I've checked out the Whirlpool build recommendations, but it's all a bit confusing still. Anybody able to recommend a pre-built PC or DIY components under this budget?
Gaming PC <$1,500

You're probably right, just can't help but wonder about brands/specs/suppliers etc. Also, the page was last updated on 25/5/16, but who knows what got updated? Is the $1500 machine still current, or are there better deals out there. The 20% off at Futu brings some prices down lower than Umart (prefer Umart over MSY - over 100 orders from Umart).
Built dozens of PCs in my day, but been out of the game for years. Keen to see if anyone can better the whirlpool spec, or recommend alternative parts.
It needs updating again, but I agree that there are probably better prices if you are willing to search beyond MSY/PCCG and use Ozbargain to it's full extent to find the best prices on parts.
this is actually pretty time consuming though, because you end up getting parts all from different places, and then you have to wait for shipping.
e.g RAM from Shopping express, drives from Futu_online, GPU's from Amazon or Newegg etc.
It is a lot easier if you buy everything from one place. You could try PC Byte for parts and complete systems, and use CLICKMORE code for 20% off.
Does $1500 include peripherals (keyboard / mouse / monitor)?
nah, just the PC
Something like this: Link
I left room for an RX480 graphics card, whenever it's released. It'd be ideal for a build of this budget.
You could probably go for a less expensive motherboard, and go for a 250GB SSD + 2TB HDD instead of a 500GB SSD if you needed more space. Shopping around might be cheaper (especially with the 20% off code mentioned above), but shipping can kill that idea a bit.
Thanks, that's a pretty good looking build (albeit without a GPU). I'd rather stick with W7 (network TV Tuner compatibility issues with W10), so would need to source a key from somewhere.
As I said, I'd wait for the RX 480s to release rather than buy any current ones, so I couldn't include it.
That is the best value for money you can get. You could save a few bucks here and there by not getting an overclockable CPU or getting slower memory.Wow, cool site! I've been away from this too long :)
I like your build - is there any real benefit in going with a GTX1070, or will the rest of the build be a bottleneck anyway?
The 1070 will be supported by my build but for my price range it is way to expensive. Up to you though! Keep in mind that the 'K' processor can be overclocked a lot.
But you didn't include a "Z" motherboard for overclocking.
IMO you should ditch the cooler and "K" CPU, and spend the extra on a 1070. If gaming is the highest priority, the GPU is by far the most important part and where you should spend most of your budget.
if in Melbourne
go to scroptec they are really affordable and good quality builds.Can customer build to your needs and budget
So, fell in love with au.pcpartpicker.com!! What a great site.
Given Futu Online's 20% off sale on eBay, I came up with http://au.pcpartpicker.com/user/ryangus/saved/Wdc323 for $964. Using the cheapest supplier option (http://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/NZRD3F) it came to $1041.50.
I still need a CPU cooler and another HDD (both unavailable or not good enough price fomr Futu), but will source these locally. Also, still can't decide upon a GPU, but assume the on-board GPU will at least get me up and running.
Buying from Futu is ~$80 cheaper from gathering parts from all over the place, so seems like a good option? Anyone care to comment before I hit the buy button?
The 750 EVO is very much a budget SSD, I'd spend the extra ~$20 to get the 850 EVO. It's a small difference for an SSD based on newer, faster and more reliable tech than the 750 (and they have a longer warranty).
I generally recommend Silverstone PSU's, as they have a good reputation and I've had trouble with Corsair in the past.
Looks good otherwise
Thanks for the feedback. I'll grab the 850 as suggested, and reconsider the PSU.
Anyone able to recommend best bang-for-buck GPU to match the rest of the build?
Just play the waiting game and get the 1070.
But if you cannot wait grab the 970. Why would you though? 1070 kills it. Only buy it if you can't wait.
if youre going to wait for 1070, might as well wait for the RX480.
How exactly is the WP builds confusing? You can literally copy and paste the parts into an order form and get a system builder at MSY or your local PC shop to build it for you.