Looking for a set of 6 wine glasses to be engraved with a logo for a social group of red wine drinkers I'm part of.
Best price I could find on eBay was $51.
Any advances on that?
I found 6 Stemless around $66 as follows:
and you select "My Own Design"
stemless! does woolworths still have the philadelphia cream cheese - "buy 2 packs and get 2 stemless wine glasses for free" -deal?
Maybe, but Woolworths don't do engraving. lol
This mob at Chadstone do it http://www.boutiquelevin.com.au
I asked if they could engrave Riedel wine glasses if I supplied them and they said yes, I never got a price because they wanted to see the artwork before quoting me a price.
If you do get a price zaqwsx3 let me know what it is, I suspect it might be more than your eBay price though ;)