Hey all,
I realise that there's already a few threads on the TRS but they all seem pretty outdated. I just had a question for anyone who's claimed it before - it says under information that for purchases over $1000, the traveller's name and address must be printed on the tax invoice. However, I bought my laptop from Officeworks and got a store receipt which has everything needed (Eg. ABN, Business Name etc) except for my name/address. The only personal information on it is my email address. I emailed TRS but they had an auto reply saying that it could take them up to 60 days to get back to me. Officeworks also said that they only print the name/address for online orders, not in-store purchases. Anyone tried claiming receipts over $1000 without a name/address?
I believe you can and should demand a receipt from Officeworks with your identity on it:
If it has your ABN and/or business name on it then Officeworks has fulfilled their requirements and you just need to show that you own the business when claiming the refund, if asked.