How to Get a Song to Stop Playing on Repeat in Your Head

Last week, my daughter wanted me to play a my little pony song on the piano for her (she's been playing the chorus part by ear for a while now and probably wants some help with the rest). The missus is due to come home from a trip overseas later in the week, so I thought I could earn father of the year award, and annoy the crap out of my wife at the same time.. Here is the song for the curious:

Unfortunately the plan backfired.

Since the weekend, I have had "Welcome to the show" playing on repeat in my head.. Day and night. Awake and asleep. In a meeting with my boss this morning about budgets and stuff, all I could hear was ponies singing. I'm hearing it right now. I've never had a song stuck in my head for more than a day or two at the worst.

I honestly need help.

If you have this problem, how did you deal with it?

Poll Options

  • 5
  • 7
  • 8
    Drown it out with another song
  • 6
    This is your life now, serves you right for trying to poke your SO's buttons
  • 6


  • Start listen to Rebecca Black - Friday.

    • +1

      Last time that played on my PC, it caused swelling in the motherboard capacitors. I'll have to wait until I'm at work.

    • The lesser of 2 evils - my little pony or lamb chop..

    • Yeah, fight fire with fire OP, watch Nyan cat for ten hours like this guy:

      • I don't know what's more disturbing… A guy who spent 10 hours watching Nyan cat, or the 1.4 million people who watched him watch Nyan cat.

  • +6

    Uninstall head.

    • +1

      I can jump back into the parents with prams thread. I think I'd find some volunteers to help with that!! lol

  • Drinking.. the song will still play in your head, but you won't mind it as much. :)

    • +1

      I sing when I'm drunk.. The risk will then be that I transfer this curse onto those who are near. I don't know if I could do that in good conscience.

      • You should never drink alone because drinking alone = binge drinker and you wouldn't want to be a binge drinker. My advice is to keep drinking.. then you wouldn't care about the transfer risk as much. :)

        • Good advice. Sounds vaguely familiar to stories that I have been told about myself after such nights in my youth.


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  • If none of the above work, try this.

    • +1

      I need to stop clicking on YouTube links with my volume at max

  • It sounds silly but…. Listen to the song in its entirety, from start to finish, just once. Then it supposedly will no longer be stuck in your head. I make no guarantees though.

    • Son, my daughters are of an age where they watch this once a day. And once a day for each of the other pony movies. I have heard this song from end to end nearly as much as Frozen's "let it go"..

      • I feel your pain (but FYI I am female so not sure 'son' suits me :P )
        I have a 6 year old and I reckon I know pretty much all the theme songs from the ABC shows. Small potato, small potato, small po-tayyyyy-tooooooo

        • A fellow sufferer. I went to a wiggle's concert once and still have not financially recovered. But the pain in my hip pocket was able to keep my mind occupied.

          Oh yeah, when I'm talking in my condescending "on a high pony" voice, even the woman with 2 vaginas is "son"

  • Nauseatingly called 'earworms' in the U.S. Elsewhere, too, now - apparently
    First link suggests 'easy sudoku', or 'tricky anagram'.
    Another, 'chewing gum'.

    Otherwise, the lobotomy may work, but maybe not if done using a My Little Pony Unicorn horn…
    Last resort. Greenpossum's suggestion. Suggest outdoors on the grass to avoid ruining the carpet…

    Best of luck!

    • Twilight Sparkle (the purple one) is one of the main culprits. It would be some kind of poetic justice if she was the lobotomiser.

      But today I learned that there is a scientific (and disgusting) name for my condition. Being medically recognised, maybe I can sue Twilight Sparkle for compensation.

  • Count backwards from 500

  • Sing the whole song through to the end, then start a different song straight away. If that doesn't work, sing the song, but this time change the ending to something that sounds final, so in your head it will be done

  • Hi, just made the mistake of playing this in front of my 5 year old…..she loves it…..thanks! Think I know what song will be stuck in my head now!

    p.s. my husband feels sorry for you!

    • +1

      lol, so you see a parent jump into the nightmare abyss of merchandise inspired kids movies and not come out whole (and with a hole in the wallet)… And then you do the same.

      Yep folks, this is what having kids does to normal rational people :)

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