So long, and THANKS for all the Copper

I was just wondering in this time of no political interest, me included, what do people think of a new line of t shirts that have on the front "so long, and THANKS for all the Copper"(large text) "Turnbull what were you thinking" (fine print). I like this as being a long term protest at government short-term thinking about a lot of things.

Let me know what you think.

There is an obvious reference back to the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy here.


  • I think you are going way too hi-tech.

    So, T-Shirt's featured around 1913,

    Morse Code might be a better example (1836)

    Electricity is going up in cost so I reckon Turnback will have us all using Candles soon.

    Let's use Coal (and have children working in mines) and have Steam Trains and Telegrams.

  • +11

    Urgh this is one of the few forums online that doesn't get bogged down in politics. Please don't let this start becoming a thing?

    Remember TPP polls are around 50/50 so whatever you say, if it's partisan you're going to be irritating half the audience. And no one ever changes their political persuasion from a comment on the internet, so the only reason to make political comments is to hear them echoed back by like minded people so you can feel smug and have your bias reinforced.

    Please, no!

    • +1

      well said

  • Pretty sure they average Joe in the street wouldn't even realise what your slogan is about. They might think it's about copper exports or something. At least that's what I thought until I clicked into this thread.

    Technically, the copper into people's homes was already there.

    • +1

      I thought they wanted to thank the Royal Australian Mint for producing 1 & 2 cent coins…

  • the 'obvious' reference hitch hikers was so obvious it needed pointing out?

    So this long term protest will be short term if the other guys get in?

  • +1

    First of all, probably only the geeky ones would get that meme. Also dolphins departed the earth when they left that phrase — it wasn't even a "long term protest" but a message when you drop the mic. So where are you going when you say so long?

  • +1

    "Got Copper" would also be succinct

  • +1

    Can't FTTH become a fashion label?
    (it worked for French Connection).

  • +2

    And then Labour get into office, and still just keep the system at what it is, because it's cheaper (or whatever reason they pull)

    Cmon, you can't seriously be that naive to think either major party will go through with all their policies…? Surely…?

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