Best Way to Buy GB Pound Via The Internet?

I want to buy some GB pounds, I kinda think they are a bargain price at the moment. I don't need to receive the physical money just a FOREX account.

Does anyone use ForexTrading( Or would HSBC (or other bank) be better ? Thinking of >$10,000.



  • Looked at ozforex?

  • +10


    • +2

      I was going to post on the deals, Euro Special, 6% off Pounds Sterling!

      Just had my cousin visiting from the UK to watch the rugby, he is pretty savvy and integrated at IBM, he was voting Brexit, a Gen Y guy. From his angle he suggested the UK would be more competative and could dump the slacker mediterranean countries.And that all the worry from the bankers was because of that their comfortable little nest is being disturbed.

      I see England (thanks Scotland, it's me not you) powering ahead now it is not Europe's crutch. But heh I'm a POM from working class stock and probably a bit biased.

  • If you're eligible for a HSBC Premier account, that would probably be the way to go.

  • +1

    Also, if you don't need the physical money, another consideration would be to just buy an ETF on the ASX.…

  • Or CFDs if you are prepared to lose some limbs.

  • I've used Moneycorp many times, a legitimate fx clearing house. Also used HIFX, rates are slightly worse.
    Of course once you convert your $ to £ you will need somewhere to park them, UK interest rates are worse than AUD. Australian banks charge for having an account in another currency.
    Have you considered researching the prepaid VISA card where you load in $ and is converted to £ then you have locked in your rate and is easy to spend assuming you intend to visit the UK or buy things online in £. Just ideas..

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