Hi folks. Once again I come to oz-bargainers with a problem. I have a Logitech mouse and a Fellowes mouse pad, one of those with a rest for your wrist. The problem is the mouse seems to stick on the pad. I have changed the batteries in the mouse, cleaned the mouse and pad with metho, that made it worse, so I sprayed Mr Sheen on the pad, and I'm back to where I started. I read about using paper as a pad, the mouse wont work then. I'm sure that someone has had this problem before and can help. Thanks for reading this.
Computer Mouse Sticking

SuperMick on 13/06/2016 - 16:24
Go to eBay or Aliexpress
Search "mouse feet" or "mouse skates"
order, stick on and enjoy.
Use your other hand.
Thanks for your help scrimshaw and supnigs. I have just purchased the mouse feet. Thanks again
You probably have an old mouse pad. Try using another one and see if it works. If not what you could try is replacing the mouse. I think it's because the Teflon feet stickers have come off the mouse