Buying second hand Audi Q7 from dealership

So we ended up deciding against buying a new Toyota Prado GXL and is now seriously looking into a secondhand Audi Q7. The car is a 2012 model with 44,732km on it. The dealership has it advertised at $64,990 drive away. What price do you think I can realistically get the price down to from the advertised price?


  • Buy the Prado, i often find last minute changes rarely work out.

  • +1

    if you're going second hand then why not go for a prado from the last few years?

    plenty of 2013/14 Prado GXLs with less than 40,000kms and under $52,000.

  • That depends, what made you pick that car? Cheapest on Carsales for that year and kms, or are there cheaper?

  • Toyota = cheap parts, not so expensive services.
    Audi = expensive parts, bye bye savings.

  • +1

    Toyota = cheap parts, not so expensive services.
    Audi = expensive parts, bye bye savings.

    i know this is ozb and saving is the name of the game, but op may want more than a tin box to get from a to b. the consensus is that a family vehicle made by toyota is boring to drive. euro made, especially german, italian and perhaps english makes vehicles that are fun to drive. our company car is a toyota. >500km or >10 hrs a week, every week. it's reliable and cheap to run ($10/p 100km), but we would trade it for a euro any day of the week.

    one more thing. anyone that can drop a year's net income on a vehicle isn't really concerned about the tco.

    • It's 10 l/p 100km, not $10/p 100km.

    • anyone that can drop a year's net income on a 4 year old vehicle isn't really concerned about the tco.


      • every mum out there has a prado… few have a Q7

        but yeah, if you have $65k to spend on a 3y.o Q7 you dont need our opinion or anyones really

  • Or if the Prado drive isn't car like enough, there is always the Kluger.

  • There's a reason why German cars are cheap after 4-5 years.. service! Goes exponential apparently.

  • What price do you think I can realistically get the price down to from the advertised price?

    The dealer will still make good profit if he accepted $50K but that depends on many factors only himself knows like his experience with the market and how long it has been advertised for this price.

  • Have you bought any car yet?

    • Yes we ended up buying a 2013 BMW X5 Diesel 41,000km. Asking price was $66,800, tow bar $2,800. Bargained down to $66,000 flat with tow bar. Car also comes with 3 years free servicing. Hope we did ok on the price…

      • Any updates on this buy? how is it all going?

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