For those interested in purchasing just a console, this is currently the cheapest PS4 in Australia.
For those interested in purchasing just a console, this is currently the cheapest PS4 in Australia.
So how many cokes do we have to drink until we get a $50 coke reward GC?
People who have $50 coke reward always collect from other sources. They do not drink to get enough $50.
Would you mind to share? I'm curious on how people here collect the codes.
friends, family, parties. I had many people collecting for me who would often bring a bunch of 20 or 30 labels. Have claimed many hundreds of dollars of Gift cards through cokerewards.
Not bins lol
great deal, got mine the other day at BigW for $379
xbox one still cheaper ?
xbox one has way less value, even considering the lower price it's better to get a PS4.
And that, boys and girls, is how you start a fanboi flame war…
I think he's referring to the fact that all xbox exclusives are now on Windows 10 so it makes the console pointless for anyone with a decent pc
What relevance does that serve in relation to this deal?
Cheaper AND quieter. Enjoy your hair drier in 3 months time boys. Ugh. Sony pls. My PS4 from last year is louder than my 2006 Xbox 360.
For $3 more you can get 3 free months worth of Stan at EB Games. Not sure if JB is offering the Stan promotion. EB gets "carrots" as well.
Hi Dagmar,
Free 3 months Stan promotion is also available for JB.
You can find more information here.…
Hope this helps .
Have a nice day.
Kind regards
Ps4 neo around the corner but good price :)
I'm waiting for the new 4K version for $499.
Is that price cofirmed?
mind you though, the upcoming new ps4 is only a slight upgrade and would be a stretch to call them '4K console'
you might, just might get 30 fps on certain games (but I doubt this too)
EDIT: but just to make it clear this is an extremely good deal, I have nothing against consoles lol,
but it's just wrong when people think you cant build an extremely budget gaming pc, although it would requrie some research and knowledge about parts
I'm hoping that leads to more price drops for the original PS4.
You might as well buy PS3 for $100.
Not that close. Latest rumour was not til 2017. Plus it was going to be US$500. Thats all rumour though. Nothing set in concrete and nothing announced at E3.
I'm happy to wait and will pay up to A$499 or wait for the 20% ebay code for a lower price.
This deal is for a PS4.
You lost me at "Plus kinetic"
The title should read for those who missed out the 1TB Unchartered limited edition with UC4 for $399.
What deal was that?
Definitely not the 1TB Unchartered limited edition with UC4 for $399 deal. No sir, not that one.
PlayStation 4 500GB Console (Black or White) $375 @ JB Hi-Fi
Price match at big w and use Wish gc or big w gc.
They can do better
PSN payable = No PS4 for me.
I might as well skip this gen or buy something else
Are you referring to PS plus being a paid service? I doubt that will ever change.
Like xb1 that has free online multiplayer?
It isn't going to change next gen either.
Looks like you're sticking to Nintendo consoles from here on out then. It's free but you get a very sub par service. They don't even have a system wide achievement system, and most games people don't have mics, if the game supports chat at all. No cross game chat either.
Price matched at HN + Amex offer = $325
That Amex offer doesn't seem to be available still. Could you post the link as that would be a great deal.
It's not available to redeem anymore (most likely because the full number of redemptions has been reached).
Yup I had my offer my saved a while ago :)
I opted for the Kogan option.…
Coupled with my $15 off coupon for eBay it was worth the extra 50 bucks
Use that money and build yourself a PC :)
will last longer and you will learn a great skill in the process.
better graphics, better frame rates, more room for internal component upgrades!
You can't build a decent PC intended for gaming for the same amount, take your crap elsewhere please.
you can build a decent PC for around 600$-700$
If you factor in the fact pc games are generally cheaper and the PC itself has more uses than just gaming.. some might find it worth the price :)
No need to be overly defensive/salty
you can build a decent PC for around 600$-700$
For better graphics and frame rates than the console equivalent? Unlikely.
No need to be overly defensive/salty
No need for the fanboy-ish language either.
i am uncertain why you think its Fanboyish or Juvenile, its just slang.
these two are having a go @ me and I think i can reserve the right to defend myself without you deconstructing/analysing the words I use.
PC games are not really "cheaper". Don't forge you can trade console games. My cost per game usually works out be $20. I buy for $60-70 and sell for $40-50 on Gumtree.
It's a forum, people are allowed to have differing opinions. If you don't want people disagreeing with you, either don't comment or say things that people can disagree with.
To respond directly to that first comment of yours…
better graphics, better frame rates, more room for internal component upgrades!
There is more to gaming than graphics and frame rates. Despite thoroughly enjoying my build with graphics and frame rates that are better than the console counterpart, I don't go around saying that PC gaming is definitely better than consoles. I certainly don't sit there and stare at an FPS counter or at minute details in the graphics.
Different opinions sure but just the way they they replied to my post were both particularly hostile. Especially since I didnt "down," console gaming in any particular way. Only merely noting the positives of PC gaming.
I'm not sure why you're trying to be a wanna-be moderator on these sets of comment.
Different opinions sure but just the way they they replied to my post were both particularly hostile
And using slang that was intended to provoke a response isn't?
Especially since I didnt "down," console gaming in any particular way.
Well, you did decide to comment about PC gaming in a deal post about a console…
Only merely noting the positives of PC gaming.
Didn't realise people were asking for it. While you're at it, do you have any insightful comments on other topics people haven't asked about?
I'm not sure why you're trying to be a wanna-be moderator on these sets of comment.
Am I? Sorry, didn't realise putting forward a point of view that wasn't provocative in any way would be an attempt at being a moderator on a forum.
Sheesh, you hipsters.
"It's a forum, people are allowed to have differing opinions"
Please stop contradicting yourself.
"And using slang that was intended to provoke a response isn't?"
Pardon me for standing up for myself.
"Didn't realise people were asking for it. While you're at it, do you have any insightful comments on other topics people haven't asked about?"
? are you being sarcastic
Please stop contradicting yourself.
How so? Say what you like, but if you're going to say something that others perceive to be 'flaming' or irrelevant to the deal/topic like you have, then be ready for responses.
Pardon me for standing up for myself.
So hostile responses to hostile comments? Nice and mature.
? are you being sarcastic
No chance whatsoever.
Just so you know, if you'd like to quote like I have done, just leave a '>' without the inverted commas at the start of that line.
"So hostile responses to hostile comments? Nice and mature."
Salty is hardly as hostile as "take your crap somewhere else"
I think poster had the mindset to pirate PC games that to be cheaper. Only way cheaper in long run is $1000 PC with pirate games for free
You can't build a PC with decent gaming specs for that price, indeed. But Phil Spencer says his upcoming 6 teraflop console will be 'console priced', whatever that means. If he means $400, that would be a very sweet deal. He just made sure I won't be buying an Xbox for at least 18 months.
Because, right next to my TV, I want a PC worth $2000+ with enough fans in it to just about facilitate its own ability to take off and land, all while sounding like a swarm of quad-coptors in race mode. I need it to have a 1000w power supply, just to heat the room in winter. And because I have heaps of spare cash laying about, I want to have to upgrade the video card at $900+ every 6 months when a new game gets released that requires it…
Or you know, I could buy a $375 PS4 that won't require hardware updating, will use less power and run quieter… Oh, and my near 10 yo Xbox 360 still plays the games I got for it when I bought it. How much longer does it need to last??
Inb4: but but but, I can build a top tier gaming machine for the same price as a PS4/Xbox One… No, no you can't.
so salty
How can I be salty? My gaming console cost less than $400 and plays all the latest games. I can by a PS4 and an Xbox one and still have over $1000 in spare change for what it cost you to build a decent PC gaming rig… And my "console" is the same as everyone else's, so I don't need to spend another bucket load of cash on it in the next few months in a never ending pissing competition with other PC gamers and trying to keep up with game releases…
You just sound like another butt hurt PC gamer with buyers remorse. Need to get on forums to validate your poor purchase choices with the same PC gamer rhetoric. Learn a skill, better frame rate, blah blah blah…
My PS3 and Wii Consoles were the best investment I made in gaming. No longer I need to constantly chase up on PC hardware. I spend that money on home loan and holidays
yes you can btw,
build a gaming machine for the same price
Can build a gaming machine for about $60 if you just want to play emulated Atari 2600 up to PS1 games. But that isn't what we are comparing with.
But if you can build a PC for under $375 that will run all the latest mainstream games at their max settings, then let's hear it. I want one of these…
well maybe not by this extraordinary sale price haha
but with AMD APU's you'll get pretty close
@jay0514: So, after reading about AMD APU, the cheapest, bottom of the range APU is going to start at $199(US??). This is without a case, motherboard, RAM, storage drive, PSU, optical drive, input device or operating system (I am going to assume you do t need a GPU, as it appears to be a SoC type thing)… You have $175 left to spend on this "amazing" gaming machine, impress me. :)
Like I said this deal is an extra ordinary deal and won't be possible at its price but under what was normal ps4 price would be.
N cheapest is about 159 from pccasegear , might be less on sale or other sites.
Im not trying to impress lol, just saying there are options
yes you can btw,
build a gaming machine for the same price
So now you are saying you need me to move the goal posts, because you "can't" actually build a high end gaming PC for $375?
Use that money and build yourself a PC :)
will last longer and you will learn a great skill in the process.
better graphics, better frame rates, more room for internal component upgrades!
Repeating what others have said here but you can't build a gaming PC for the same price, unless you're only planning on running retro emulators.
Having moved to a PC after 6 years with a PS3, there are pros and cons of both, but there's nothing wrong with having either one, or both. My PS3 is still a great Blu Ray player!
Consoles are good for those who want a no fuss experience with gaming, where you just buy the console, game and play (after updates of course). It's more convenient and cheaper than building a gaming PC. Also there are some great exclusives.
PC gaming is great for mods, indie games (though consoles are getting more now) and the ability to do much more (productivity etc.) but costs are likely to be higher and troubleshooting can be costly (in terms of both time and money) but you get something that is more unique and personal. I had a lot of fun building computers but it's a very specialised skill that isn't really relevant elsewhere (unless you're building a lot or are troubleshooting a lot).
Graphics and frame rates mean nothing if you don't enjoy the games!
There will always be a place for both consoles and PC :)
Realistically, what decent gaming PC can you build for $600?
After a proper Windows licence that costs over $100 (not the ones on Reddit for like $10 that can get deactivated suddenly because they are from dubious volume licence sources), you're looking at a budget of $500.
Then let's say you take an el cheapo case + PSU combo option for somewhere in the $75 range and a cheap hard drive for $60.
That leaves roughly $350 to use for CPU, GPU, RAM and motherboard which isn't much at all.
Definitely with $600, you can't match a PS4 or Xbox One I think, let alone at a $375 price point.
gumtree my friend
the ps4 is $375 not $600. And the ps4 is new and not second hand. So why are we trying to compare a $600 second hand pc to a new ps4? Why not compare a new $375 pc?
Or maybe dont compare and buy a ps4.
If you find a new PC for at or under $375 that will run Overwatch, Division, Doom or any other popular recent release title at max resolution and frame rate, then please post it. I'm keen to jump on this PC master race bandwagon…
there are these things called APU's from AMD
no need for GPU
just saying, not hating on this deal which is an extremely good value deal
and what about all the PS exclusives?
Though I am very close to buying a PS4 for Horizon Zero Dawn and other exclusives, and the original poster of this thread here is an obvious troll, I have to say that there are a hell of a lot more exclusives on PC than there is on PS4. Plus with Humble and Steam sales, they often go for insane prices, between a buck and five bucks for some pretty big/popular stuff. You can also do more with a PC, and download mods and prototype games like Dwarf Fortress and Cataclysm DDA, which you'll never ever see on console.
But this guy is insane; the PC buy in point for this level of graphics is almost $1500, and it's not likely to last as long as the PS4 because PC hardware is outdated pretty fast. The modern Gaming PC is reserved for the gaming fanatic who plays ALL the games, PS4 better for people who only want to play a few large budget games with their mates.
Biggest difference is that PC are a luxury item for gaming and that it realistically needs an upgrade every 3 years or so to catch up with the current tech standards in order to play games at optimal standards for that period of time. This usually comes in the form of GPU upgrades. When your GTX680 becomes the same speed as the mid range 1000 series (1060 or less), thats when you will say "upgrade time". The PS/XB consoles have remarkable shelf life of about 8 years before you'd want to get a new console / or becomes economically viable as such.
Different requirements of gaming for different people. For people on a tight budget, then the consoles are the way to go. But if you can afford a new system or a boost in the GPU every 3 years (eg. cough salsac or depreciation), then go the PC for best quality.
A $700 Gaming PC (at best, get you a bottom ended i3, cheap motherboard and a GTX 950 with storage and RAM - not even considering the Windows license) will only get you maybe a year or so's satisfaction before you'd want to upgrade again when you have to play next year's gaming on low settings and low resolutions.
Wasn't costco selling 1tb for $389 with uncharted 4 game included and also with the uncharted theme playstation
Yes they were, what's your point?
That you only need to add $14 for an extra 500gb?
u think that many ppl have costco membership?
i'm only tempted to get a ps4 now becoz the e3 didn't announce anything about the rumoured PS4.5
I have been longing for a PS4 for ages, but worried some new PS is gonna come out very soon..
why? Wanted a PS4 since the rumoured FF7 remake has finally been shown to be real.. thought getting 4.5 playing FF7-Remake will be an awesome combo + other Final Fantasy games in between such as the new FF due to release at end of September..
What's everybody's take on getting this 500GB PS4 vs wait for 4.5 to be announced?
I'm in the same boat as you.
I reckon there is a decent chance that the PS 4.5 will be released this year because I reckon it is paired with their VR hardware.
But I don't think there's a huge risk in buying it and selling it later on if you feel the urge to play some games now.
Im the same. Have been waiting for ps4 neo to jump to vr when it comes in sept. Was hoping to buy vr with the neo, but doesnt look like that will happen.
i def wanna buy the new announced VR too. I had a quick look on Sony's website and apparently the VR only works if you already have Playstation Camera. The VR doesn't seem to come with the camera (sold separately), which is a bummer.
If you want the new one, best to wait. It's rumored to release this year.
You waited this long, may as well wait a few more months.
I think you're right on this. May as well wait that extra few months and see :P
If there is still nothing about 4.5 maybe at boxing day /pre xmas sales the PS4 may get crazy discounts again.
Bought mine 6 months ago for $318 (with $50 AMEX cashback).
Must have been a great deal. :)
i got from eb at 378 pretty sweet deal, 500 gb is more than enough for all the exclusive games lol (and i aint gonna keep everything installed anyway
The $399 1TB Uncharted 4 bundle a few weeks ago blows this out of the water. Hopefully you guys jumped in then if you didn't have one yet.
Especially good for those who stacked up those jb hi fi gift cards on coke rewards.