Electricity Deregulation Coming to QLD on 01/07/2016. Origin increasing prices by 5-6%

Electricity Deregulation Coming to QLD on 01.07.16.
Origin increasing prices by 5-6%
After the politicians told us that prices will not increase with deregulation:
Peak usage from 24.4618c/Kwh to 25.586c/Kwh
Controlled load 1 from 13.6928c/Kwh to 15.862c/Kwh
Controlled load 2 from 20.7592c/Kwh to 21.956c/Kwh
Daily Supply charge from 128.0378c/day to 128.117c/day

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Origin Energy
Origin Energy


  • Controlled load 2 is barely worth it anymore… when I first converted things to controlled load it was about half the price of normal usage, now it's almost the same price!

    I really wish I'd installed a much bigger solar system when we got ours. I don't want to increase it now though because of my 50c FIT eligibility.

    • 50c FIT? wow! makes our 7c FIT look poor indeed (nsw)

      • Yeah, it's export only though (net). At the time I think NSW had 60c on all generation (gross)! Oh how the times have changed…

    • You may want to check your installation. Some installers put in a larger inverter than the number of panels you have. If that is the case, you believe you can add more solar panels without affecting your 50c FIT.

      • Yeah, not the case here unfortunately… the panel output matches the inverter.

        • +1

          If I had 50c FIT I would add a few extra panels so that my inverter was running at capacity as often as possible (morning and afternoon, cloudy etc.) , a bit like overclocking.

        • @mskeggs:
          Yeah - to be fair I have thought about that. I should probably get a quote and see how much we can add and the cost/benefit of doing so. I think there is easily room for another three panels up there.

  • +1

    lousy sleazebag politicians lying to us again!

    • More a case of campaining politicians shooting from the hip.. = Promise first to suck in the voters then work out the finances later. OOPs… we can't afford that, but not my problem.
      The NBN FTTP "promise" was the same..

    • oh, ok, Lousy "complicit" sleaze-bag politicians lying to us again

  • +1

    politicians told us that prices will not increase with deregulation


      Do you mean we should not believe what our HONOURABLE politicians tell us???
      That is extremely disrespectful… ;-)

      • I kek'd

      • You should always believe what an honourable politician tells you,please let us know when you find one :)

  • Solar battery storage systems and go off-grid? Backup diesel generator for days where solar energy is not enough.

    • +1

      That would probably end up being a lot more expensive than the grid.

      • +1

        I don't know man. Battery storage system prices will come down just as solar panels prices have, electricity prices keep going up, eventually the costs will meet.

        • +2

          You are right, eventually, but not just yet. The problem is that once too many people will start leaving the grid the government will come up with some sort of tax, levy or compliance fee for people that produce their own electricity.

        • @maxi: Sadly, I think you might be right. I am sure they will sneak in a levy in our council rates somehow.

        • +1

          Origin have already introduced a daily charge for having solar which didn't exist before…

        • @Evil-Elmo:
          Yes.. some energy resellers have exclusions for people on solar when they have special offers.

      • +1

        It is about a 20 year payback.

        • i read that recently as well.

        • +1

          20 years payback is crazy. 6-7 years may be worth. Just.
          Anything more is not. Especially with technology and items that are likely to need replacement or be obsolete within 10 years.

        • +1

          In NSW with 7c FIT it is just a waste of money… never recoup the cost when you consider panel life / replacement and the odd inverter replacement. All you are doing is filling the pockets of the solar system sellers and providing dirt cheap power to the energy supplier at cost to you.
          Not how it was meant to be.
          If the initial FITs were not so rediculously high they might have been able to settle on a more realistic and sustainable FIT that would benefit all.

    • Biodiesel

  • +2

    After the politicians told us that prices will not increase with deregulation:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. No seriously stop acting like the rest of the braindead population and don't listen to politicians, all that matters is their past actions.

    As their past actions have shown privatisation means consumers get screwed with massively higher prices (Victoria: prices tripled last 3 years. SA: highest electrticity prices in the ENTIRE WORLD). In both cases consumers were promised lower prices through competition which is a fantasy. Get ready to be screwed and I mean REALLY screwed: they're taking much more of your money - and time, because good luck comparing prices, you are in for many hours of maths if you can even understand it which many do not.

    It's about time Australia's braindead population woke up and realised that politicians only act for the wealthiest people in Australia, not the voters. All they are interested in doing is enriching themselves by taking money from other even wealthier people to allow them to become even wealthier at the expense of everyone else.

    And here's Four Corners a few weeks ago explaining exactly how it happens:


    (Yes this ^^ is illegal, no they aren't going to jail and most of them are ASKING FOR YOU TO VOTE FOR THEM THIS ELECTION).

    • +1

      I know, I know always the same story…
      I was just hoping for someone to come up with a cheaper alternative to Origin that I missed.
      And yes I did all the comparing calculations.
      And yes they try to screw you on the prices and discounts as well because they only advertise the discount % but it is very difficult to find the actual base unit price for all of them.

  • I think that when politicians are caught in a lie, they should have to forfeit their ridiculous pensions.

    • And be sent to the now almost empty Manus Island detention centre?

    • No no no… if you are a politician and screw up an entire country you are 100% immune to prosecution.
      Now if someone smokes a cigar under your desk… different story.. ha ha

  • +2

    After the politicians told us that prices will not increase with deregulation

    Of course they won't increase, in face the increased competition will cause them to decrease! The consumers will be better off! SA only has higher prices because they focus on untested and bogus technology and that "climate change" science scam.

    Ok, so can I get my politician pension now?

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