How Do I Stop Political Propaganda Mailed to Me?

Im receiving bullsh*t mailed to me. How do i stop them. is there dont mail me crap register? this mail was personally addressed to me, no one else in the family.


  • +1

    Register on the Association for Data-driven Marketing & Advertising's (External link) (ADMA) 'Do Not Mail' register to stop receiving mail from any businesses you don't currently deal with.

    Please note: Registrations only relate to ADMA member companies so may not stop all unwanted promotional mail. If you want to stop receiving mail from a specific business or businesses, then you will need to contact the business directly and advise them to take your name off their mailing list.


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      Political spam is an exception…. They spam us with impunity.

  • A couple of simple solutions here:

    1) Place an armed (preferably with a sword) security guard at your mailbox and defend it to the death.
    2) Move to the bush, de-register as a voter and live off the land
    3) Change your name to "Return Tosender"

    • +1

      3) receive mail addressed to return to sender :P

      • Every action has a reaction….

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    It'll be over by July.

    You could also email them saying that because of their actions you are donating to the other party (even if you actually don't) ;).

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    Technically you are paying for it, so you might as well receive it. I hate how much tax payers money is wasted during elections, most of it just slagging off their opponent and never actually educating us about what they are about.

    • I agree. I really dislike them telling us about how the other guy is worse.
      However I saw an documentary that says that it is more effective to negative campaign. People, on a whole are more likely to remember and react to the negative aspect of a government's "reign". In a nutshell it is scaremongering.

    • So what do you think of the parties threatening to hold another election if there is a hung parliament? I'd say their economic credibility goes down the drain.

      • I think elections should last no longer than is feasibly possible to facilitate one, meaning the logistics of holding the voting. If a politician needs an additional 12 weeks to convince me to vote for them, when they have had their entire careers to do so already, then its just a waste of tax payers dollars.

        • +1

          Worse yet when they use tax payer money to donate to their own campaigns.

        • @scupper: Holy crap, surely that could not happen.

        • @3 Hyenas: Read up on Parakeelia and the Libs.

        • @scupper: Christ that's depressing.

  • +1

    Cancel your subscription to the Tele or the Australian.

  • You could hammer a yard sign of another party into your front lawn to dissuade political letter droppers. A big poster showing your support for the non-partisan Australian Sex Party.

    I don't mind the political junk mail. It allows me to gauge which parties have the biggest advertising expenditure.

    Some ideas:
    - put the pamplets aside.
    - enjoy drawing naughty body parts over the photos.
    - use them to play darts, archery, knife throwing.
    - use them as fire kindling.
    - public voodoo sex rituals infront of your lawn sign.
    - all of the above.

    Politics and political advertising doesn't have to be boring. At the very least you can re-use them for your own anti-political advertising to remind you/family/friends how you dislike the main parties. I think of it as a gift that they entrusted me with the free use of their image … now they can suffer the consequences. MWHAHAHAHA.

  • +3

    How do i stop them.

    You can't.

    is there dont mail me crap register?

    Political letters are exempt from these kind of registers.

    Your best bet would be to speak to your local member in person and ask them to exclude you. That may work. But probably easier to just bin them like 99% of us.

    I agree it's blooming irritating though!

  • +1

    I really don't understand why we can't opt out of receiving this junk. You can opt out of junk mail, you can opt out of the community newspapers and yet you can't stop the flood of political junk in letterboxes. It is a tremendous waste of resources.

  • Just write on "return to sender your propaganda is not welcome at this home". I have done this in the past to a certain party I would never support; eventually no more mail addressed to me from them.

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