Hi there,
First post so go easy, I know with the release of the GTX1070 and 1080 a lot would probably just wait and get those, but just thought i'd post in case anyone finds this deal helpful, got it in an email from mwave.
Hi there,
First post so go easy, I know with the release of the GTX1070 and 1080 a lot would probably just wait and get those, but just thought i'd post in case anyone finds this deal helpful, got it in an email from mwave.
There are plenty of things the 980 Ti can't do besides 4k.
Considering as soon as there is stock the 1080 will be available for around $900 AUD if you order direct, this isn't the greatest deal, its good for local stock.
Depends on the game.
980ti can handle almost all games available @ 1440p with 60+ fps on extreme to maxed out settings.
1080 is the new beast but this is the next best. I was playing the Doom demo at maxed settings and didn't drop below 40fps with the 980ti. Can't remember what I get in other games, I have a 1080p monitor so I only use 4k to test out the card.
40 is pretty low 60 sustained is the goal
The release of the 1070 and 1080 is not just about performance. The price of the 970 and 980s should also be dropping to a similar cost-performance point. $749 is bloody expensive for a 980 now. They've been lower before and will be again.
That deal was for a regular 980, this is for a Ti ;)
Slight correction, this is a 980 Ti. The link you've provided is for a 980.
I still agree that $749 is too much to be paying for this with the 1070 and 1080 having just been released. The 1070 is generally faster, has more RAM, and should cost less than this once stock isn't sold out everywhere.
1070 is only faster stock vs stock, if you get OC'ed cards like this MSI, then its about the same as OC'ed 1070s
But with 1070s going to land at under 700 [once stock levels stabilise] theres no point spending more for higher power consumption cards.
wait for RX 480 its almost same as 980Ti for $350 or may be even less.
Are there benchmarks? I would guess it would be getting similar performance to the 970.
No way would it be up there with the 980ti.
agreed.. can spend half the price and get 95% of the speed of the equivalent nvidia card.
The RX 480 seems to be barely better then a 290x in many circumstances. Check how it performs in Steam VR for example.
So a steam VR benchmark is the final trigger for you to buy nVidia cards?
What happened to all DX12 titles and those "leaked" benchmarks about RX 480 crossfire = more than GTX 1080 performance for less money? Dont say that it is AMD titles, it is because they true A-Sync
Please if you are going to be picky about one benchmark then you gotta take in the other benchmarks.
There is a lot more then just Steam VR, my point is that performance is not as good as many people think, still great value for money.
Exactly, i am trying to keep an open mind and i am OzB for the best bang for buck.
I truly believe that AMD has a truly value for money card. At end of the month when they do come out we will see the real benchmarks and then i am happy to admit i was wrong in believing in the RX 480.
Why downvote him, all you nVidia fans should really look at reality. I have a GTX 780 TI and guess what?? nVidia has stop supporting the card that was retailing for over $1000 in less than 3 years. Even the GTX 970 beats my card, if you do not believe that nVidia stops optimising drivers for older gen cards then you are ignorant. Marketing wise kudos to them for coming with such a strategy to force people to buy new gen nVidia cards.
The fact that synthetic benchmarks show that the RX 480 is above GTX 980 shows that it is on close to GTX 980 Ti performance.
If you are going to say that steam VR benchmarks is the new king then by all rights you should take into account all the DX12 titles that are overtaking previous gen enthusiasts nVidia cards.
I will never buy or support a company that overcharge for their hardware and then stop optimising for older cards.
Dont even get me started omn gameworks.
There is real evidence on nVidia forums that prove how gameworks affect AMD cards and now OLDER gen nVidia cards.
Why wouldn't a 970 beat a 780ti though…the 1070 is beating the 980ti. That's what happens with new generations.
You are right, but google nVidia not optimising kepler gpus.
The fact is that when the GTX 970 came out, it was NOWHERE near GTX 780 Ti benchmarks. Look up past benchmarks. It is what happens when they stop optimising older cards to force consumers buy newer cards.
You can get the EVGA GTX 980Ti 6GB card for about $580 landed from Newegg. I haven't been keeping up with the GPU tech but it'd be roughly the same card yeah?
Yes, and this is much better deal.
Wow I had no idea they were that cheap now
It looks like Newegg is getting rid of a lot of their 980Ti models.
You can also get a 1070 for about $660 shipped, cheaper than what I could find locally (~$800).
I've bought all the parts for a new PC build for the first time in 10 years except for the GPU. Going to keep using my 760 until the 1070 non-founder edition pops up on Newegg :)
How much do you expect a 1070 non-founders edition to be in AUD?
I'm tossing up between a 980ti vs 1070. I'm more budget conscious as opposed to performance conscious as 980ti is enough for my uses.
Also, what are some drawbacks with ordering from Newegg US? Does warranty get affected?
Do you have a pcpartpicker link by any chance? :)
Sure do!
I haven't kept up to date with hardware (I'm sure there are enthusiasts out there who will tear apart that build to pieces haha) but I got a bunch of parts cheaper during the eBay sales :)
Haven't dealt with Newegg warranty before but they're a massive company (like Amazon) so I would imagine their warranty process wouldn't be too complicated.
The 1070 just came out and the more-expensive founders edition is $660 in the first week of release. I would think the non-founders would be sub-$500 fairly soon. Just a guess though!
@Kugz: Excellent thanks! I just started researching a sub $3k build so curious to see what others are building.
Yeah I went on pcpartpicker and started to look at completed builds with my CPU or Case or Motherboard to get an idea of what everyone else had built. A LOT of setups which I would have thought looked cool when I was 16 hahaha
Thanks Kugz!
Appreciate the reply, feeling more optimistic now after seeing the abysmal prices we have locally here.
That is a good price - sub $600 delivered to metro vic.
EVGA is way better than MSI. Lot better deal.
New 980 Ti's has been as low as $500-$550 AUD on Newegg already, so even if you factor in ridiculous shipping like $100, it still comes out way cheaper than this deal. Seeing how a GTX 1070 performs better than a 980 Ti (not taking into account of OC), uses less power and costs less, I wouldn't pay anything more than $600 for a new 980 Ti.
If you saw such a great bargain on a 980TI then why didn't you post it on this site?
Cheapest submitted to this site seems to be above $750 from a quick search.
Someone above me has posted the Newegg link. Even then it's arguable if it's worth the purchase due to the 1070s already being released and will start to slowly go down in price as supply catches up.
Not a deal sorry.
1070 for $760 https://www.pccasegear.com/category/193_1829/graphics-cards/…
500 would be a deal for a 980Ti
ouch for all those nVidia GTX 1070, 1080 buyers…
Eh, not really. It's very impressive, and certainly makes the RX 480 better value, however people purchasing a 1070 and 1080 on release aren't looking to get the best value (especially given the premium they're paying atm). They're looking for the best performance, and the 1070 and 1080 will still beat an overclocked RX 480.
Maybe you are right, but if those leaks come out to be true and an overclocked RX 480 is in the same ballpark as a GTX 1070, then as an ozbargainer i am obligated to point out the massive discrepancy of the cost itself.
By the looks of the the leaks and not from just one site, how can anyone justify buying a GTX 1070 which retails for around $450 USD compare to a card that will retail for $239 - $300 USD when the perf difference is 10-25%?
Even for a 10-25% performance difference, people who want the highest framerate are willing to pay it.
Besides, the GPU is only one component out of a gaming PC. It might be 50% more for the GPU, but when it's only 10% more for the entire PC for 10-25% better performance, it's not that hard to justify.
This is a very good deal for anyone that doesn't need to game at 4K.