Limit of 1 use per person
Sizable discount, should be something there :)
Kingston 128GB Data Traveler USB Flash Drive (USB3.0) - $49.98 Shipped (after voucher)
2x Laser - WiFi Adaptor for Audio Speaker System - $39.80 Shipped ($19.95 each)
Limit of 1 use per person
Sizable discount, should be something there :)
Kingston 128GB Data Traveler USB Flash Drive (USB3.0) - $49.98 Shipped (after voucher)
2x Laser - WiFi Adaptor for Audio Speaker System - $39.80 Shipped ($19.95 each)
Had 2 emails receive the code :)
What does this even mean?
Spackbace means to say that it is generic.
plus the expensive postage cost, $10 for the adaptor.
well done.
Sorry - your Promo Code JUNE30 was not validated Promotion not valid - order total must be more than 50.00
I just saw, and repeated with another account, the way of doing it. You need to add enough items to get the cart over $50, apply voucher, then remove the items and add your <$20 item. Code will be already applied, so just click through checkout
Likely won't be honoured, but hey :)
what you linked for the freebie a few comments above this
Cool :) I ordered 2, wasn't gonna push it beyond that lol and both have been sent out with tracking numbers :)
Didn't work… screenshot?
I just saw, and repeated with another account, the way of doing it. You need to add enough items to get the cart over $50, apply voucher, then remove the items and add your <$20 item. Code will be already applied, so just click through checkout
Likely won't be honoured, but hey :)
I don't get it. It asks for your cc details but after clicking through the invoice says you haven't paid? :S
Well… guess what I just discovered… the $50 minimum spend isn't applying!
I dobbing you in to Moira lol :)
worked for me :) & processed :) thx hehe
trying to do that, wont allow me to hit the 'complete the purchase' button. click it and nothing happens..
( tried firefox and worked thanks )
yeah that happened to me on chrome android. works on chrome mac for me
Thanks alot Spackbace just received this.
Good deal mate.
Just bought the Vornado 533 for only $49 plus shipping…
Twice the price at Harvey Norman and very rare to see on sale.
Been after one of these for a long time.
Thanks OP
Got one too.
Great fan!
i'm a fan of the Vornados too! Thanks!
@thushan I see what you did there.
thank you, bought 1, $64.85 delivered
Yep, great deal. I have the 633 and use it on stage all the time, the 533 is pretty impressive for it's size!
Thanks OP, had my eye on something and been unsure if I needed it, with $30 of a selling price of $60, I pulled the trigger.
What was it?
It was a collectable car.
No, you didn't need it ;)
I ordered akai soundbars, an error was coming up however got the confirmation from paypal. Wondering if I would get the item or refund?
Does the order show up when you go to My TVSN?
yes it does, but I havent received any email from them.
yeah they don't send email receipts. you can get a receipt by pressing 'Print Receipt' and then get it emailed to you by pressing 'Email Receipt'
How do you know what I needed or did not? I do know that the 11 year old recipient will be over the moon on when he receives it in 2 weeks.
lol so hard to spend $50 when there is nothing really of substance to buy :(
Update: What a joke. Added 4 <$20 items. Checkout charges $4.95 for each item.
the $30 discount became only $10. Not worth it.
Someone needs to list the entire $50-$60 items on the site lol
Error: "Voucher already claimed. Cops dispatched."
Somehow it's giving me $60 credit when I enter the code. I have bought stuff there before so I don't know whether it's a glitch or not.
Same here. Did it go through? Got PayPal confirmation (says pending) but no order shows up in TVSN.
I didn't end up ordering anything LOL. I was tempted by the Bose Solo TV speaker but added it to a mental wishlist instead.
I had the same glitch but then the payment didn't go through. It asked to contact them…
After several hours credit changed to $30
Ahh. My credit kept going up, but couldn't order. In the finish I rang and got it sorted. Got the DLINK AV500 powerline adapters for $29.95 delivered.
Also, the credit comes off the P&H as well.
Nice one.
Thanks OP. Just bought some items even though i didn't get the email.
Here's hoping they honour the order.
They won't honor gift cards bought via coupon codes. It's in the terms and conditions of every promo like this
I swear I saw it somewhere recently
Those Laser Wifi adaptors would be great, but no Google Play Music compatibility (without paid app and root). Would be 1/3 the price of google chromecast audio.
Looks like we might get those orders after all. Mine have all gone to be picked
Hmm same. Still won't believe it till I get it lol
25 orders?! Jees
twelve $25 gift cards not 25 orders lol
Still, 12…! Lol
So…'re expecting to get $300 worth of gift cards for free? Umm….good luck with that.
Well, not expecting, hoping :)
Both my orders are showing dispatched!
If you score $300 free, I think you owe me a drink :P
@Spackbace Or some Eneloops ;)
Mine was cancelled today
@edrift Wow, really? Could you post a screenshot?
One of mine was see here It hadn't gone to dispatched. Made orders after it that were dispatched. Item is still showing as in stock. On the same account I can add it and get to the point of paying for it. They didn't notify me that it had been cancelled.
Yeah same deal as Miss B below.
Note that the order was a freebie one. I've tried putting through another order with a small amount to pay I'll see if that goes through
My tracking had that and still arrived today. I also got emails saying the orders were cancelled. My ones that said Cancelled - Fraud, have changed to Cancelled - Customer Service.
I got 3 orders this morning and the other 2 orders planned to be delivered today were returned to sender because address not know…….
A couple of laptop bags and a couple of USB sticks. Thanks for the post :)
Still wondering whether they're planning to do anything given they've said the orders are cancelled? But looks like I've got the items.
Well I doubt any of us are gonna get the freebie deals. For paid postage, I would expect them to ship the item on the same day or the next. My item has not been shipped yet, only selected for picking. Anybody with a shipped status yet?
I'm guessing they don't ship on weekends, and today is a public holiday. Hopefully will be sent tomorrow.
Well i hope so too.. Its sad that the $25 gift card is unavailable anymore. Dunno if it ran out of stock or if they caught on to the loophole :(
Order status - fully dispatched :o
Email received with tracking number! Wooooo
8 orders of mine show fully dispatched though I didn't get tracking email…..still couldn't believe it
Jees, what did you order?
(1 of my orders has received tracking email, the other one hasn't)
Some cheap staff below $30 LOL
I have received an email today for one of the free bluetooth headphones. However got charged for the soundbars but no conformation email yet.
My 2nd order got a dispatch email :) I'm happy with the 2 orders, and they'll both get used :)
Same here. All twelve of my $25 gift card orders are fully dispatched, as well as my headphone and usb orders!
Says Referred - Order Extended on mine- could it be the end?
Of free stuff…? Possibly. They've probably gotten back into the office, allowed those made up till today, plugging the gap for those made today onwards.
When did you place the order?
Mine says the same, Referred - Order Extended. I ordered on the 12th.
I have my doubts on the shipping status. Even though I see a "fully dispatched" status, when I try to buy anything else on the website i'm greeted with the following message: "Unfortunately your account is on Referral. No Orders can be accepted at this time"
Anybody else facing the same issue?
1 free order showing "fully dispatched".
But paid order on my Father's account (only have PayPal receipt with their order number) does not show under orders or search by date or order number. The only sign I bought anything is the $30 voucher value has all been used :-(
Paid order was cancelled without notice - just checked PayPal account (11/6, $35 item plus postage, using code cost $14.85) :-(
Seems my mistake was to pay excess payment by PayPal, which then needed further processing by their site. Wish I'd paid by credit card.
Free order on its way :-)
In transit
Processed through Australia Post facility
1:20 pm Wed 15 Jun
Granville, NSW
Sorry - your Promo Code JUNE30 was not validated Promotion has expired
Seems like they have found this loophole
Same here.
My order was dispatched today. Note: I did order an item over $50 and got the $30 off!
My first order was cancelled and my second is showing as dispatched - beats me as to how they worked out which ones to cancel!
My ones I received a tracking email for are saying Cancelled - Fraud here. Did anyone else get that? Thinking of just not accepting delivery, just in case.
Wow, mine are showing normal order
Might find it doesn't require signing on delivery…?
If they wanted to stop the delivery, they could've, I'm sure their system isn't that automated!
This was on t&c, can you still use this code even if you didn't receive this email?