Hi, I am looking to purchase a Gas stove and would really not mind a eBay Promo code which gives me some discount.
eBay Promo Codes
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Thanks, was hoping to see if I could get a bargain on ebay.
That was an un-required comment. Do you think I have not tried that? Or do you think everyone thinks the same way as you?
It was a required comment. If you had googled or at least search on OzB, you would have found the page with the 20% off ebay stores page.
Do you really think that code is till valid?
As far as I'm concerned, it's not yet 26th June. Not sure what world you're in.
@Ughhh:Mate, I do not know what world you are in because that code is valid for small traders and not the big ones!! Uggh!!!
Certainly not sure what world you're in, because you definitely never mentioned about only buying from big ones in this world. Perhaps your other world will have a 90% off coupon for you, if you cut the attitude and ask politely.
@Ughhh: What was so impolite about my request? If you cannot help, please do not contribute since you seem to have no better work than running down others' requests!!
Did I not mention the 20% ebay promo in my previous comment? Just because it later did not suit your poorly written and vague request, doesn't mean I didn't attempt to help. Perhaps if you are unable to accept and appreciate help on a forum, then don't post - vague demands at least…since you have no better work than running down others feedback.
Users here on OzB aren't your slave.
Enjoy your full price gas stove :)
If it's not super urgent wait. HN had some Westinghouse ovens down to $1189 2 weeks ago. I got a written quote of $1150 and a week later the price was back up to $1329 + Westinghouse have 10% off by redemption if you buy 2 items, so has worked out a bargain for me.
Appliances Online prices seem to be ok but depends what you are after.Thanks mate…will do!!
Unless you wait for 20% off Good Guys etc. your probably best to buy it in store