• expired

Mandarin/ Oranges/ Lemons/ Tangelo/ Grapefruit 10kg Mix - $42 ($4.2/kg) Delivered (Save $10)(ACT NSW SA VIC) @ Farmhouse Direct


Hi all,

Remember this deal??

Im sure many of us do. It scored 144+ and while a few of us had to deal with a mini saga, we all loved our fruit when it arrived safely.

Tim (tlarnold) and his team did an Awesome job in getting such great quality fruit to us for a low low price!

Tim also answered many questions in the thread he posted in August of last year

I was really happy with the quality of produce and packaging of my box.

For those interested, here's a pic of the package I received last year

This promotion will be for a 10kg box filled with a mix of varieties selected by us, the growers, to best showcase the range of flavours at any time during season.

Box will include a selection of in season varieties: Oranges, Pink Navels, Tangelos, Lemons & Grapefruit

TBC - but maybe you can ask Tim to divide your box into rough ratios (i.e. NO Lemons) by going to this link (must be logged in)

Originally $52.00 + Delivery

This box makes a great gift for someone special or simply takes the decision making out of ordering for you.

  • Hand picked and packed
  • No post harvest fungicide, wax or gas de-greening
  • Into the post within 24 hours of picking
  • Direct from our orchard to your postal address only days after picking

Related Stores

Farmhouse Direct
Farmhouse Direct

closed Comments

  • No delivery to QLD …

    • Yeah ACT NSW SA VIC Only

    • You can buy it direct from Fresh Citrus Direct for $48 delivered SA, VIC, NSW or $63 delivered for ACT/QLD.

      • +1

        So why the price difference? Last time I looked the ACT was wholly enclosed within NSW so that freight impost makes zero sense.

        I'm interested in trying these superior fruit at least once but I have lemons coming out of the proverbial from my own garden so what are the actual chances of a "no lemon" box?

        My father grew the best tasting grapefruit in the history of mankind so I'll have a good yardstick there.

  • +2

    I was waiting for this deal since last year. The best fruit I have ever eaten by far. Don't worry about the low life's that complain about everything.

    • +1

      But no + ?

  • -1

    That's not even cheap, let alone the impractical quantity.
    (For example, oranges are $2.20/Kg at Coles currently. Grapefruits were $3.50/kg when I got one the other day.)

    • you're not comparing apples with apples

    • +1

      What a joke, usually I won't take the time to defend anyone but last year the bloke who put up the deal was bombarded with complaint about the size of fruit and the delay in delivery and also the price.

      Honestly some of you men need to grow a set and stop the whining. These fruits are superior to anything Coles or any supermarket will sell and probably better than anything you have tried before.

      I will order no questions asked

      • +1

        It was a valid observation. Instead of negging him why not stick to putting forward the counter argument(s)?

        For example: "Farmhouse is not a website that fronts a traditional supermarket or logistics warehouse. When you buy online through Farmhouse, 90% of the money from each purchase goes directly to the producer. This is about the same as a farmers’ market in town. In contrast, traditional retailing often sees the producer only earn 10-30%."

        • +7

          I always found this interesting: buying closer to the producer is more expensive while the producer is earning more money. I never understood why. Yes the supermarkets have better logistics etc. but if the producer is able to earn 90% of the purchase vs only 10-30%, wouldnt you expect the product to be cheaper?

        • +1

          @Ozziebargainhunter: two significant things in play wrt pricing - quantity, and supermarket purchasing power (domination).

          Supermarkets pay bottom dollar for the product but take large volumes. Small producers are often left out of that loop or are not prepared to be a party to being shafted.

          Fruit you get in supermarkets may or may not be "fresh". A good proportion of it at some stage will have been cold stored - that's why you can buy apples in bulk out of season.

          If you want good taste then fruit 'n veg picked and sold truly fresh can be light years ahead of supermarket product in some instances. Different varieties, picked ripe, and straight to customer.

        • @Possumbly:

          It's not even just the supermarket "purchasing" power, have a look at the levels of "rebates and discounts" they demand from their suppliers to put the products on the shelves.

          The documentation for the Maggie Beer Products IPO shows that 14% of their REVENUES are paid to the supermarkets to get the products on the shelves. Not PROFIT but REVENUES.

          Yes, that's right, the producers have to pay the supermarket to stock their goods.

          Small wonder then that the supermarket can sell it cheaper than the producer.

        • @psherriff: not sure that system applies with f'n'v but yes suppliers have to pay to get their products on shelves, a premium for position, and even have to manage the shelves themselves in some cases. That's why we see very good products vanish from shelves. Too much take and not enough give, and too much focus on price (we're all very price conscious these days) invariably leads to reduced variety.

        • +2

          but why not making the prices the same, that should already be a win for the producer (lose the middle man so more profit) and it is in direct competition with the supermarket (so bigger market share)

        • @Ozziebargainhunter: If it was exactly the same product you'd be right, the direct sales should be cheaper, but as I said you're paying a premium for smaller volume, better quality (maybe) and fresher products, plus the producer's time and effort in getting it to you.

          You also need to know whether the supermarket price is "real". In some cases it's a loss leader - ie they are prepared to make an overall loss on particular items simply to get you in the door on a regular basis. Short-term pain for long-term gain.

      • +1

        better than anything you have tried before.

        Well that's a bit subjective

        You do realise that farmers markets have this 'basic', in-season fruit for less than $4.20/kg right?

        • +1

          I agree. Here in ACT the farmer's market serves top quality fruit at less than that price. And you don't have to buy in 10k batches.

  • +2

    Nice deal mate looking forward to order one.

    • If you haven't had Fresh Citrus Direct's Mandarins/Oranges/Lemons/Tangelo/Grapefruit, you're in for a treat. Best Australian fruit I've ever tasted!

  • +1

    10 month ago it was $52 and $35 on special.

    Today is it $52 and $42 on special.

    That's a 20% increase for special price with no increase from standard. Not that interesting.

  • +1

    Got this last year. This was a great deal.

    10kg is a little large for me this time round. Will have to find a few guys from work to put in to get the box again.

    Looking forward to it!

    • +1

      Yep fun times last year. Great fruit and worth a few people putting in $5 or so for this. Enjoy!

  • -1

    "Password must contain at least 3 upper-case letter(s), 3 lower-case letter(s) and 3 number(s)." Life is hard enough… Why makes it harder?

  • How long would these last for? I live alone, so sometimes things go off before I get to them.

    • Keep them in their box in a dark dry place ie cupboard and theyll last at least a month. Im sure youll eat through them much faster haha!

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