With the Brexit looming and a possible fall of the pound I am thinking that there may be possibly some incredible deals. Thoughts?
Brexit Bargains

Have a look back to some posts from 2012 from when it was around 65 - 70 pence to the $.
Some folk are predicting we could potentially see a return to those levels if Brexit happens.
Popular back then were BluRays, clothing and small to medium size electonics like headphones from amazon, and vacuums.
at 70p/$1 it's worth booking a trip to England! (if you like that kinda thing)
Yes i was thinking flights might be cheap to all of Europe. I imagine the Euro will fall as well. Might be a good time to book flights just as the vote goes through.
Video games, maybe ozgameshop will go back to having good prices again?
it is likely the aud will also fall in the case of a brexit with a rise in USD. just depends how much the GBP and the AUD drop by.
I imagine the aussie dollar will drop short term. Medium term a depressed British economy may import less Australian goods.
But long term, a UK separated from the EU will increase trade with Asia, and Australia.
We import more from the UK than we export so all things being equal we should be better off (more goods for the same money offset by fewer exports).
Numatic Henry.
I'm actually curious as to why britain want to exit from the EU, it seems like the only reason for it is because they don't want to take in refugees. Isn't that a bit disgraceful and selfish? They're also wanting to reduce welfare payments for migrants as well. Just an awful bit of the world they are when it comes to humanitarian support.
Now I've seen everything, an Australian actually calling the UK awful when it comes to humanitarian support for refugees.
This is the country that incarcerates all of it's non-white refugees (that it finds are mostly genuine) and allows ten times as many white people to roam the community (that it finds mostly are not genuine refugees). Despite extremely small numbers of refugees coming.
LMAO before you jump to conclusions, i'm actually pro-immigration because my family came here from a war that i'm fairly sure the UK participated very little in. now, regardless of australia's policy on immigration such as preventing journalists covering the issue and detaining everyone on naru and wherever else; the country is run by idiots anyway, australia's just as bad as the US on many fronts and it's government is a joke beyond belief. however, i digress.
BUT if it's true that the UK just want out because they don't want to take care of refugees, then that's highly selfish of them considering they're a fairly wealthy country.
definitely gotta reduce the number of kiwis coming in though, and english ;)
Britain is basically a massive tax haven that doesn't produce anything anymore. I think it would be boneheaded of them to leave - but the Euro zone may break up naturally anyway, so there is an argument to get out first.
As it stands - stronger countries within the EU put unreasonable burdens on peripheral states like Greece and Italy - those most directly impacted by refugees.
This is the the price they are paying for crushing these countries with austerity and letting Syria/Northern Africa tear itself apart - and these problems aren't going away.
well they must be producing something because the GBP is constantly in good rates against the USD, JPY and AUD.
They produce financial products - basically global tax evasion and financial gambling.
None of the reasons that made Britain a superpower in the 1800-1900s exist today. It mainly had to do with their colonies (and naval power).
The main argument is that unskilled British citizens are either getting paid poorly, or being put at the end of the queue for jobs behind the Polish etc.
Having lived in the UK, I know that employers hire Polish over locals due to their work ethic.
Additionally living in London on the minimum wage is almost impossible.This referendum is about the people biting back. Similar to what has happened in the USA with Bernie Sanders.
I voted remain, but i do see benefits for both sides.
Well a future is coming where a lot of low skilled people are out of work regardless. If migrants aren't hired directly, the work will be outsourced or automated or some other slippery loophole (working visas) used. Or the companies will offshore entirely and there will be no jobs at all.
There are valid and good reasons to stay or leave but this is happening either way.
Yes I agree that many jobs will disappear, but I don't think it will have as fast an effect as many people hypothesise (different topic though).
If you were on the minimum wage in the UK and you were not happy with it, you would want to shake up the politics to get a better deal. For them, they can't fathom it being any worse. All they see is the potential up side.
Well those are mainly domestic issues and they should vote in a socialist leader (Corbyn) if they feel so strongly. A lot of those problems can be solved with regulation, taxation reform (e.g. Tobin Tax) and better social programs.
The issue of EU membership is largely unrelated to this IMO.
The EU has allowed the Polish (and other poorer Eastern european countries) to come to the UK for work. This has kept down wages, and provided more competition for work.
The EU has provided a number of working rights, an area which these people voting to leave don't fully grasp I don't believe.
I agree that the best solution is reform. But many Brits only see the cause of the problem, rather than a variety of solutions.
Wages were not going up anyway IMO.. if the EU didn't exist, foreign (or holiday) working visas would have been (ab)used to the same result by employers.
The severe inequality you see in Britain is worldwide - the 7 eleven worker thing is quite common in AU also.
As I understand it, the original goal of the EU was a "United States of Europe". If the UK doesn't see itself as committed to the project - maybe they should go. If you busted up the US into 50 countries (or Australia into 7) it wouldn't work either.
one of the best and most informative videos I've seen so far on the EU.
Quite lawyerly - but doesn't look at how rich nations use the EU to dominate poor ones. e.g. Germany sells product cheaply into poor countries with a cheaper currency than they deserve (e.g. German olive oil sold into Greece).
Local industry is collapsed, these countries accrue massive debts to the banks of wealthy states. They can no longer devalue their currencies/or easily default and then the looting begins & you get vassal states. Basically economic conquest.
Probably wouldn't happen to the UK - but it's undemocratic and a risk.
The Australian dollar is up 6% against the pound since start of day - if there were any purchases you were considering from Amazon.co.uk or BookDepositoryUK, now might be the time.
The pound is falling! The pound is falling! Zavvi, TheHut and Amazon UK must be stoked!
Some other UK sites - make sure you switch to GBP
Wiggle, Chain reaction cycles, Ribble, ProbikekitZavvi has an Independence Day deal up on their home page. Coincidence? :D
So, any good deals on UK sites? Please share.
You might get a discount on British passports marked with "European Union" on the front cover. Maybe a 50% off deal? Or a buy 1 get 1 free offer?