Anywhere Cheaper than $57.37 for Monoprice 8323 Headphones (Amazon Issues)?

Hi guys, I've decided that I want these Monoprice 8323 headphones which seem to be renowned for their combination of price/quality/sound at the price point … however it's the price that's ruining it, can only find $57.37AUD shipped on Amazon.…

Wierdly they're meant to be much cheaper than this: you may note that the price is $27.89 USD but the page has a 16 new from $12.87 USD link - which goes to a page with the cheapest price as $25. This agrees better with the official shops price of $15 USD:

Heidoc also lists the cheapest new price as $12.67…

So anyhow, I'll contact Amazon about that as I imagine it's an error but does anyone know a cheaper way to get these ATM?


  • +1

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    + $20.85 shipping from SHOPMEE

    • Oh … OK, now I feel a bit of a twit :p


  • Well dammit it seems I cannot get these for anything less than $57.37 delivered.

    Oh well, I'm pulling the trigger, cheers guys.

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