Ubisoft is offering one of their "classic" game per month for 7months to celebrate their 30th birthday.
This month offering is Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
Requires Uplay to reclaim the games.
Ubisoft is offering one of their "classic" game per month for 7months to celebrate their 30th birthday.
This month offering is Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
Requires Uplay to reclaim the games.
depends if you find the idea of a Prince of Persian descent Politically Correct or not.
Great find, thanks OP.
I'm on a Mac now but I know this is a great deal… going up!
I'm sure your mac could easily handle classic gaming. Just setup a boot camp partition.
It can but its a Macbook Air with only 64gb ssd. So no space for all this :(
Buy a usb3 hdd or portable ssd and install Windows onto that. You can boot off it by holding option while turning the laptop on with the USB drive plugged in.
I've got an older iMac with boot camp - best of both worlds!
What year is your iMac?
The 2009 and 2010 iMacs support display input via the mDP port. I've been using my 2010 as a display for my gaming PC since I got it, although I did have to upgrade my gaming PC from a 5770 to a 6950 at the time as the iMacs needed DP 1.2 or 1.1a which my 5770 did not have.
I still use OSX iMac when doing light work, as it only draws 80w from the wall for the computer & 27" 2560x1440, but load up the gaming PC when I want to game.
I also use a Belkin Flip KVM so I can use my G710+ and MX Master on both.
I strongly recommend using the iMac as a display for a gaming PC over using bootcamp if your iMac supports it.
mDP port? Think it's 2011 - would love to use it as a monitor! I'll have to look into it (got any info/links that could help?)
mDP is mini Display Port - it's what Thunderbolt uses now. Before Thunderbolt used the mDP standard, the connector/cable was just called mDP. DP is a different transmission protocol than Thunderbolt so whilst they share a connector and cable standard, they don't necessarily share backwards compatibility (depends on the hardware). It's a fantastic standard, much better than HDMI due to more bandwidth, no licensing fees and a smaller connector/cable.
I'm at work now so I can't dig too much, but you want to search for 'Target Display Mode'.
Please note that Apple did remove this function from some versions of OSX and may have reintroduced it the next version, or next incremental update. It's really finicky and very hard to get information about this, there's a lot of trial and error with getting the right OSX version for your iMac without losing target display mode functionality.
I do know that 10.8.5 works great (function keys still work in target display mode which is important for controlling brightness and sound) with my 2010 iMac.
You have a 27" Mac yeah, 2560x1440 H-IPS display? What GPU do you have? If you have a 48XX or 57XX then you are golden, if you have the 69XX then you may have problems, and from what I've read every newer iMac after 2011 won't support target display mode, although searching now looks as though the 69XX might be OK. I have a 2011 iMac next to me now (on a 2013 12 core Mac Pro at the moment), I'd check to see if it would work but I have a feeling even if it would work, that because both devices are Thunderbolt capable that it won't be an indication on if the 2011 iMac would work with a mDP signal (which is what would be coming out of a gaming PC GPU, rather than the Thunderbolt coming out of the Fire Pro GPUs in this Mac Pro).
The iMac is glorious to use as a gaming monitor though. I've had it since 2010 and I don't see any reason to change until a 34" 3440x1440 IPS/OLED 120+HZ displays are less than $700. Even then, I sometimes use the iMac to render/transcode videos as I am gaming on it as a PC display - which makes it really useful to be able to do 2x intense tasks in different operating systems on separate hardware with just one mouse/keyboard & monitor.
I'll keep an eye on this thread if you respond with questions, glad to help out as it's a pretty kick ass setup to have, and most people who have an older iMac have no idea how useful it remains. The low power draw is still super relevant. Prices on eBay haven't factored this in.
@c0balt: thanks for the detailed info. It looks simple - my Mac is before thunderbolt (when they still had CD drives) so it should work. This has always been one reason I'm reluctant to upgrade - this is awesome!
The 2011 iMac has Thunderbolt (still has a CD drive), but that still might work.
The best way to check would be if you can borrow a friends computer that has mDP on the GPU to test it out. Unless you find out that you have a 2009 or 2010 iMac, in which case it will work.
The cable you are after is something like this.
this is all very interesting read, thank you for the post!
the problem i see straight away is what modern gaming video card has mini DP?
sorry, but 48XX or 57XX was a gaming card 6 years ago…
Every modern video card supports Display Port, some have mDP connectors on the back and some normal size. It's a very common standard.
It's the older iMacs that have those GPUs which definitely can be used as monitors for devices that have display port 1.2.
If you have one, or can find one cheap, they make great monitors and can also be used as a normal iMac :)
@millusions: Modern GFX cards have the full sized displayport and you can get a cable that goes from displayport -> minidisplayport and use that on them :)
Thanks OP :)
Uplay isn't that bad, people just hate anything that isn't steam.
You understand us so well!
As one of the members that lost their account (and therefore their games… including ones bought through steam) during the last hack attack against uPlay… and then they demanded you go through hoops to get your account back, I gave up with them.
Uplay has been through two serious breaches of security (as well as dozens of smaller ones) and their response to suffering members was poor at best. They simply didn't care.
How about 2fa, ubi?
Yes this offer shows up on uCrap but clicking on it does nothing. The only surprising thing here is that Ubicrap have survived 30 years.
It should open a web browser to the ubiclub page, where you then click on a checkbox and click a button, relaunch uplay and it is added in your games.
Free games is always great but I doubt any of them will be games I haven't already finished 😀
Sands of time is awesome. I'm jealous of those who haven't played it yet.
Had to use a guide for one specific puzzle though.
Good find OP, I still reckon this is the best Prince of Persia game they made (IMO) although soundtrack for 'Warrior Within made that title pretty memorable too. Also tidbit of info for those that didn't know, the Assassins Creed games wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the success of this title. The gameplay concepts they made and learnt from Prince of Persia 'Sands of Time' series went on to become a whole new franchise unto itself.
Totally agree… PoP WW was fantastic. The last one the did was terrible though…
It's true, AC in its infancy was a new Prince of Persia game before they decided to spin it as a new IP instead.
The Prince of Persia reboot (colourful and never dying) and Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands both use the Assassin's Creed Anvil engine :)
Interestingly enough Rainbow Six Siege uses a version of the same engine (AnvilNext)
Good find
Downloading now
You're not going to convert me to your platform with this, Ubi. I'd rather my paid-for DRM free GOG copy.
Uplay needs to go.
What's your problem with Uplay?
I've never had any issues with it. No spam. Responsive. Just like steam but a separate client.
My computer can handle an extra icon ;)
My problem with Uplay is that I can never remember my log in name or password, same with Origin.
My Steam ID has been the same for over 10 years, and I hate the name young me chose.
I hate them all equally on that regard, either I can't remember my name or I hate it.
Lastpass. I don't remember any of my stupid login names and passwords, but I can use every single one of them easily.
Simple economics. Stricter control over pricing, which then gets abused by the publisher.
Someone always asks that. I think it's exceedingly obvious, but I did study commerce.
The reason it happens less (it does still happen) with Steam is because their platform is flooded with titles all vying for your dollar. Publishers are forced to deep discount to gain your attention. If steam only had Valve games it would suffer the same problem.
If you had any idea what you were talking about you would know that you can buy the majority of titles either
A) from a DVDrom and install
B) from key reselling sites like green man gaming or cjskeys
C) from Ubisoft
D) older games could be purchased through steam but run through Ubisoft (ala some assassins creed games)
Thus you can get whatever you want stupid cheap irrespective of it running through UPlay or not.
Thank you for informing us all you studied commerce. 10/10 job there
For how long?
Ubi have no interest in maintaining competitors. Thats the way they are edging. Once brick and mortar stores die (and they will, once the next generations are accustomed to digital-only) they can be the monopoly they desire.
Oh, foresight! Snap!
I'll bet you're the guy that buys Coles brand products only.
Mate just stop. It's one thing to be ignorant but to keep plodding on blindly when you are so very very wrong is, well, embarrassing.
I like how UPlay Rewards gives you free DLC just for unlocking achievements, that's something Steam and Origin are both lacking.
I like how Origin gives away "on the house" and gametime time limited preview access to the full games rather than a cutdown demo version.
I think there is definitely room in the market for multiple platforms.
Will someone post this again next month? I'll probably forget to check again.
Based on this getting 100+ votes, yes it will get posted when the new game comes in. Might be marked as Dupe then deleted but there will be punters.
Ok thanks can't miss out on the free games!
or you can use set the Reminder on this deal page to remind you next month
I'll try to update the post next month (and the following months), not sure how to bump it up though.
Game and format (PC) in title, please.
Next month game in title and it won't be marked as a dupe.
My guesses on what the games are:
Good guesses.
I hope it's assassins creed 2 instead of 1. Both good but 2 is better IMHo
AC2 was brilliant - streets ahead of the snore-fest that was the first game. Unfortunately, none of the sequels ever got any better - though a special mention to Black Flag's sailing mechanics.
I was never impressed with the world-roaming, and now ignore the franchise. Especially since it's on a yearly release cycle, it became an uninspired churnfest
AC2 probably was the best.
I still find myself singing the sea shantys in my head from time to time…
@justtoreply: Yeah the annual release schedule with a lack of innovation fatigued me real quick. I also now ignore it.
Haha made me laugh. Shockingly accurate.
No 2 apparently is Splinter Cell 1… Your guess is not very far off.
Thanks OP!
Nice find, thanks op :)
Can someone help me please? Where is this game in the store? I can't find it anywhere. Not even using the search field is turning up anything.
Couldn't find it either when I manually searched for it. I got it by logging in to my account first (in a new tab) and then clicked on the link the OP provided. Make sure to select the tickbox and then "get game." I still couldn't see it on the website after that but it was present in my Uplay app.
Thanks for trying to help mate. Slightly relieved to know it was not just me. I am however still quite concerned about just how much is missing from the store right now. Here is hoping they will re-appear soon!
Thanks OP - got my first Uplay game. I still have my original Xbox and actually purchased this a few months ago as had an urge to replay it after finding the save file on the console.
Was intending to buy the rest in the trilogy and maybe Beyond Good And Evil if I found a cheap enough but now might wait to see what else they will bring out.
Thanks OP. +1
I loved Sands of Time and totally just downloaded this. I think the best in the series was the Wii-only game The Forgotten Sands. It's got the same name as a game on Xbox 360 and PS3, but a different story and a great story and gameplay.
It is July now and their website is still offering the same game as last month. Or is it only me?
It says it will change mid month (so by the start of next week).
Official date is 13th July, but that could be US timezone as well, so worst case should be up by 14th July for us.
New game is up "Splinter Cell"
Nice.. Thank you for letting us all know!
So, PC?