Navman MY50T 4.7" Widescreen GPS $159.00 on
bargain price
2009 australian maps
Refurbished units
Navman MY50T 4.7" Widescreen GPS $159.00 on
bargain price
2009 australian maps
Refurbished units
I checked this out on Google out of curiosity and found this quite reasonable review but then I read the user reports on the same page - not with a bargepole territory methinks :)
thanks, at first i thought that was a harsh negative, however after reading the reviews, very justified…
convinced me i dont need one……thank you :P
A Bad user report? When 90% of my mail comes from anonymous friends, can you really trust a user report on cnet, where anyone who isn't anyone, can be my great grandfather and daughter in the same breath.
And being a iphone user I think a Nokia 2110 is the greatest phone ever, even when I dropped it in a frozen beer pond in the south sahara desert
Really I'll give you plus five for gullibility, just drop around and see me I'll be at the corner of George and Elizabeth St's at 4pm Friday the 13th.
At least the cnet report has some credibility
id tend to agree if it where one person… however have a read, there is a LARGE amount of people who said the exact same thing…. you can only test so much in the lab….
thats true. but u have to agree, its only the disgruntled people who are inclined to post feedback, and that too dramatic essay length comments. Also, if i were in the situation of having purchased this gps, i wudnt post a good review on cnet, until id made sure it didnt screw up for a few years. hence, the lack of positive user reviews.
id suggest checking with a number of other websites first, before making a decision.
@venu: id suggest checking with a number of other websites first, before making a decision.
good point however, when its a normal porduct there are usually only a few people that complain… expect to see a few, however, go to that site, and there is a heap of negative! id post a positive if I saw so many negatives about a product that worked ok…
every one is saying the same thing… warning bells should be ringing.
Couldn't you say the same be said about people who put up their opinions of products on ozbargain? It surprises me you say such things where this site which you are a mod is based 100% on user contribution and opinions! What credibility do you rate all of our opinions? I guess you don't visit or take notice of any other user contribution sites like whirlpool to see what users are saying?
I do agree with wisc below in saying that if it was just one person saying it you would take it with a grain of salt, but with a large number of people you need to take notice and do more search. I always read user review of products before i buy or accommodation i book.
Sydguy - Exactly we have our share of sockpuppeteers here , delete a post a day, and we do some pretty thorough checks a catch some pretty clever tricks, but they are the ones we catch.
However raising the point has brought some good responses out of the woodwork, so now rather than one opinion we have some more, that contributes to everyone's better understanding and I will willingly concede that the opinions on this product seem pretty convincing.
I for one wouldn't buy one after reading those….
Aldi has a smaller 3.5" GPS unit for $89 next Thursday.
Hi guys, i have the higher spec version.. the my55t, and i can safely say i would not recommend these newer navman gps's to anyone.. your better of with the older s series.. these new ones are a waste of money..
Tsandu, you are wrong. I am sorry to say…
I am an owner of two older Navmans, and they were both horrible.
After a recent purchase of a Garmin, I can't believe that
I've been using a Navman all these time…
Man why do COTD get these GPS without doing any research!!! They're gonna cause a lot of headache for both temselves and everyone who buys them
Lol. They get most of their stuff cheap because it's unwanted crap which no one can sell at full price, so presumably their suppliers just unload it at dirt cheap prices to them to move the stock.
brutal brutal reviews there
Neg vote for the OP not mentioning these are refurb units in the post.
Neg voted removed** as this is now mentioned - Your vote had the desired effect - thank you.
** Our guidelines allow for removal of negative votes if point being made is rectified.
This is a terrible unit. i bought one and returned it within a week, has great features and sounds great on paper, but maps are terrible and the unit has several features which really annoy you when your driving. do yourself a favour and buy a tomtom, has less features and costs more, but at least will get you where you want to go! check out the review on cnet as well. it really is the worst GPS i have ever used. and i bought it new from officeworks for $211 just a few weeks back.
thats probably one of the units on sale here LOL
I have one of these and it is my first ever GPS.
Beats a Gregory's, but starting to wonder if I should have bought another brand.
It is slow, and it takes you on major roads, not on more direct/less traffic back streets.
Refurb or not still a good brand seldom seen online at a decent price +1 from me
So branding is more important then a good functional machine?
Yeah to right, that's the problem when you see a brand name
I don't think it's a bargain price for a REFURBISHED unit . And there is a reason why it has only 6 months warranty…Most likely will fail earlier and then you will have to go through the hassles of repairing it and then the warranty is gone… Add to this bad user report…Nothing personal, but considering the above, it doesn't seem to be a bargain to me.
i think something to note here, the condition is refurbished.