosis. Stirring acidic foods in an iron skillet can dramatically increase the iron content of food (http://whatscookingamerica.net/Information/IronCastIron.htm).

    • What do you eat from then?

    • I suppose at this point the only material left is, what, wood?

      Cheers for the breakdown, though. Glad to see I'm not the only one reluctant to use plastic looking utensils at high heat.

    • What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  • Uh.. With that price, I'm not so sure I wanna put the thing sitting in my hot soup

    • Same after sipping enough chemicals you might end up the monster

    • +3

      Uh.. With that price, I'm not so sure I wanna put the thing sitting in my hot soup

      How much do you think those $20-40 ones cost the retailers? About $1.50? What does price have to do with safety? Do you think the retailers care about your health?

      If it makes you feel better give me $20 and I'll drop ship one of these $1.50 ones to your door.

      • It's more the manufacturer than the retailer I'm worry about

  • God damn loch ness monster, I ain't giving you no tree fiddy

  • stick to wooden spoons or stainless thanks..

  • A lot of Today Tonight viewers here by the sounds of it

  • retracted - how do I remove neg?

    • does not meet the 500 feedback required for the posting guidelines.

    • +1

      retracted - how do I remove neg?

      Click on "votes" Top Left of page.

      • thanks Ash :)

    • damn it! just paid $1.50 on ebay….

      • +1

        you are a winner then as this one has $0.63 postage

        • I no longer have ozBregret

  • +1

    It's cute but actually very bendy. It's fine with liquids but is not really good for spooning up chunky heavy stuff.

  • +1

    Am I the only one who uses a ladle to serve with? Everyone seems to cook with them, stir with them, suck on them or something. I am not too concerned with using this ladle to serve my not quite boiling soup, I cook with a wooden spoon.

  • +1

    If you need one in a hurry it can be purchased on ebay from an Australian seller for the bargain price of only $26.99

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